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Issues Indigenous Peoples related News
Displaying 481 - 492 of 676
25 January 2017
By:Nicholas Parkinson Date: 23 January 2017 Source: Intercontinental Cry AN INDIGENOUS YUKPA COMMUNITY STRIVES TO RECOVER ITS LAND AFTER YEARS OF CONFLICT A community of indigenous Yukpa saw their land reduced to a third of what it once was due to violence and intimidation. Now Colombia’s Land
20 January 2017
Date: 18 January 2017 Source: Telesur A peaceful demonstrator was shot dead during a protest in an Indigenous community. An activist was killed Tuesday in Guatemala during a clash between protesters and police at a demonstration led by Indigenous community members who oppose the construction
20 January 2017
By:  RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil has announced changes to the procedure for demarcating indigenous lands in a move campaign groups fear will weaken the land rights of communities facing mounting pressure from illegal logging and big agricultural operations. Under the decree, demarcation of
19 January 2017
Date: 19 January 2017 Source: The Guardian Many believe the fight to combat climate change hinges on the aligned interests of capital and state. Give the Elon Musks of the world enough time and resources and they will innovate us out of impending climate catastrophe. Get the G20 in a room and they
15 January 2017
Indigenous battles to defend nature have taken to the streets, leading to powerful mobilizations like the gathering at Standing Rock. They have also taken to the courts, through the development of innovative legal ways of protecting nature. In Ecuador, Bolivia and New Zealand, indigenous activism
BY CHRIS ARSENAULT TORONTO, Nov 24 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A potential trade pact between the European Union and Guyana must contain land rights protections for local residents in order to avert the possible displacement of indigenous people, activists said on Tuesday. Rising trade in
By: UCAN, Daily Star Date: February 17th 2016 Source: Vaticana Radio
By: Omaira Bolanos Date: April 1st 2016 Source:  Washington Post Letter to the editors
By: Sharon Ling Date: June 21st 2016 Source: The Star Online KUCHING: PKR politician Bill Kayong, who was shot dead in Miri on Tuesday morning, was a “fearless” advocate of native land rights. Sarawak PKR chairman Baru Bian (pic) said Kayong, 43, was a vocal activist for Sarawak’s indigenous
Date: 27 September 2016 Source: National Indigenous Time There were continuing and relentless attempts to undermine native title in WA’s Kimberley region, a new Oxfam global report pushing for the land rights of Indigenous peoples across the world has found. The Custodians of our Land, Defenders of
Research shows that indigenous peoples and communities manage their forests and other ecosystems well if they have secure rights over their land. Because healthy ecosystems deliver a whole suite of services — from timber to nonforest products to carbon mitigation — it’s in the broadest public

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