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Quiénes son hoy los/as campesino/as: un acercamiento al proceso de construcción de identidad campesina en el marco del conflicto armado en Colombia. Caso de estudio: las zonas de reserva campesina.

Reports & Research
March, 2014

La pertinencia de este análisis deriva en la posibilidad de dar cuenta de situaciones, sujetos y actores, políticas públicas y agencias locales, que constituyen el entramado en la construcción y reproducción de identidades campesinas en Colombia, ya que hoy, hablar de campesinos/as tiene implicaciones políticas si se considera que la nación se ha definido como multicultural.

Credit Constraints, Agricultural Productivity, and Rural Nonfarm Participation : Evidence from Rwanda

March, 2014

Although the potentially negative
impacts of credit constraints on economic development have
long been discussed conceptually, empirical evidence for
Africa remains limited. This study uses a direct elicitation
approach for a national sample of Rwandan rural households
to assess empirically the extent and nature of credit
rationing in the semi-formal sector and its impact using an
endogenous sample separation between credit-constrained and

Decomposition of Gender Differentials in Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia

March, 2014

This paper employs decomposition methods
to analyze differences in agricultural productivity between
male and female land managers in Ethiopia. It employs data
from the 2011-2012 Ethiopian Rural Socioeconomic Survey. An
overall 23.4 percent gender differential in agricultural
productivity is estimated at the mean in favor of male land
managers, of which 10.1 percentage points are explained by
differences in land manager characteristics, land

Is There a Farm-Size Productivity Relationship in African Agriculture? Evidence from Rwanda

March, 2014

Whether the negative relationship
between farm size and productivity that is confirmed in a
large global literature holds in Africa is of considerable
policy relevance. This paper revisits this issue and
examines potential causes of the inverse productivity
relationship in Rwanda, where policy makers consider land
fragmentation and small farm sizes to be key bottlenecks for
the growth of the agricultural sector. Nationwide plot-level

Wage Growth, Landholding, and Mechanization in Agriculture : Evidence from Indonesia

March, 2014

This paper uses farm panel data from
Indonesia to examine dynamic patterns of land use, capital
investments, and wages in agriculture. The empirical
analysis shows that an increase in real wages has induced
the substitution of labor by machines among relatively large
farmers. Large farmers tend to increase the scale of
operation by renting in more land when real wages increase.
Machines and land are complementary if the scale of

The Nexus between Gender, Collective Action for Public Goods, and Agriculture : Evidence from Malawi

March, 2014

Across the developing world, public
goods exert significant impacts on the local rural economy
in general and agricultural productivity and welfare
outcomes in particular. Economic and social-cultural
heterogeneity have, however, long been documented as
detrimental to collective capacity to provide public goods.
In particular, women are often under-represented in local
leadership and decision-making processes, as are young

Myanmar : Capitalizing on Rice Export Opportunities

March, 2014

Improving agricultural productivity and
promoting exports are top priorities for the Government of
the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Given the centrality
of rice to the rejuvenation of agriculture in Myanmar, the
rice sector is of critical importance, especially rice
exports. The government announced ambitious targets of 2
million metric tons (tons)2 of rice exports by 2014/15 and 4
million tons by 2019/20. Recent actual performance is

Agriculture for Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean : From Quantity to Quality

March, 2014

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
region has been in many ways successful in increasing
agriculture production and competitiveness, as well as
tackling nutrition. Mainstreaming nutrition considerations
into agriculture operations can increase the availability of
and access to nutritious food, which can improve the
nutrition status of individuals. The challenge is how to
bridge the gap that exists in region between being an

Commercial Woodfuel Production : Experience from Three Locally Controlled Wood Production Models

March, 2014

Woodfuels (firewood and charcoal) are
the dominant energy source and the leading forest product
for most developing countries. Representing 60 to 80 percent
of total wood consumption in these nations, woodfuels often
account for 50 to 90 percent of all energy used. Although
woodfuels are widely perceived as cheap and primitive
sources of energy, commercial woodfuel markets are
frequently very large, involve significant levels of

Watershed Management Approaches, Policies, and Operations : Lessons for Scaling Up

March, 2014

The report begins with definitions of
watersheds and watershed management, a characterization of
the problem of watershed degradation, and a short history of
watershed management operations and policies (Chapter 1).
The following four chapters discuss the findings from
experience with implementing watershed management programs
over the last 20 years based both on the project review and
on the literature. The second chapter discusses the findings