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There are 2, 239 content items of different types and languages related to land cover on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1297 - 1308 of 2218

Exploring biodiversity in a metropolitan area in the Mediterranean region: The urban and suburban flora of Rome (Italy)

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

This work provides an overview of plant diversity in the municipality of Rome (Italy) through an assessment of the flora in urban and suburban sectors of the city. It is aimed at providing the knowledge required to support proactive action for plant conservation. On the basis of a literature-derived catalogue and of an extensive survey campaign, the flora was investigated in terms of conservation interest; habitat types and locations that require protection measures were identified according to the occurrence of valuable native plants.

Bi-scale analysis of multitemporal land cover fractions for wetland vegetation mapping

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

Land cover fractions (LCFs) derived through spectral mixture analysis are useful in understanding sub-pixel information. However, few studies have been conducted on the analysis of time-series LCFs. Although multi-scale comparisons of spectral index, hard classification, and land surface temperature images have received attention, rarely have these approaches been applied to LCFs.

Temporal stability and variability of field scale soil moisture on mountainous hillslopes in Northeast Asia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013
Republic of Korea

Soil moisture is a crucial component in the hydrologic cycle. The analysis of soil moisture variability is challenging because soil moisture is dependent on physical factors such as: antecedent precipitation, soil texture, land cover, and topography. This study investigated soil moisture variability, validated the utility of temporal stability analysis for measuring areal mean soil moisture, and identified factors that were strongly related to temporal stability characteristics at small mountainous sites in Northeast Asia.

Long term land cover and seagrass mapping using Landsat and object-based image analysis from 1972 to 2010 in the coastal environment of South East Queensland, Australia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

Long term global archives of high-moderate spatial resolution, multi-spectral satellite imagery are now readily accessible, but are not being fully utilised by management agencies due to the lack of appropriate methods to consistently produce accurate and timely management ready information. This work developed an object-based remote sensing approach to map land cover and seagrass distribution in an Australian coastal environment for a 38year Landsat image time-series archive (1972–2010).

Invasion of an Exotic Shrub into Forested Stands in an Agricultural Matrix

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

We investigated the relative importance of stand and landscape characteristics in the invasion of a nonnative shrub, Amur honeysuckle, in 40 woodlots in an agricultural matrix in southwest Ohio. We quantified stand characteristics that could influence invasibility, the intrinsic susceptibility of an area to invasion, including woodlot size, perimeter-to-area ratio, tree basal area, and stand age.

Comparison of cropland and forest surface temperatures across the conterminous United States

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012
United States of America

Global climate models (GCM) investigating the effects of land cover on climate have found that replacing extra-tropical forest with cropland promotes cooling. We compared cropland and forest surface temperatures across the continental United States in 16 cells that were approximately 1°×2° using 1km² MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data and land cover from the 0.0009km² National Land Cover Database (NLCD). We found that forest surface temperatures tended to be cooler than cropland surface temperatures. This relationship held for spring, summer, fall, and annually.

Spectral Analysis of Multispectral Landsat 7 ETM + and ASTER Data for Mapping Land Cover at Qurayah Sabkha, Northern Saudi Arabia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013
Saudi Arabia

The Qurayyah Sabkha is located on the western coast of the Arabian Gulf in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The current study aims to determine the number of land cover endmembers that can be detected and mapped using Landsat 7 ETM + and ASTER. Furthermore, the study also aims to determine the spatial distribution of fractional abundances of these endmembers. Clastic sediments, calcite dominate sediments, gypsum, vegetation, water, and quartz sand were identified at the surface the Qurayyah Sabkha using Minimum Noise fraction (MNF), Pixel Purity Index (PPI), and n-D Visualization.

Remote Sensing Data Reveals Eco-Environmental Changes in Urban Areas of Klang Valley, Malaysia: Contribution from Object Based Analysis

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Understanding the growth and changes in urban environments are the most dynamic system on the earth’s surface is critical for urban planning and sustainable management. This study attempts to present a space-borne satellite-based approach to demonstrate the urban change and its relation with land surface temperature (LST) variation in urban areas of Klang valley, Malaysia. For this purpose an object-based nearest neighbour classifier (S-NN) approach was first applied on SPOT 5 data acquired on 2003 and 2010 and subsequently five land cover categories were extracted.

Definition of the potential treeline in the European Alps and its benefit for sustainability monitoring

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Sustainability indicator systems often use administrative entities as a reference, which may cause over- or underestimations of results within topographically different regions. Within the European Alps the highest impacts due to human activities are concentrated below the potential treeline, making these zones comparable to the potentially highly impacted surroundings of the European Alps. An application of the area below the potential treeline as a reference unit for sustainability indicators allows for a more equitable comparison of the European Alps and their surroundings.

Errors prediction for vector-to-raster conversion based on map load and cell size

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

Vector-to-raster conversion is a process accompanied with errors. The errors are classified into predicted errors before rasterization and actual errors after that. Accurate prediction of the errors is beneficial to developing reasonable rasterization technical schemes and to making products of high quality. Analyzing and establishing a quantitative relationship between the error and its affecting factors is the key to error prediction.

Network analysis to assess landscape connectivity trends: Application to European forests (1990–2000)

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Landscape networks and ecosystems worldwide are undergoing changes that may impact in different ways relevant ecological processes such as gene flow, pollination, or wildlife dispersal. A myriad of indices have been developed to characterize landscape patterns, but not all of them are equally suited to evaluate temporal changes in landscape connectivity as is increasingly needed for biodiversity monitoring and operational indicator delivery.

Integrated approach for understanding spatio-temporal changes in forest resource distribution in the central Himalaya

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Intense anthropogenic exploitation has altered distribution of forest resources. This change was analyzed using visual interpretation of satellite data of 1979, 1999 and 2009. Field and interactive social surveys were conducted to identify spatial trends in forest degradation and data were mapped on forest cover and land use maps. Perceptions of villagers were compiled in a pictorial representation to understand changes in forest resource distribution in central Himalaya from 1970 to 2010. Forested areas were subject to degradation and isolation due to loss of connecting forest stands.