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Issues Indigenous Peoples related News
Displaying 133 - 144 of 675
7 November 2019
Chileans have been taking to the streets around the country to protest economic inequality and a democratic system set up after the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet that many say is not responding to people's needs. Indigenous Mapuche protesting in Temuco, a city 420 miles south of the capital of
4 November 2019
There are at least 362,450 landless indigenous people in the state and at least 40 lakh without land pattas The Bhumi Adhikar Sangram Samiti, Assam, and the Guwahati Mati Pattakaran Sangram Samiti on Monday unanimously criticised the Assam government’s decision to adopt a new land policy which
2 November 2019
GENEVA - The U.N. human rights office is lambasting the Colombian government for failing to stop massacres of indigenous peoples by criminal gangs.   The latest atrocity occurred Tuesday in Tacueyo in Northern Cauca in southwest Colombia. Criminal groups trying to enter indigenous ancestral lands
1 November 2019
When members of the White Earth band of Ojibwe in Minnesota take out their canoes to harvest wild rice, they're gathering a source of nourishment and following a tradition that has connected them to the land for generations.   But to the White Earth people, manoomin isn't just a resource to be used
31 October 2019
When undisturbed tropical forests are lost the long-term impact on carbon emissions is dramatically higher than earlier estimates suggest, according to a new study. Between 2000 and 2013, about 7 percent of the world’s intact tropical forests were destroyed, leading not just to direct carbon
30 October 2019
University, religious, sports and other gatherings often begin with an Indigenous Land acknowledgement. For instance, this article was written in Montréal, or Tiohtiá:ke, on the traditional and unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk), a place which has long served as a site of meeting and
23 October 2019
Last Tuesday, a group of about 100 women from rural counties converged on the Christian Leadership Centre, otherwise known as Ufungamano House, in Nairobi for one of those rare moments when they get to “talk to the world” about what they do and, hopefully, be heard. While their live audience was
2 October 2019
Conflicts across Asia are increasing due to clashes with industry, social exclusion, discrimination and historical disenfranchisement Udaipur — Women, lower-caste and indigenous people across Asia are failing to benefit from land reform laws because of custom and deep-rooted social biases, land
29 September 2019
he Northern Territory government released its long overdue draft Aboriginal justice agreement (AJA) this month.
27 September 2019
A film about one of the world's last hunter-gatherer tribes living in Malaysia's rainforest premiers on Thursday, with its indigenous actors urging authorities to formally grant them land rights after a decades-long battle. Paradise War, which debuts at the Zurich Film Festival, follows the 1984
26 September 2019
The climate crisis threatens to dramatically alter people's relationships with the land on which they rely. Meanwhile, many climate solutions are themselves land-intensive: solar and wind energy, carbon dioxide sequestration, and finding places for people displaced by climate change to live and
26 September 2019
The Indonesian government is failing to protect the rights of Indigenous peoples who have lost their traditional forests and livelihoods to oil palm plantations in West Kalimantan and Jambi provinces, Human Rights Watch said in a report. Loss of forest occurs on a massive scale and not only harms

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