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Issuesproperty rightsLandLibrary Resource
There are 2, 416 content items of different types and languages related to property rights on the Land Portal.
Displaying 805 - 816 of 2102

The Afghanistan Investment Climate in 2008 : Growth Despite Poor Governance, Weak Factor Markets, and Lack of Innovation

March, 2012

This survey report will help the
government of Afghanistan think through its approach to
private sector development. Historically, there has been a
dearth of information and reliable statistics about
Afghanistan's economy. This report reviews the
constraints that firms currently operating in Afghanistan
face and provides a basis for possible policy
recommendations to address these constraints. It is hoped

Angola : Diagnostic Trade Integration Study

June, 2012

The primary goal of this Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) is to provide a plan for reactivating Angola's productive sectors that reduces the country's reliance on imports while enabling the restoration of export capacity in the medium to long term. Executing such a plan will involve investing in the rehabilitation of infrastructure destroyed by war and making and adjusting policies that affect the institutional underpinnings of a market economy, as well as incentives for exporting and importing.

São Paulo - Inputs for a Sustainable Competitive City Strategy : Volume 1. Main Report

June, 2012

Through an analysis of selected topics,
this study aims to offer inputs for a successful recovery
strategy for the city and the metropolitan region of Sao
Paulo (MSRP) in Brazil. The study first presents an analysis
of the underlying factors of the economic transition in the
MRSP, highlighting the factors behind the recent performance
of the MRSP in terms of job creation and growth. Then, four
inputs that would lead to a 'recovery strategy'

Equality for Women : Where Do We Stand on Millennium Development Goal 3?

May, 2012

There is compelling evidence of the
importance of gender equality for poverty reduction and
sustainable growth. So it should come as no surprise that
most development actors-international agencies, bilateral
donors, and most developing countries, have an official
policy for promoting gender equality. Millennium Development
Goal 3 (MDG3) on gender equality and women's
empowerment is shared global commitment. With only seven

Tanzania - Pilot Rural Investment Climate Assessment : Stimulating Non-Farm Microenterprise Growth

June, 2012

Tanzania's Pilot Rural Investment
Climate Assessment (RICA) measures the economic environment
of non-farm entrepreneurs. The pilot assessment has three
key objectives: it aims to better understand the rural
non-farm economy in Tanzania, shed light on rural enterprise
dynamics and business constraints, and reflect on areas
where government policies are readily directed to help
promote rural non-farm enterprise activity. The RICA is

Strategies for Cotton in West and Central Africa : Enhancing Competitiveness in the "Cotton 4"

May, 2012
Middle Africa
Western Africa

The objective of this report is to
identify ways of enhancing competitiveness through sector
reforms in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Mali (the
Cotton-4). The report promotes best practices to manage cost
and define sales strategies so as to enhance the
contribution of the cotton sector to shared growth and
lessen the risk of contingent liabilities borne by the
countries. Areas of improvement, investigated in the report,

Pakistan - North West Frontier Province Economic Report : Accelerating Growth and Improving Public Service Delivery in the NWFP : The Way Forward

June, 2012

This report contends that the key to unleashing the North West Frontier Province's possibilities and to improving the lives of its citizens is strengthening the governance and policy environment in the province for both the private and the public sectors, and investing in the provinces' most valuable resource - its people. Reforms and efforts in the past few years have already started to translate into higher growth, improved incomes, and better living conditions for the citizens of the NWFP.

Guyana - Investment Climate Assessment : Volume 1. Main Findings and Policy Recommendations

June, 2012

This document presents the main findings
of the Guyana Investment Climate Survey (ICS) conducted
between November 2004 and March 2005. The ICA report
provides an evaluation of different aspects of the
environment of doing business in Guyana. It covers
governance-related obstacles, labor and technology issues,
the financial sector, and infrastructure. The ICA is based
on the results of the World Bank Guyana Investment Climate

Migrant Opportunity and the Educational Attainment of Youth in Rural China

May, 2012

This paper investigates how reductions
of barriers to migration affect the decision of middle
school graduates to attend high school in rural China.
Change in the cost of migration is identified using
exogenous variation across counties in the timing of
national identity card distribution, which made it easier
for rural migrants to register as temporary residents in
urban destinations. The analysis first shows that timing of

An Essay on Economic Reforms and Social Change in China

June, 2012

The author applies a systems-oriented "holistic" approach to China's radical economic reforms during the past quarter of a century. He characterizes China's economic reforms in terms of a multidimensional classification of economic systems. When looking at the economic consequences of China's change of economic system, he deals with both the impressive growth performance and its economic costs.

Mongolia - Promoting Investment and Job Creation : An Investment Climate Assessment and Trade Integration Study

Reports & Research
June, 2012

The aim of this report is to identify a set of concrete steps that the government of Mongolia might take to promote private-sector activity and greater integration with the global economy in a way that leads to job creation, broad-based growth and most importantly, poverty reduction. It does this by combining an assessment of the investment climate faced by firms (through analyses of firm and household surveys and supply chains in selected sectors) with a diagnostic trade integration study. The report is structured as follows.