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Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure - 4

April, 2012

Governance of Tenure Voluntary Guidelines video The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security Directives volontaires sur la gouvernance foncière Les Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale Directrices voluntarias sobre gobernanza de la tenencia Las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la s

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure - 7

April, 2012

Governance of Tenure Voluntary Guidelines video The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security Directives volontaires sur la gouvernance foncière Les Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale Directrices voluntarias sobre gobernanza de la tenencia Las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la s

The Economics of Land Degradation for the Agriculture Sector in Tajikistan - A Scoping Study

Reports & Research
April, 2012

As part of the broader United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Environment Programme (UNDP/UNEP) Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI), Phase 1 Project, the overall objective of this study is to develop a framework to assess the impact of land degradation and the benefits of SLM.

Facilitating Short and Longer-Term Supply Response to Higher and More Volatile Food Prices

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2012

International food prices spiked for the second time in four years in early 2011, igniting concerns about a repeat of the 2008 food price crisis and its consequences for the poor. International food price uncertainty has also increased along with average levels. Although price volatility is an intrinsic characteristic of agricultural markets, it has increased markedly over the last five years, compared to the previous two and a half decades, even when controlling for inflation.

Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South, Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database

Reports & Research
April, 2012

The Land Matrix, from which this report was produced, is an online public database of large-scale land deals. Report covers global overview – the rush for land for agriculture, where are investments targeted?, investors and investor countries, learning more about the drivers, processes and impacts: how land deals are implemented, bibliography.

Land Fragmentation, Cropland
Abandonment, and Land Market Operation in Albania

April, 2012

Albania's radical farmland
distribution is credited with averting an economic crisis
and social unrest during the transition. But many believe it
led to a holding structure too fragmented to be efficient,
and that public efforts to consolidate plots are needed to
lay the foundation for greater rural productivity. This
paper uses farm-level data from the 2005 Albania Living
Standards Measurement Survey to explore this quantitatively.

Food Security and Wheat Prices in
Afghanistan : A Distribution-sensitive Analysis of
Household-level Impacts

April, 2012

This paper investigates the impact of
increases in wheat flour prices on household food security
using unique nationally-representative data collected in
Afghanistan from 2007 to 2008. It uses a new estimator, the
Unconditional Quantile Regression estimator, based on
influence functions, to examine the marginal effects of
price increases at different locations on the distributions
of several food security measures. The estimates reveal that

Harnessing Proposed Land Reforms to Promote Environmental Conservation in Kenya: Lessons from The Case of Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary and Hombe Community Forest Association

Reports & Research
March, 2012

Land plays a vital and central role in the economic, social-cultural and political lives of both individuals and communities. Given its centrality in the socio-economic and political spheres, national goals such as economic development, poverty reduction, social and political stability are closely linked to land. Land provides the livelihood base for the bulk of the population especially in the rural areas where agriculture is the main occupation. Despite their importance, land and environment in Kenya have suffered decades of mismanagement that has led to the current state of degradation.

Land Rights and Agricultural Productivity

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2012

Property rights to land represent the key institutional asset on which rural people build their livelihoods. In fact, in many countries, landlessness is the best predictor of poverty. The nature of farmers’ property rights to land substantially impacts their willingness and ability to adopt productivity-enhancing inputs and investments.

Confrontos entre Produtores, camponeses e investidores na Zambézia, norte de Moçambique, no contexto de pressões relativas ao lucro em investidores europeus

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2012

Investidores agrícolas estrangeiros estão em conflitos com camponeses locais em Moçambique, num confronto sobre modelos agrícolas e desenvolvimento. Investidores estrangeiros de olho em terra aparentemente vaga, prometem lucros elevados (muitas vezes inflacionados) a investidores e parceiros locais. Alguns esperam capitalizar com créditos de carbono ou produzir biocombustíveis e alegam ser investimentos “verdes” (ecológicos). Todos prometem empregos, escolas e desenvolvimento local.

Confrontation between peasant producers and investors in northern Zambézia, Mozambique, in the context of profit pressures on European investors

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2012

Foreign agricultural investors are clashing with local peasants in Mozambique, in a  confrontation over agricultural and development models. Foreign investors looking a apparently vacant land promise high (often inflated) profits to investors and local partners. Some hope to capitalise on carbon credits or produce biofuels, and claim to be green investments. All promise jobs, schools, and local development. Local backers support the outside investors and their plantations with terms like "progress" and "modernisation".