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Issues urban areas related News
Displaying 37 - 48 of 85
12 June 2019
THE government will introduce strict verification mechanisms to control the ownership of residential land in informal urban areas. The director for land reform and resettlement, Peter Nangolo, said the government will not allow people to own more than one primary residential property in the high-
24 May 2019
New Delhi._ The 21st century is often projected as one of Urbanity. Some go to the extent of even saying that if the hallmark of 20th century was the rise of nation states (and of welfarism), the current one will be that of cities, urbanity and ecology, and defined by struggles of millions to claim
15 April 2019
Agriculture makes up only about 1 percent of Singapore's land area, but urban farming - including vertical and rooftop farms - is fast becoming popular SINGAPORE - Rain or shine, every day for the past year, Kanti Kagrana walks a short distance from his son's flat to Singapore's HortPark, a
10 April 2019
The Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6), the most comprehensive environmental assessment produced by the UN in five years, brought us both good and bad news. The environment has continued to deteriorate since the first GEO-6 report in 1997, with potentially irreversible impacts if not
10 April 2019
On Wednesday, John Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, provided the key to a long-term climate change solution: food.
9 April 2019
‘Slum clearance’ or ‘city beautification’ drives accounted for nearly half of the evictions. New Delhi: Over two lakh people were forcefully evicted from their homes in the year 2018, a new study by the Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) has found. The HLRN documented the demolition of 41,730
5 April 2019
The protesters said there was widespread frustration among those still waiting to be rehoused more than a decade after war drove them from their homes TBILISI, April 5 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Dozens of Georgian families occupied a tower block this week in a protest activists said
21 March 2019
NEW DELHI - A push to formalise land claims, map settlements and digitise records is not always in the best interests of vulnerable communities, and may even lead to greater rights abuses, analysts warned on Friday. From Peru to the Philippines, governments are curtailing the rights of indigenous
17 March 2019
A charter designed by civil society organisations, workers’ collectives, and the urban poor reimagines our cities While agrarian distress has slipped into the pre-election discourse as an important political subject, it is imperative to ask why the urban question is no less political. India’s
16 March 2019
A fledgling pressure group of journalists, researchers and community workers is taking a message to Ugandan rural communities to save the trees. The group is fighting the rapid destruction of trees in the region that was once the epicenter of a twenty-year war that had left a legacy of poverty and
12 March 2019
The report “State of Land in the Mekong Region” was launched today in Vientiane, Lao PDR. The first publication of its kind in the Mekong Region, it brings together key data and information on the current status of, and changes in, land resources, their social distribution, and the conditions of
21 February 2019
Innovation Programme Call for Proposals 2019. The Cities Alliance has launched a Call for Proposals to award small grants for innovative ways to improve tenure security, land and property rights in African cities.   The Secure Tenure in African Cities initiative

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