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Promoting Azerbaijan's Agricultural Productivity (1997-2010)

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2011
Central Asia

The objective of this study is to evaluate the World Bank Group's (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD], International Development Association [IDA], and International Finance Corporation [IFC]) effectiveness in promoting growth in agricultural productivity in Azerbaijan, and to derive lessons that may be relevant for the World Bank Group's future engagement in Azerbaijani agriculture.

Making Everyone Count

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2011
Eastern Asia

The Philippines has made significant progress in empowering women and in advancing gender equality. The government's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment has prioritized women's economic empowerment, advancing human rights and enhancing gender-responsive local governance. All these priority concerns are integral components of poverty reduction programs in the Philippines. The Philippines has made significant progress in empowering women and in advancing gender equality.

Agricultura Familiar y Políticas de Desarrollo Rural en Argentina y Brasil (análisis comparativo, 1990-2010)

Reports & Research
November, 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean

Este documento es un primer avance de una propuesta de trabajo e investigación conjuntaque está dirigida a analizar en forma comparativa las particularidades que la Agricultura Familiar deArgentina y Brasil a partir de la década de 1990.

Identification of Good Practices in Land Conflict Resolution in Acholi

Reports & Research
October, 2011

Conflict associated with land has increased substantially following the return of peace to the Acholi Region with the return of internally displaced people (IDP), population growth, and increases in the value of land. The area is heavily dependent on agriculture and conflict related to land access seriously threatens to undermine development and the social, political and economic stability of the Acholi Region. This study involved community members, key informants, and statutory and traditional leaders in three sub counties in each of the seven Acholi districts.

Derecho a producir

Reports & Research
October, 2011

La agricultura ya no es la base de las economías suramericanas pero sigue siendo estratégica en el empleo, la balanza comercial, el crecimiento económico, equilibrio territorial y seguridad alimentaria. Los gobiernos de la región deben revisar su sesgo hacia la agroexportación, su miopía de género, garantizar el equilibrio en el acceso a la tierra y el agua y situar la pequeña agricultura en el centro de las políticas agrarias y de inversión pública. Esta sería una vía para reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad.

Fact Finding Mission Report on Kimere Farmers Land Conflict-Mapinga

Reports & Research
September, 2011

This fact finding is based on one of the claims of a group of peri-urban dwellers in Kimere, Mapinga village in Bagamoyo District, whose land they claim have been invaded by one of the well connected elite with a view to assist them register their rights only to realise later on that he was playing a tricky game to own their land. 

Making Productive Use of Khas land: Experiences of Extreme Poor Households

Reports & Research
September, 2011

This study investigated three key aspects influencing negotiations for the purpose of understanding how the gains were made from the khas (state) land by extremely poor households. These were: 1) if and how intra-household dynamics and characteristics impacted the negotiations; 2) if and how the local socio-political situation and the location of the land bear influence and 3) how the extremely poor‘s relationships with external agencies including markets, the state and institutions have an impact on the negotiation process and how the land is made productive.