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Política Agrária: necessidade sem a qual não se sairá da crise

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2017

A agricultura não tem sido priorizada no âmbito das políticas públicas e as medidas de política económica são, muitas vezes, adversas em relação ao sector, ou ineficazes. Enquanto não existir uma estratégia de transformação estrutural da economia, a crise perdurará. Sugere-se que o governo estabeleça políticas que considerem a competitividade do sector, o desenvolvimento rural integrado e os camponeses no quadro do desenvolvimento inclusivo e sustentado.

Boosting governance in Mozambique’s forests

Reports & Research
August, 2017

Mozambique is Africa’s largest exporter of timber to China. Yet multiple published concerns over the sustainability and legality of that timber trade assert the rapid commercial depletion of future timber stocks, the marginalisation of local forest communities, and the loss of revenue to government estimated at US$146 million between 2007 and 2013 alone.

Gender and Politics in Africa: an interview with Marjorie Mbilinyi

Reports & Research
August, 2017

ROAPE’s Janet Bujra questions Marjorie Mbilinyi about her fifty years of campaigning against patriarchal oppression on many fronts in Tanzania. Mbilinyi traces the legitimisation of feminism as a means to understand and a way to organise for and with women. This is not a feminism lifted from Europe or the US, but one generated in response to Tanzanian and African realities.

A new land records system

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2017
South Africa

It is fairly well understood how an incremental settlement approach to addressing South Africa's housing and settlement needs works, but there is less understanding however for how an incremental settlement approach could work in the context of tenure security.

African peasants highlight their struggles at Via Campesina global conference

Reports & Research
July, 2017

Reports from meeting near Bilbao from peasants in South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Niger, Mali, Senegal and Ghana. Almost everywhere in Africa the elite and corporations are undertaking efforts to capture and control people’s basic means of production, such as land, mineral resources, seeds and water. These resources are increasingly being privatized due to the myriad of investment agreements and policies driven by new institutional approaches, imposed on the continent by western powers and Bretton Woods institutions.

Aspectos jurídicos do papel da administração pública na gestão da terra em Moçambique

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2017

A gestão directa ou indirecta da terra é realizada por actores diversos, como seja, aqueles que intervêm nas Comunidades Locais (artigo 24 da Lei de Terras de 1997), os titulares dos direitos sobre a terra (singulares, investidores) etc, para além da Administração Pública (AP). Contudo, o papel de gestão da terra reservado a AP é muito importante e estratégico.

Protection Against Eviction under the Extension of Security of Tenure Act: Legal Rules, Principles and Process

Manuals & Guidelines
June, 2017
South Africa

This is a user-friendly guide that explains the rights of farm dwellers and the law in relation to evictions from farmland. It gives advice on how farm dwellers can navigate the legal processes involved in eviction proceedings and practically resist evictions. It is a resource for farm dwellers facing eviction from their homes, as well as for farm worker unions, community-based paralegals and lawyers. The guide was developed by SERI and the Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural and Allied Workers Union (CSAAWU).

Improving accountability in agricultural investments: Reflections from legal empowerment initiatives in West Africa

Reports & Research
June, 2017

Since 2014, a set of initiatives in Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal has worked to help people harness the law in order to have greater control over decisions that affect them in a process of legal empowerment. In the three countries, the initiative developed diverse approaches, responding to different local contexts and theories of change. Each embodied a distinctive combination of grassroots action, public advocacy and private sector engagement – through supporting junior lawyers in Cameroon, grassroots committees in Ghana and locally negotiated “land charters” in Senegal.

Strengthening Rural Democracy Documentary

May, 2017
South Africa

This is a documentary collating the experiences and stories of rural communities supported by the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA).

AFRA, in partnership with OZA and TA, assists women, youth and men residing or working on rural commercial farmland in the UMgungundlovu District to mobilise around key issues impacting on their quality of life and access to sustainable livelihoods, engaging with and influencing policies and processes that impact on their land and development rights.

In Search of the Solution to Farmer–Pastoralist Conflicts in Tanzania

Journal Articles & Books
April, 2017

Land-use conflict is not a new phenomenon for pastoralists  and farmers in Tanzania with murders, the killing of livestock and the loss of property as  a  consequence of  this  conflict  featuring   in  the  news  for  many years  now.  Various actors,  including civil society organisations, have tried  to  address  farmer–pastoralist conflict through  mass  education programmes, land-use planning, policy reforms and  the development of community institutions. However, these efforts have not succeeded in the conflict.