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There are 2, 239 content items of different types and languages related to land cover on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1741 - 1752 of 2218

Improving change vector analysis by cross-correlogram spectral matching for accurate detection of land-cover conversion

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Time series of vegetation index (VI) information derived from remote sensing is important for land-cover change detection. Although traditional change vector analysis (TCVA) is an effective method for extracting land-cover change information from a time series of VI data, it has the disadvantage of being too sensitive to temporal fluctuations in VI values. The method tends to overestimate the changes and confuse the actual land-cover conversion with the land covers that have not been converted but experience significant VI changes.

Modelling long-term water yield effects of forest management in a Norway spruce forest

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015
Czech Republic

Intensive forest management is one of the main land cover changes over the last century in Central Europe, resulting in forest monoculture. It has been proposed that these monoculture stands impact hydrological processes, water yield, water quality and ecosystem services.

Landscape functionality in protected and unprotected areas: Case studies from the Czech Republic

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013
Czech Republic

Landscape structure not only reflects the natural settings of the landscape but also its history and the impact of human activity. Information about the characteristics of the landscape elements in terms of their structural functionality plays a central role in assessing their ecological quality. Statutory designation of sites plays a key role in conserving and maintaining valuable parts of the landscape. In this study, we investigated whether protection status influences functionality in case studies from the Czech Republic, representing three different landscape types.

Spatial–temporal patterns of urban anthropogenic heat discharge in Fuzhou, China, observed from sensible heat flux using Landsat TM/ETM+ data

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

The urban heat island (UHI) effect is the phenomenon of increased surface temperatures in urban environments compared to their surroundings. It is linked to decreased vegetation cover, high proportions of artificial impervious surfaces, and high proportions of anthropogenic heat discharge. We evaluated the surface heat balance to clarify the contribution of anthropogenic heat discharges into the urban thermal environment.

Influence of vegetal cover and time of placing in acorns germination in a dehesa

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2005

The natural regeneration in the dehesa has been object of numerous studies, due to the ecologic and economic importance of such ecosystems. In this work is exposed a test of acorns germination of Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp, in the North of Córdoba (Spain), under three environmental conditions corresponding to the most traditional land uses of the dehesa: grazing, cereal sowing and fallow, each one with a different vegetal cover. A fourth group of acorns was placed in a tree nursery under controlled conditions.

Productive Diversification and Sustainable Use of Complex Social-Ecological Systems: A Comparative Study of Indigenous and Settler Communities in the Bolivian Amazon

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Agricultural and forest productive diversification depends on multiple socioeconomic drivers—like knowledge, migration, productive capacity, and market—that shape productive strategies and influence their ecological impacts. Our comparison of indigenous and settlers allows a better understanding of how societies develop different diversification strategies in similar ecological contexts and how the related socioeconomic aspects of diversification are associated with land cover change.

Predicting species richness and distribution ranges of centipedes at the northern edge of Europe

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

In recent decades, interest in understanding species distributions and exploring processes that shape species diversity has increased, leading to the development of advanced methods for the exploitation of occurrence data for analytical and ecological purposes. Here, with the use of georeferenced centipede data, we explore the importance and contribution of bioclimatic variables and land cover, and predict distribution ranges and potential hotspots in Norway.

landscape approach to quantifying land cover changes in Yulin, Northwest China

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2008

In this study we quantified land cover changes in the arid region of Yulin City, Northwest China between 1985 and 2000 using remote sensing and GIS in conjunction with landscape modeling. Land covers were mapped into 20 categories from multitemporal Landsat TM images. Five landscape indices were calculated from these maps at the land cover patches level. It was found that fallow land decreased by 125,148 ha while grassland and woodland increased by 107,975 and 17,157 ha, respectively.

Identification of Water Conservation Sites in a Watershed (WRJ-2) of Nagpur District, Maharashtra using Geographical Information System (GIS) Technique

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

The paper deals with the application of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) technique for a watershed development program. For this study, the WRJ-2 watershed falling under Narkhed and Katol Tahsils of Nagpur district, Maharashtra, India is investigated. Various thematic maps (i.e. drainage, geology, soil, geomorphology and land use/ land cover) have been prepared using the remote sensing and GIS techniques. Initially, differential weightage values are assigned to all the thematic maps as per their runoff characteristics.

Impacts from Above-Ground Activities in the Eagle Ford Shale Play on Landscapes and Hydrologic Flows, La Salle County, Texas

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015
United States of America

We assess the spatial and geomorphic fragmentation from the recent Eagle Ford Shale play in La Salle County, Texas, USA. Wells and pipelines were overlaid onto base maps of land cover, soil properties, vegetation assemblages, and hydrologic units. Changes to continuity of different ecoregions and supporting landscapes were assessed using the Landscape Fragmentation Tool (a third-party ArcGIS extension) as quantified by land area and continuity of core landscape areas (i.e., those degraded by “edge effects”).

Resolving large‐scale pressures on species and ecosystems: propensity modelling identifies agricultural effects on streams

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Although agriculture is amongst the world's most widespread land uses, studies of its effects on stream ecosystems are often limited in spatial extent. National monitoring data could extend spatial coverage and increase statistical power, but present analytical challenges where covarying environmental variables confound relationships of interest. Propensity modelling is used widely outside ecology to control for confounding variables in observational data.