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Issuesproperty rightsLandLibrary Resource
There are 2, 416 content items of different types and languages related to property rights on the Land Portal.
Displaying 925 - 936 of 2102

Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America : Guatemala Case Study, Volume 2. Background Papers and Technical Appendices

July, 2013
Central America

This regional study encompasses three
Central American countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala and
Honduras. The focus of this report is Guatemala. The study
is motivated by several factors: First is the recognition
that sub-national regions are becoming increasingly
heterogeneous, and economically differentiated as part of
ongoing processes of development and diversification, with
some areas advancing, and others being left behind. Second

Environment Matters at the World Bank : Annual Review 2003

August, 2013

This issue, which serves as the annual
review on the environment, looks at the Bank's work
from July 2002 through June 2003, dedicated this year to
Water and the Environment, on the occasion of the Fifth
World Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa. Following the
overview, which reviews progress in the implementation of
the Environment strategy, the report presents viewpoints on
ways to move forward in delivering water as committed in

Is the Emerging Nonfarm Market Economy the Route Out of Poverty in Vietnam?

August, 2014

Are the household characteristics that
are good for transition to a more diversified
market-oriented development process in Vietnam also
important for reducing poverty? Or are there tradeoffs? The
determinants of both poverty incidence and participation in
rural off-farm activities are modeled as functions of
household and community characteristics using comprehensive
national household surveys for 1993 and 1998. Despite some

Reform, Growth, and Poverty in Vietnam

August, 2013

Vietnam grew rapidly in the 1990s, and
yet by many measures it has poor economic institutions.
Dollar seeks to explain this apparent anomaly. Between the
1980s and 1990s Vietnam carried out significant economic
reforms, notably stabilization, the introduction of positive
real interest rates, trade liberalization, and initial
property rights reform in agriculture. Relating these
changes to the empirical growth literature, the author finds

Poverty Reduction in Indonesia : Constructing a New Strategy

August, 2013

The objective of the report is to point
at the need for a new poverty strategy, and the areas of
action it should cover, where each area should be
specifically discussed, addressing the lives of
Indonesia's poor, and the tradeoffs policymakers will
need to consider, based on the belief that this poverty
strategy should emerge from a broad dialogue among
stakeholders. First, in broadening poverty, the report looks

Financial Development, Property Rights, and Growth

August, 2014

The authors analyze how property rights
affect the allocation of firms' available resources
among different types of assets. In particular, they
investigate empirically for a large number of countries
whether firms in environments with more secure property
rights allocate available resources more toward intangible
assets and consequentially grow faster. The authors find
that improved asset allocation due to better property rights

Tenure, Divesity, and Commitment: Community Participation for Urban Service Provision

June, 2013

What factors influence community
participation in the delivery of urban services? In
particular, does security of tenure enhance the probability
of participation as it provides individuals with incentives
to act collectively in pursuit of a common objective? And
are collective efforts less likely to succeed when there is
a high degree of heterogeneity in culture or endowments
among community members? The authors use household level

Armenia : Growth Challenges and Government Policies, Volume 1. Main Conclusions and Recommendations

August, 2013

This report reviews growth trends in
Armenia for the period 1994-2000, outlines major weaknesses
of existing development patterns, and suggests a package of
policy recommendations designed to accelerate enterprise
restructuring, attract investment, and encourage the
creation of new businesses in the medium term (three to five
years). Such steps are needed to systain (and preferably to
increase) the current growth rates, to stop emigration among

Asset Distribution, Inequality, and Growth

August, 2014

With the recent resurgence of interest
in equity, inequality, and growth, the possibility of a
negative relationship between inequality and economic
growth, has received renewed interest in the literature.
Faced with the prospect that high levels of inequality may
persist, and give rise to poverty traps, policymakers are
paying more attention to the distributional implications of
macroeconomic policies. Because high levels of inequality

Gender and Law : Eastern Africa Speaks

August, 2012

Gender issues, particularly with respect
to women's status and rights, have for a considerable
period, been in the forefront of donors' dialogue on
social issues with Africa. While Africa countries have fully
acknowledged the seriousness of the issues and the urgent
need for action, the dialogue has been largely donor-driven
and issues and priorities been donor-set. Recognizing the
need for a new approach in this important area for

Ecology, History, and Development : A Perspective from Rural Southeast Asia

February, 2014
South-Eastern Asia

The process by which different
ecological conditions and historical trajectories interacted
to create different social and cultural systems resulted in
major differences in economic development performance within
Southeast Asia. In the late 19th century, Indonesia, the
Philippines, and Thailand commonly experienced
vent-for-surplus development through exploitation of unused
lands. Nevertheless, different agrarian structures were

Indonesia : The Challenges of World Bank Involvement in Forests

September, 2014

This case study is one of six
evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's
1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Brazil,
Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, and India) complement a review
of the entire set of lending and nonlending activities of
the World Bank Group and the Global Environment Facility. A
review of World Bank assistance to Indonesia in the forest
sector since 1991 faces two challenges. The first is