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Adjustment and poverty in Mexican agriculture: how farmers' wealth affects supply response

December, 1994
Latin America and the Caribbean

By and large, it appears that the goals of agricultural reform are being met in Mexico. But measures such as decoupling income supports and price supports or reorienting research and extension could help farmers who cannot afford access to machinery and purchased inputs and services.Lopez, Nash, and Stanton report the results of a study of Mexican farm households using 1991 survey data and a smaller resurvey of some of the same households in 1993.One study goal was to empirically examine the relationship between assets and the output supply function.

Dynamics of rural development: analytical and policy issues

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 1994
South-Eastern Asia

This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the links among conceptual, empirical and policy issues relating to agricultural growth, rural development and overall Philippine economic growth. It discusses the nature of interaction between agriculture and rural nonfarm enterprises (RNEs) focusing on the demand stimulus generated by agricultural growth. Description of the critical role of RNEs in rural development draws heavily from the contrasting development experiences of Taiwan and the Philippines.

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) and the fisheries, livestock and crop sectors: adjustments in the pasture leases

December, 1993

This study focuses on the responses of pasture leases to the possibility of agrarian reforms by using the survey of 145 pasture leases in Masbate, Bukidnon and South Cotabato where pasture leases where concentrated. This paper relies mainly on the descriptive method of analysis. Results indicate the opening up of pasture leases to bidding for the most productive use of the land subject to the clear-cut regulations that such activities be environmentally and economically sustainable.

Luchas simbólicas en los conflictos por la tierra en Chimborazo, Ecuador

Reports & Research
June, 1993

Este trabajo busca analizar el papel de los símbolos en las luchas agrarias indígenas. Pretendo establecer la manera como la tierra y un dirigente indígena muerto han podido llegar a constituirse en símbolos para los indígenas en sus acciones por acceder a la tierra y en la construcción de su identidad. Estos símbolos, quiero mostrarlo en el estudio, llegan a constituirse como tales, entre otras cosas, en la confrontación con la idea que la sociedad mayor, concretamente los hacendados, tiene sobre los dos elementos seleccionados.

Grappling with land reform in pastoral Namibia

December, 1991
Sub-Saharan Africa

This article discusses the history of land reform in Namibia. The article indicates that at the time of writing (September 1991), it is still too early to comment on the implementation of land reform in Namibia, as it has not yet begun in earnest. Land policy has yet to be detailed and ratified, the institutions for implementing land reform and settlement programmes have to be appointed and in some cases created de novo, and large sums of money have to be found.

Producers co-operatives and rural development in Ethiopia

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1985

The main objectives of the cooperative societies of the 1960’s were the promotion, in accordance with cooperative principles and the requirements of social justice, of better living, better business and better methods of production by reducing the cost of credit, etc. Most of the societies then were farmers' cooperatives whose membership were composed of land owners, provincial and district Governors businessmen, etc. The leadership was also controlled by the same people.

Participación del campesino peruano en la producción y abastecimiento de alimentos

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1984

Analiza la importancia de la agricultura en la economia nacional, la tenencia y propiedad de la tierra, la reforma agraria, el consumo de productos alimentarios, la produccion agropecuaria, y la oferta, demanda e importacion de los principales productos agricolas y pecuarios destinados a la alimentacion.

Intervención estatal y cambios en la racionalidad de las economías campesinas : el caso de las comunidades de San Vicente y Tumbatu en el valle del Chota

Reports & Research
October, 1983

La sociedad ecuatoriana de los años 80, es sustancialmente diferente a la de los años 50, al igual que los problemas que afronta, sin que ello señale la conformación de una sociedad más justa y libre de las contradiciones de hace dos décadas. Entender los cambios operados en estos años significa entender el proceso de modernización capitalista emprendido y el papel protagónico del Estado.

Suite donnee a la conference mondiale sur la reforme agraire et le developpement rural

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 1980

Le Conseil alimentaire mondial réuni a Rome en 1974 a recommande aux gouvernements de prendre des mesures pour instaurer la reforme agraire et transformer progressivement les structures et les "relations socio-économique dans' les zone rurales afin d'accélérer la planification et la mise en œuvre de programmes "de développement rural intègre qui amèneraient une augmentation production agricole et l’intégration sociale.