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Forests, Fragility and Conflict : Overview and Case Studies

March, 2013

This book provides a synthesis of key
themes and current knowledge about the links among forests,
armed conflict, poverty, and various aspects of state
fragility. The main themes addressed are: how predatory,
incapable, or absent states are fragile in different ways,
and their diverse relationships to forests and conflict; the
mechanisms by which forests facilitate or prolong conflict,
including financial flows from logging to state and

Russia : Reshaping Economic Geography

March, 2013

The report has three main chapters
discussing modernization, diversification and
competitiveness. The chapters examine problems and barriers
facing households, private firms and public agencies to
achieving these objectives, and then identify the
instruments that can help Russia achieve the necessary
spatial transformation of its economy. Russia's long
history as one of Europe's leading nations, and its

Powering Up Productivity in Rural Lao PDR : Stimulating Small and Medium Enterprises to Use Electricity for Income Generation

March, 2013

This study s broad goal was to identify
opportunities for promoting productive uses of electricity
in existing as well as among new small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) in the rural villages of Lao PDR to
generate income for rural people and promote economic
development. To this end, the study team conducted a market
analysis of current businesses and services, as well as
major agro-processing and other income-generating activities

Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights Are Unclear : Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

March, 2013

Expert statements indicate that annually
approximately 20 billion dollars will be needed to prevent
90 percent deforestation in tropical countries. Development
practitioners are eager to see the benefits from REDD plus
initiatives shared with local partners. Equally important to
understanding how local partners might benefit are questions
such as, who should derive benefits from REDD plus
initiatives, and how to ensure these initiatives reach the

Rapid Strategic Environmental Assessment of Coffee Sector Reform in Burundi

March, 2013

A reform in Burundi's coffee sector
is currently under way. Even though the reform was launched
by the government of Burundi in 1992, it was only in 2008
that implementation fully started. The purpose of the reform
is to restructure the coffee sector, focusing on the
following processes: privatization of the industrial units
(especially washing and hulling units), liberalization of
government control among the production and export agencies,

Samoa : Livestock Production and Marketing

March, 2013

This report was prepared to provide
information and analysis of the Samoan livestock sub-sector
for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through a
technical assistance assignment financed by the World Bank.
The Word Bank contributed technical assistance support to
the Government of Samoa to help identify measures to
strengthen agriculture sector institutions, to improve the
performance of selected commodities - including in the

Strengthening the Performance of Samoa's Fruit and Vegetable Sector

March, 2013

Numerous opportunities exist to improve
the performance of Samoa's fresh fruit and vegetable
(F&V) sector. Current per capita consumption appears to
be low by regional and global standards indicating prospects
for future demand growth and a need for increased awareness
of the dietary benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption.
A large share of the existing demand for fruits and
vegetables is being met by imports and there appears to be

Kyrgyz Republic : Agricultural Policy Update, Volume1. Overview

March, 2013

This policy note examines the policy and
investment framework between 2003 and 2010, resulting sector
performance and the priorities for future development. It
draws attention to the need to refocus on completing the
fundamental reforms and investments on which
Kyrgyzstan's early successes were built. These include
further development of land market, building rural finance
markets, further public investment and institutional

Kyrgyz Republic : Agricultural Policy Update, Volume 2. Main Report

March, 2013

This policy note examines the policy and
investment framework between 2003 and 2010, resulting sector
performance and the priorities for future development. It
draws attention to the need to refocus on completing the
fundamental reforms and investments on which
Kyrgyzstan's early successes were built. These include
further development of land market, building rural finance
markets, further public investment and institutional

Climate Resilient Ningbo Project : Local Resilience Action Plan, Volume 1. Final Report

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2013

Ningbo serves as the Chinese pilot city
for the World Bank Climate Resilient Cities (CRC) Program.
The CRC program aims to, prepare local governments in the
East Asia region to better understand the concepts and
consequences of climate change; how climate change
consequences contribute to urban vulnerabilities; and what
is being done by city governments in East Asia and around
the world to actively engage in learning capacity building,

Mongolia : Improving Feed and Fodder Supply for Dzud Management

March, 2013

The paper reports on improving feed and
fodder supply for the dzud management in Mongolia study, and
aims to identify policy options that could improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of dzud emergency management
and response. It includes an assessment of the appropriate
roles for the private and public sectors, identification of
issues, and capacity building requirements. The study will
support a policy dialogue and could provide the foundation

Uganda - Promoting Inclusive Growth : Transforming Farms, Human Capital, and Economic Geography, Synthesis Report

March, 2013

At an average above 6.0 percent per year
over the past two decades, Uganda' s growth rate was
impressive by all standards. In parallel, poverty declined
significantly, not only in urban areas, but also to some
extent within the rural areas. This combination was possible
because the key drivers of growth were labor-intensive
services sectors, some of which are agriculture based. In
fact, Uganda's growth process has reduced overall