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Displaying 13 - 19 of 19

Zambia: Private Sector Investment In Security Of Land Tenure. From Piloting Using Technology To National Rollout

December, 2021

ABSTRACT Context and background Zambia has grappled with implementing the land titling from 2017 when it started the piloting of the National Land Titling Programme through the seventh National Development Plan (2017-2021). The implementation started in 2017 with a small pilot project conducted in Lusaka City in areas called Madido and Kamwala.

Harnessing Technology To Advance Citizen-Centric Land Administration In Rwanda

December, 2021

Rwanda is recognized as a global land governance leader due to the success of its Land Tenure Regularisation Program (LTRP), which resulted in the registration of over 11 million parcels and the issuance of 7 million certificates of title, and the establishment of the Land Administration Information System (LAIS). These notable achievements have contributed to land market viability, reductions in land disputes, and increased land-based revenue.

Spatial Analysis Of Land Disputes In The Ashanti Region

December, 2022

Context and Background: Land is an important resource for human survival as well as that of other living organisms. Despite its importance, there are many problems that come with its management. There are increasing controversies and disputes over the ownership, access, and use of land. This is due to the increase in land demand, owing to factors such as population growth, urbanization, and food security. Land disputes in the Ashanti Region have drastically escalated recently as a result of these factors.

Meta-Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of Land Fragmentation in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
December, 2023

This study focuses on land fragmentation in Ethiopia, exploring its impact on agricultural productivity and rural development. It proposes strategies for addressing fragmentation through land consolidation. The study employs a robust methodology, including data collection and analysis of  data, along with a meta-analysis of existing reports and studies on land fragmentation. Through these analytical approaches, the study aims to provide empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of land consolidation strategies in Ethiopia.

DECRET N° 2000 - 170 fixant les conditions d'application de la Loi n° 99-022 du 19 Août 1999
portant Code minier

This law defines mining permit owners rights and obligations inside and outside their mining parcels. Rights of land owners inside the mining perimeters to be indemnized by mining permit owner. Mining product transportation and trade. Offers generalities about mining investment stability and infractions.