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There are 2, 416 content items of different types and languages related to property rights on the Land Portal.
Displaying 589 - 600 of 2102

Agriculture Public Spending and Growth in Indonesia

March, 2012

This paper analyzes the trends and
evolution of public spending in the agriculture sector in
Indonesia, as well as the impact of public spending on
agricultural growth. It finds that, in line with empirical
work undertaken in other countries, public spending on
agriculture and irrigation during the period 1976-2006 had a
positive impact on agricultural growth, while public
spending on fertilizer subsidies had the opposite effect.

Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights Are Unclear : Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

March, 2013

Expert statements indicate that annually
approximately 20 billion dollars will be needed to prevent
90 percent deforestation in tropical countries. Development
practitioners are eager to see the benefits from REDD plus
initiatives shared with local partners. Equally important to
understanding how local partners might benefit are questions
such as, who should derive benefits from REDD plus
initiatives, and how to ensure these initiatives reach the

Sri Lanka : From Peace Dividend to Sustained Growth Acceleration

January, 2013

Following the cessation of hostilities
in May 2009, the Government of Sri Lanka has announced a
suitably ambitious macroeconomic vision to capitalize on the
peace dividend. Its goals include growing at 8 percent or
more per year and lowering government indebtedness from
around 80 to 60 percent of GDP by 2015. This paper's
main finding is that while some post-conflict bounce is only
to be expected, sustaining high growth presents significant

Market Integration in China

March, 2012

Over the last three decades,
China's product, labor, and capital markets have become
gradually more integrated within its borders, although
integration has been significantly slower for capital
markets. There remains a significant urban-rural divide, and
Chinese cities tend to be under-sized by international
standards. China has also integrated globally, initially
through the Special Economic Zones on the coast as launching

Middle East and North Africa Economic Developments and Prospects, September 2011 : Investing for Growth and Jobs

February, 2013
Northern Africa
Western Asia

The report highlights the important links between good governance on a level legal and regulatory playing field, and the ability of investment to stimulate growth. Investment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been strong over the last two decades in comparison with Latin America and Eastern Europe. However, in the oil exporting countries, it has been primarily supported by large and expanding public investments. Oil importers, in contrast, have shown more strength in private investment, which has increased in recent years.

Croatia - Policy Notes : A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

February, 2013

Signing the accession treaty with the
European Union (EU) and its forthcoming membership to the EU
are remarkable opportunities for Croatia to address a number
of economic challenges and join the EU as a competitive and
successful economy. The new Croatian government in its
program for 2011-2015 seeks higher standards of living for
its citizens through sustained economic growth and greater
social cohesion. Given the legacies from the past, these

Is It What You Inherited or What You Learnt? Intergenerational Linkage and Interpersonal Inequality in Senegal

March, 2012

Institutional features of the African
setting -- large extended families and imperfect credit and
land markets -- matter to the equity and efficiency roles
played by intergenerational linkages. Using original survey
data on Senegal that include an individualized measure of
consumption, this paper studies the role played by land
inheritance, other bequests and parental background as
influences on an adult's economic welfare and economic

Aden - Commercial Capital of Yemen : Local Economic Development Strategy

February, 2013

Aden has a number of widely recognized
unique assets, which are critical inputs to its emerging
strategic positioning within Yemen and the region. Most
notable is its natural deep-water harbor on the Red Sea,
striking landscapes and distinctive topography, abundance of
raw materials, and rich urban heritage. In addition, the
residents of Aden are known for their hospitable nature and
openness to diversity. Today, leadership in Aden, both

Tax Morale and Compliance : Review of Evidence and Case Studies for Europe

March, 2012

This paper provides an overview of the
literature on tax morale and tax compliance. Most of the
material here is based on research that I have conducted
together with my co-authors over the last 10 years. Europe
has a dominant place in this paper. Sometimes results
derived from other countries are discussed that could be
relevant for Europe. The overall findings show the
importance of accountability, democratic governance,

Regional Program Review : The
Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

March, 2012

This is a Regional Program Review (RPR)
of the World Bank's support for the MBC. The review is
framed around an assessment of five Global Environment
Facility (GEF)-financed World Bank implemented projects in
Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama that had
the common objective of consolidating the Mesoamerican
Biological Corridor (MBC). It also reports on the
achievements of trust fund activities, financed by the Bank

Russia : Reshaping Economic Geography

March, 2013

The report has three main chapters
discussing modernization, diversification and
competitiveness. The chapters examine problems and barriers
facing households, private firms and public agencies to
achieving these objectives, and then identify the
instruments that can help Russia achieve the necessary
spatial transformation of its economy. Russia's long
history as one of Europe's leading nations, and its