smallholders related News | Land Portal
There are 207 content items of different types and languages related to smallholders on the Land Portal.
International Statement: World Bank Out of Land!
13 May 2024

On the opening day of the World Bank’s 2024 Land Conference, organizations of small-scale food producers, Indigenous Peoples, workers, grassroots communities, and civil society denounce the World Bank as a major actor of land grabbing and ecosystem destruction. They call for effective measures to realize the right to land and territories, including agrarian reform.

Oxfam Novib
6 February 2024

Do you want to fight for equality? Tackle inequality at its roots, together with colleagues, partner organizations, and activists in more than 90 countries? To change the systems behind it, once and for all?

Oxfam Novib stands behind the people who stand up for equality. Together, we fight for a world where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or skin color. A world where everyone feels safe; where income gaps are shrinking instead of growing, where climate change is tackled in a firmer and more honest way. 

Call for abstracts: LANDac Conference 2023
8 March 2023

We now invite abstract submissions for the IOS Fair Transitions - LANDac Annual International Conference 2023. IOS Fair Transitions and LANDac invite you to review the collection of conference sessions and submit your abstract to your preferred session. Abstract submissions should use the Abstract Submission Form, and include:

Pastoral Land Rights
30 January 2023
South Sudan
South Africa
Burkina Faso

NELGA has put out nine country profiles about South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Egypt, and Mauritania. These profiles give information about pastoralism and small-scale agriculture in these countries.

3 February 2023

The article tells how the farmers in Chinyika, Gutu District, heavily affected by droughts, came up with a way to improve soil fertility by herding together their cattle. The collective action to address a problem that affects them all stands out in this story.

Struggle. Peasant protest last year in front of the Ministry of Agriculture.
13 August 2020

Mientras las tierras malhabidas siguen impunes, las pequeñas familias productoras pierden sus territorios, según estudios. Caaguazú perdió 16.214 hectáreas y Canindeyú 30.000 hectáreas.

24 September 2022

For 75 year-old avocado farmer Godson Kalolo technical assistance has been the key to growing from a smallholder into an entrepreneur, harvesting 18 tonnes of avocado and delivering to a major supermarket chain.

2 July 2022

Reliance on imports from as far away as Tanzania, Uganda and even China, leaves Kisumu County’s accessibility to food on a fragile footing.


Global News Network Liberia
9 December 2021

Green Advocates International (GAI), Alliance for Rural Democracy (ARD), Natural Resource Women Platform (NRWP) recently launched the Community Advocacy for Land and Livelihood Support (CALLS) project.

17 November 2021
South-Eastern Asia

MANILA – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is hoping its proposed budget for 2022 for its land titling project will be restored during the bicameral committee deliberation of the Senate and the House of Representatives.





La Alianza Biodiversidad es una plataforma colectiva latinoamericana que reúne a 13 organizaciones y movimientos clave de la región que trabajan en defensa de la biodiversidad.

We are a not-for-profit organization supporting agrarian reform beneficiaries and their cooperatives.

We improve the lives of smallholder farming households by promoting access to productive resources and enabling them to make informed decisions about environment-friendly, non-discriminatory and sustainable livelihoods.
We believe in people-centred development and a faith that promotes justice, peace, and integrity to all people.

Grain de sel est la revue semestrielle d’Inter-réseaux Développement rural. Chaque numéro est consacré à une thématique précise et vise à faire participer aux débats et réflexions autour de ce thème une diversité d’acteurs et de points de vue. Elle est diffusée à plus de 5000 exemplaires en version papier et envoyée par mail à plus de 10 000 abonnés.


The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) is an international non-profit thinktank headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

Bringing together 25 groundbreaking thinkers and practitioners from diverse fields and world regions, we conduct in-depth research, provide policy recommendations, and advocate for sustainable, equitable, and healthy food systems worldwide.


Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER )

HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

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