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Displaying 73 - 84 of 614

Promoting Agricultural Growth in Rwanda : Recent Performance, Challenges and Opportunities

September, 2014

Rwanda is experiencing its best
growth performance since independence. With average annual
GDP growth rate of 8 percent and 5.2 percent for
agricultural GDP from 1999-2012, Rwanda s recent growth is a
historical record. The poverty headcount fell from 59
percent in 2001 to 45 percent in 2011, and agriculture
continues to be one of the main drivers of growth and
poverty reduction in Rwanda, significantly lifting rural

Brazil Country Program Evaluation, FY2004-11 : Evaluation of the World Bank Group Program

November, 2014

This country program evaluation (CPE)
evaluates World Bank Group (International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), or the Bank,
International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral
Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) operations in Brazil from
FY2004 through FY2011. It seeks to answer two questions: to
what extent was the Bank Group program relevant to
Brazil's development needs?, and how effective were

World Bank Group Engagement in Resource-Rich Developing Countries

January, 2016

This report by the Independent
Evaluation Group (IEG) summarizes the experiences of and
draws lessons from the country program evaluations of four
natural resource-rich countries: the Plurinational State of
Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia. It concludes that
although the challenges identified in these countries are
not unique, they manifest themselves with particular
intensity in three closely interrelated areas that need to

Urbanization and the Geography of Development

April, 2014

This paper focuses on several
interrelated key questions on the geography of development.
Although we herald cities with their industrial bases as
'engines of growth,' does industrialization in
fact drive urbanization?1 What economic activities do cities
of different sizes undertake? Does this change as countries
develop? If so, what are the policy implications? Do
development policies have a big-city bias? If so, what does

Indonesia : Avoiding the Trap

July, 2014

Within the next two decades Indonesia
aspires to generate prosperity, avoid a middle-income trap
and leave no one behind as it tries to catch up with
high-income economies. These are ambitious goals. Realizing
them requires sustained high growth and job creation, as
well as reduced inequality. Can Indonesia achieve them? This
report argues that the country has the potential to rise and
become more prosperous and equitable. But the risk of

A Dynamic Spatial Model of Rural-Urban Transformation with Public Goods

October, 2014

This paper develops a dynamic model that
explains the pattern of population and production allocation
in an economy with an urban location and a rural one.
Agglomeration economies make urban dwellers benefit from a
larger population living in the city and urban firms become
more productive when they operate in locations with a larger
labor force. However, congestion costs associated with a too
large population size limit the process of urban-rural

Evaluation of World Bank Programs in Afghanistan, 2002-11

September, 2013

Despite extremely difficult security conditions, which deteriorated markedly after 2006, the World Bank Group has commendably established and sustained a large program of support to the country. While World Bank Group strategy has been highly relevant to Afghanistan's situation, beginning in 2006 the strategies can have gone further in adapting ongoing programs to evolving opportunities and needs and in programming activities sufficient to achieve the objectives of the pillars in those strategies.

Ukraine : Opportunities and Challenges for Private Sector Development

January, 2014

Ukraine has untapped growth potential.
Ukraine has one of the most fertile agricultural lands in
the world, an attractive geographical location in Europe,
bordering the European Union, the largest market in the
world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than $16
trillion, and a large domestic market of almost 50 million
consumers. This note argues that the stunted growth of the
private sector goes a long way in explaining Ukraine's

Sierra Leone Growth Pole Diagnostic : The Growth Poles Program

August, 2014

This First Phase Report on Sierra Leone
growth poles is the result of a 9 months consultative
process led by the Office of the President which
specifically requested that the output of this diagnostic be
in an engaging format. The fundamental concept of growth
poles is that they exploit agglomeration economies and
spillover effects to spread resulting prosperity from the
core of the pole to the periphery. At the basis of this

Indonesia - Avoiding the Trap : Development Policy Review 2014

August, 2014

Within the next two decades Indonesia
aspires to generate prosperity, avoid a middle-income trap,
and leave no one behind as it tries to catch up with
high-income economies. Can Indonesia achieve them? This
report argues that the country has the potential to rise and
become more prosperous and equitable. But the risk of
floating in the middle is real. Which pathway the economy
will take depends on: (i) the adoption of a growth strategy

Socialist Republic of Vietnam : Results-Based National Urban Development Program in the Northern Mountains Region

September, 2014

The proposed Results-Based National
Urban Development Program in the Northern Mountains Region
(RBNUDP-NM or the Program ) will assist the Government of
Vietnam in developing the implementation framework for its
national urban program. It will do this by piloting a
performance-based transfer system that will provide
participating cities with a combination of much needed
resources along with a clarification of implementation

Creating Jobs in Africa's Fragile States : Are Value Chains an Answer?

September, 2013

What is the relationship between
employment and conflict in fragile states? Although this
question cannot be definitively answered, a large body of
research suggests that in countries emerging from conflict,
peace is likelier to endure if growth can be rapidly
restored and translated into economic opportunities for
large segments of the population. With a focus on
Sub-Saharan Africa, this report attempts to address the