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Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management : A Comparative Study

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2008

This note contains a summary, for practitioners, of the World Bank Law, Justice, and Development Series Book Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management: a comparative study (2006). It examines how the regulatory frameworks in 16 jurisdictions worldwide have addressed the various basic issues related to water resources management, provides a comparative analysis of those issues, and highlights the essential elements of the regulatory frameworks that are emerging in response.

Joint MDB Report to the G8 on the Implementation of the Clean Energy Investment Framework and Their Climate Change Agenda Going Forward

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2008

The 2005 Gleneagles G8 summit in July 2005 stimulated a concerted effort of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to broaden and accelerate programs on access to energy and climate change mitigation and adaptation through the Clean Energy Investment Framework (CEIF). At the Gleneagles summit, it was agreed that a report on the implementation of the CEIF would be prepared for the 2008 G8 (Group of Eight: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) summit hosted by Japan.

Browsing on fences. Pastoral land rights, livelihoods and adaptation to climate chan

Reports & Research
May, 2008

This paper developed from an articulated process to address the rights to land of pastoral groups, within a holistic perspective and accounting for changes brought about by climate change. It brings together the inputs made by over 120 participants in a web-based forum organised in 2006 and managed by the International Land Coalition on pastoral land rights. Further materials and lessons have been drawn from a number of projects and experiences all around the world, in order to provide a comprehensive update about the rights of nomadic and pastoralist groups and natural resources.

Agricultura, desarrollo rural, tierra, sequía y desertificación: resultados, tendencias y desafíos para el desarrollo sostenible de América Latina y el Caribe

Reports & Research
April, 2008
Latin America and the Caribbean

En el presente documento se analizan los principales temas relacionados con el desarrollo agropecuario y rural, y la situación del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales de América Latina y el Caribe en el período 1990 a 2005. El documento está estructurado en torno a cinco ejes temáticos: i) desarrollo productivo; ii) deforestación; iii) degradación y desertificación; iv) factores sociales y demográficos, pobreza, ingreso y empleo, y cambios poblacionales, y v) cambio climático y desastres naturales.

Pro-poor Payment for Environmental Services: Some Considerations

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

PES is a new concept gaining momentum in the Asia-Pacific region. But what are the enabling conditions for employing PES schemes, and how can they be made pro-poor? Payment for Environmental Services (PES) sets up systems where beneficiaries of environmental services reward the providers of such services with payments or other non-financial goods (market access, land security, public services, infrastructure, capacity building).

Climate change, deforestation and the fate of Amazon

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2008

Climate change, deforestation and the fate of Amazon. Understanding and mitigation the impact of the increasing population and global economic activities on tropical forests is one of the greatest challenges for scientists and policy makers. A summary of some of the latest findings and thinking on this topic has been reported by Malhi and colleagues in a recent paper published on Science. An overview and comments on this paper is herein proposed.

Reconstrucción histórica de dos Áreas Naturales Protegidas en México

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2008

Con el presente trabajo presentamos dos áreas naturales protegidas, ubicadas en dos regiones ecológicas y culturales representativas de la biodiversidad de México: Zona Protectora Forestal Cañadas de Contreras Distrito Federal y la reserva de Biosfera, Sierra de Huautla Morelos. Aplicando el enfoque de metabolismo social, etnográfico y cualitativo se evalúa la evolución de la propiedad en nuestro país y su relación con los procesos demográficos y socioeconómicos.

Financing sustainable forest management

January, 2008

Despite the adoption of many international agreements over the last decades, degradation of forests and deforestation has continued. Since this is largely due to the market's failure to account for forests' multifunctionality, this issue argues that a new, holistic approach is necessary to ensure sustainable forest management (SFM) is adequately supported and financed. Against this background, 35 articles explore the role of: