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Systems analysis to support WFP regional action on climate resilience for Mozambique

December, 2022

For the 1.5 billion people living in fragile and conflict-affected settings,
livelihood challenges are compounded by climate change, unsustainable
resource consumption, poor governance, and weak social cohesion. In
Mozambique, a significant 45% of its inhabitants live below the poverty line,
and a staggering 80% rely on subsistence agriculture, a sector highly
susceptible to climate change. Socio-ecological risks have therefore become
increasingly prevalent along with environmental degradation and conflict.

Spatiotemporal variation in soil salinity under irrigated fields at Bochessa Catchment in Central Ethiopia

December, 2022

Soil salinity and sodicity problems are one of the major challenges to the permanence of irrigated agriculture in Ethiopia. This manuscript, therefore, concerns its spatial and temporal variation under irrigated fields and suggests possible management options. For this investigation, eight monitoring locations were selected based on the irrigation intensity that farmers practised in the area. With each location, three irrigated farmers' fields were randomly selected for sampling purposes. Likewise, six farmers' fields from the rain-fed system were also selected for comparison purposes.

Translating seasonal forecasts into actionable information for adaptation planning in agriculture and water sectors in West Africa: Approach and application in Niger

December, 2022

Seasonal climate forecasts are crucial inputs for effective planning of adaptation to climate variability in the climate-sensitive development sectors. In West Africa, recommendations associated with seasonal forecasts are often based on expert judgment and assessment of the forecasts. This approach can be subjective and misleading, thus limiting the effectiveness of adaptation planning decision. This Info Note proposes a novel approach for translating seasonal forecasts into actionable sector-specific information.

Expanding capacity for translating seasonal climate forecasts into actionable information for agriculture and water sectors in West Africa: Lessons learnt and way forward

December, 2022

AGRHYMET has recently proposed a novel approach for translating seasonal climate forecasts into actionable information for adaptation planning for agriculture and water sectors using sectoral biophysical and process-based models. The aim is to finetune and generate forecast-based recommendations for these two sectors to better support effective adaptation planning and reduce risks associated with biases and subjective recommendations.

Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Crop-Livestock-Aquaculture Integration Course Module

December, 2022

As part of the AICCRA, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are tasked to develop curricula and training materials to accelerate the mainstreaming of Climate Information Services (CIS) and Climate- Smart Agriculture (CSA) into University’s curricula in Africa. This report describes the activities of a training of trainers’ (ToT) workshop on crop-livestock-aquaculture integration course module, held on 24-26 May 2023.

Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Soil Nutrient and Water Management in Crop Production Course Module

December, 2022

As part of the AICCRA, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are tasked to develop curricula and training materials to accelerate the mainstreaming of Climate Information Services (CIS) and Climate- Smart Agriculture (CSA) into University’s curricula in Africa. This report describes the activities of a training of trainers’ (ToT) workshop on soil nutrient and water management in crop production course module, held from 28 February to 03 March 2023.

Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Indigenous and Local Trees-based Agroforestry Systems Course Module

December, 2022

As part of the AICCRA, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are tasked to develop curricula and training materials to accelerate the mainstreaming of Climate Information Services (CIS) and Climate- Smart Agriculture (CSA) into University’s curricula in Africa. This report describes the activities of a training of trainers’ (ToT) workshop on Indigenous and local trees-based agroforestry systems course module, held on 11-14 April 2023.

Mainstreaming traditional fruits, vegetables and pulses for nutrition, income, and sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa: the case for Kenya and Ethiopia

December, 2022

This study documented existing knowledge on traditional fruits, vegetables and pulses in Kenya and Ethiopia. The aim was to identify neglected and underutilized species with high potential for food security, for their economic value and contribution to sustainable agriculture, based on a literature review and confirmation of existing data by local experts. In order of priority, the top 5 fruit species in Kenya are Tamarindus indica L. , Adansonia digitata L.

Scaling Gender and Nutrition Sensitive technologies and innovations in West and Central Africa: Lessons learnt from the Market for Agricultural Innovation and Technology

December, 2022

Scaling up Gender and Nutrition Sensitive (GNS) Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and Climate Information Services (CIS) is essential to reducing gender inequalities and empowering women in agriculture and food systems in West Africa. AICCRA collaborated with its regional partner, CORAF to promote tested and sound GNS Technologies during the 2023 Market for Agricultural Innovation and Technology (MITA).

Partnership to Strengthen Leadership Capacity of Women in Agriculture and Climate Research in Africa

December, 2022

Women are less represented in agricultural research and development sector representing only 25% of agricultural scientists in Africa in the last decade, and a much lower proportion of decision makers on agriculture and climate change at institutional, national, and global levels. Research activities on climate change and outputs must be inclusive, gender-oriented and promote gender equity to enable women scientists to make a greater contribution and be represented at all levels.

Unleashing the potential of underutilized datasets to improve agricultural decision-making through comprehensive data analysis: An example of rice crop manager (RCM) dataset

December, 2022

The world is facing a number of challenges such as climate change, diminishing soil quality and stagnant crop yields, which call for scalable solutions to ensure food security for a growing population. In this paper, we explore the role of data science in modern agriculture, highlighting the importance of big data analytics, geospatial technology, and machine learning.