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Inferring Missing Climate Data for Agricultural Planning Using Bayesian Networks

Peer-reviewed publication

Climate data availability plays a key role in development processes of policies, services, and planning in the agricultural sector. However, data at the spatial or temporal resolution required is often lacking, or certain values are missing. In this work, we propose to use a Bayesian network approach to generate data for missing variables. As a case study, we use relative humidity, which is an important indicator of land suitability for coffee production.

Moderating Climate Hazard Risk through Cooperation in Asian Drylands

Peer-reviewed publication

Asia drylands face increasing climate hazard risk, changing socio-economic forces, and environmental challenges that affect community viability. As home to >1 billion residents, deserts are at the centre of the continent’s climate-human predicament. Extreme water scarcity, dependence on food imports and now conflict increase hazard exposure across shared drylands, yet management differs from state to state. This paper argues that a more coherent strategy for mitigating risk would be based on natural environments.


Reports & Research

Objectives of the DMH is as follows:
(1) To take precautionary measures against and minimize the effects of natural disasters
(2) To promote safety, comfort, efficiency and regularity of air, land (rail & road), sea and inland water transportation.
(3) To bring sustainable development of natural resources (hydro electric power, forest produce, water use, wind energy, etc.)
(4) To promote agricultural and food production.

Myanmar Climate Change Watch

Reports & Research

An apocalyptic series of earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis and floods in the region has spooked everyone. Many people have turned to soothsayers and astrologers for advice about any impending natural disasters.

But rather than consult the Mayan calender or a fortune-teller, The Irrawaddy reporter Min Naing Thu interviewed Dr Tun Lwin, the former director-general of Burma's Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).

Pastura natural de Salto (Uruguay): relación con la variabilidad climática y análisis de contextos futuros de cambio climático

Journal Articles & Books

En este trabajo se evaluó objetivamente la relación entre la variabilidad del rendimiento de la pastura en el departamento de Salto (Uruguay) y la variabilidad climática. Se analizaron también las posibles implicancias del cambio climático futuro. Se utilizaron datos diarios y mensuales de la estación meteorológica Salto en el período 1961-1990 y un registro de datos experimentales de crecimiento de pastura en el período 1980-1994. Adicionalmente, se emplearon salidas diarias de reanálisis del NCEP y de los Modelos de Circulación General HadCM3 y CSIRO-Mk2 para los escenarios A2 y B2.

Regional Climate Modeling over South America: A Review

Journal Articles & Books

This review summarizes the progress achieved on regional climate modeling activities over South America since the early efforts at the beginning of the 2000s until now. During the last 10 years, simulations with regional climate models (RCMs) have been performed for several purposes over the region. Early effortsweremainly focused on sensitivity studies to both physicalmechanisms and technical aspects of RCMs. The last developments were focused mainly on providing   high-resolution information on regional climate change.

Impacto del cambio climático en los oasis del oeste argentino

Journal Articles & Books

En Argentina, una de las regiones más vulnerables al Cambio Climático son los oasis productivos del centro-oeste. La actividad agrícola, industrial, la producción de hidroelectricidad y los asentamientos humanos dependen casi exclusivamente del agua proveniente de la fusión de la nieve y de los cuerpos de hielo que se encuentran en la Cordillera de los Andes. la variabilidad de las nevadas (y de los caudales de ríos) es  alta, con años de abundancia y de escasez, aunque para la región su tendencia es a disminuir.

Climate downscaling over South America for present- day climate (1970-1989) using the MM5 Model. Mean, Interannual Variability and Internal Variability

Journal Articles & Books
South America

Este trabajo evalúa la capacidad del modelo regional MM5 para representar las principales características del clima actual de Sudamérica. Se evalúa la distribución espacial de los valores medios estacionales, la variabilidad interanual y el ciclo anual de la precipitación y la temperatura, así como la variabilidad interna.

Resettlement Processes in Colombia: is this a Measure of Both Adaptation and the Protection of the Human Rights of Communities Affected by Climate Change?

Journal Articles & Books

This article presents the deficiencies of the legal system in relation to resettlement of communities as an exceptional measure of climate change adaptation and protection of human rights.

Planting the foundations of a post-2020 land sector reporting and accounting framework

This paper presents possible elements of a long-term international vision for land sector reporting and accounting. The vision is of a multi-dimensional land sector reporting and accounting framework that is applicable to all countries and increases in comprehensiveness over time. The overarching objective of the framework is to build trust between Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by tracking progress in implementation of mitigation contributions in the land sector.