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Displaying 37 - 48 of 173

China - Integrating Land Policy Reforms II : Strengthening Land Rights for Equitable Growth and Social Harmony

February, 2013

This report evaluates the legal
framework for rural land rights, the regulations of rural
housing sites, the effects of land requisition on farmers
who lose land, and some selected issues affecting urban land
rights. The focus of this report is how to enhance property
rights in a number of different contexts. The report makes a
series of specific policy recommendations for rural
agricultural land, rural housing land, to protect rights in

Sri Lanka : Land and Conflict in the North and East

March, 2013

This report analyzes land issues in Sri
Lanka, which cannot be seen in isolation from the ethnic and
political conflict and, at the same time, even though land
conflict is often linked with the ethnic conflict in Sri
Lanka, a large number of land conflicts in the North and
East can be resolved prior to a full and national political
solution to the ethnic situation. This report analyzes
constraints and opportunities for an effective governance

Legal Knowledge and Economic Development : The Case of Land Rights in Uganda

June, 2012

Mixed evidence on the impact of formal title in much of Africa is often used to question the relevance of dealing with land policy issues in this continent. The authors use data from Uganda to assess the impact of a disaggregated set of rights on investment, productivity, and land values, and to test the hypothesis that individuals' lack of knowledge of the new law reduces their tenure security. Results point toward strong and positive effects of greater tenure security and transferability.

Rising Global Interest in Farmland :
Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?

March, 2012

Interest in farmland is rising. And,
given commodity price volatility, growing human and
environmental pressures, and worries about food security,
this interest will increase, especially in the developing
world. One of the highest development priorities in the
world must be to improve smallholder agricultural
productivity, especially in Africa. Smallholder productivity
is essential for reducing poverty and hunger, and more and

Foreign Investment in Agricultural Production : Opportunities and Challenges

August, 2012

The recent surge in food and fuel prices
has prompted countries with high dependence on food imports
to try and lock in future food supplies through direct
investment in agricultural production in other countries.
The price surges also led to a wave of proposals to invest
in biofuels investments in agricultural land. While such
investment can provide large benefits, it also carries
considerable risks both to investors and citizens in the

The Impact of Property Rights on Households' Investment, Risk Coping, and Policy Preferences : Evidence from China

August, 2014

Even though it is widely recognized that
giving farmers more secure land rights may increase
agricultural investment, scholars contend that, in the case
of China, such a policy might undermine the function of land
as a social safety net and, as a consequence, not be
sustainable or command broad support. Data from three
provinces, one of which had adopted a policy to increase
security of tenure in advance of the others, suggest that

Turkmenistan : An Assessment of Leasehold-based Farm Restructuring

June, 2013

Turkmenistan's unique approach to
land reform and farm restructuring has produced a
significant shift to individual or household-based farming,
with more than three-quarters of the arable land leased to
individual households or small groups. Most leaseholders
consider this land to be rightfully theirs, and they expect
to keep it in the future, either as private owners, or
through extension of their leasehold. However, individual

To Buy or Lease? Farm Revival in Eastern and Central Europe

August, 2012

Buying, selling and mortgaging farmland
are still rare in Eastern and Central Europe. Not
surprisingly, given the level of risk in many of these
countries, short-term transactions, especially leasing, are
more common. These short-term transactions do almost as well
as land sales in allocating resources. Making them more
secure by improving simple registration and enforcement
systems and increasing public access to information on what

Tainted Lands: Corruption In Large-Scale Land Deals

Reports & Research
October, 2016

A surge in land grabbing over the past decade has seen millions of people displaced from their homes and farmland, often violently, and pushed deeper into poverty. As demand for food, fuel and commodities increases pressure on land, companies are all too often striking deals with corrupt state officials without the consent of the people who live on it. Until now, there has been little analysis of the role that corruption plays in the transfer of land and natural resources from local communities to political and business elites.  

Policy for the poor? Phnom Penh, tenure security and Circular 03

Reports & Research
December, 2013

In May 2010, the Cambodian Government approved a circular on "resolution of temporary settlement on land which has been illegally occupied in the capital, municipal, and urban areas" (Circular 03). The aim of this report is to highlight some of the issues arising from Circular 03 as a policy document, and draw attention to the opportunities and risks arising from its implementation.

Políticas de Tierras vigentes en el Perú - Laureano del Castillo. CEPES (octubre 2014)

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2015

El presente documento contiene una breve sistematización de las políticas vigentes en el Perú en torno al acceso y control de la tierra por parte de pequeños agricultores y comunidades. Su lectura debe complementar la del documento sobre legislación, preparado igualmente para el Movimiento por la Tierra en Sudamérica.