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There are 2, 239 content items of different types and languages related to land cover on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1153 - 1164 of 2218

К вопросу о диагностике дегроторфоземов остаточно-оглеенных

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

On the basis of research and the data of large-scale soil mapping of the old drained territories new threshold values of the organic substance content in peat-mineral horizon for branch degraded histosols from agropeat soils are presented in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of the study there were analyzed arable peat soils and residual glezative degroturfzems (peat and inorganic soil, mineral and residual turf, mineral and post-turf ones).

Hydrogeologic and landscape controls of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved silica (DSi) fluxes in heterogeneous catchments

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

This paper examines the combined effects of catchment complexity in terms of physiography, land use patterns, and lithology on the export of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and dissolved silica from heterogeneous nested catchments in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Using results from water quality monitoring at 24 sampling sites, we determined the first-order controls on these fluxes.

LiDAR-Landsat data fusion for large-area assessment of urban land cover: Balancing spatial resolution, data volume and mapping accuracy

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012
United States of America

The structural characteristics of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data are increasingly used to classify urban environments at fine scales, but have been underutilized for distinguishing heterogeneous land covers over large urban regions due to high cost, limited spectral information, and the computational difficulties posed by inherently large data volumes.

Density fractionation and ¹³C reveal changes in soil carbon following woody encroachment in a desert ecosystem

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Woody encroachment has dramatically changed land cover patterns in arid and semiarid systems (drylands) worldwide over the past 150 years. This change is known to influence bulk soil carbon (C) pools, but the implications for dynamics and stability of these pools are not well understood.

Does the surrounding landscape heterogeneity affect the butterflies of insular grassland reserves? A contrast between composition and configuration

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Landscape homogenisation represents one of the gravest threats to the biodiversity of intensively farmed landscapes. In such landscapes, many species persist within remnants of (semi)natural habitats, such as in the steppe grasslands of Southern Moravia, SE Czech Republic. We investigated how the butterfly fauna of insular grassland reserves is affected by the heterogeneity of the surrounding farmland.

Forest Transitions in Mosaic Landscapes: Smallholder's Flexibility in Land-Resource Use Decisions and Livelihood Strategies From World War II to the Present in the Amazon Estuary

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

The question of how smallholders of the Amazon estuary, locally known as cabolcos , have adapted their land use systems to produce resources during booms and busts is analyzed in this article. We draw upon more than 50 years of census data and more than 30 years of remotely sensed land-cover data to reconstruct these dynamics from World War II to the present.

Interpolation-based super-resolution land cover mapping

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Super-resolution mapping (SRM) is a technique to produce a land cover map with finer spatial resolution by using fractional proportion images as input. A two-step SRM approach has been widely used. First, a fine-resolution indicator map is estimated for each class from the coarse-resolution fractional image. All indicator maps are then combined to create the final fine-resolution land cover map.

Performance of the Phytoplankton Index for Lakes (IPLAC): A multimetric phytoplankton index to assess the ecological status of water bodies in France

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

A new phytoplankton-based index was designed to respond to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requirements concerning the assessment of lake ecological status. The “Indice Phytoplancton Lacustre” (IPLAC) is a multimetric index, taking into account biomass, abundance and species composition of communities. The first metric is based on the total phytoplankton biomass (MBA), the second on the abundance and taxonomic composition (MCS) of 165 indicator taxa. The IPLAC was developed on 2 independent databases, one for the calibration and the second for the validation of the metrics.

Mapping the Physiologically Equivalent Temperature in urban areas using artificial neural network

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

The gap between point measurements made during a measurement campaign and the required discrete data of human thermal comfort in the form of maps could be overcome by statistical or numerical models. City planners usually demand thermal maps with a resolution below 50m. The required input data for the statistical models were meteorological data at high resolution as well as land use and land cover data including morphological data. Meteorological data were obtained through car traverses on a measuring campaign on hot summer days in July 2014.

Habitat suitability modelling for Gaur (Bos gaurus) using multiple logistic regression, remote sensing and GIS

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

The aim of this study is to produce georeferenced ecological information about the suitable habitats available for gaur Bos gaurus in Chandoli tiger reserve, India (17° 04′ 00″ N to 17° 19′ 54″ N and 73° 40′ 43″ E to 73° 53′ 09″ E). Habitat suitability index (H.S.I.) was developed using multiple logistic regression (MLR) integrated with remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS).

Assessing the spatio-temporal rates and patterns of land-use and land-cover changes in the Cerrados of southeastern Mato Grosso, Brazil

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

The Cerrados of central Brazil have undergone profound landscape transformation in recent decades due to agricultural expansion, and this remains poorly assessed. The present research investigates the spatial-temporal rates and patterns of land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes in one of the main areas of agricultural production in Mato Grosso State (Brazil), the region of Primavera do Leste. To quantify the different aspects of LULC changes (e.g.

Trans-boundary infrastructure and land cover change: Highway paving and community-level deforestation in a tri-national frontier in the Amazon

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Economic globalization manifests in landscapes through regional integration initiatives involving trans-boundary infrastructure. While the relationships of roads, accessibility and land cover are well-understood, they have rarely been considered across borders in national frontier regions. We therefore pursue an analysis of infrastructure connectivity and land cover change in the tri-national frontier of the southwestern Amazon where Bolivia, Brazil and Peru meet, and where the Inter-Oceanic Highway has recently been paved.