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Ley orgánica derogatoria de la Ley orgánica para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto derogar la Ley que establece las disposiciones que rigen el proceso general para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio, en concordancia con las realidades ecológicas y los principios, criterios, objetivos estratégicos del desarrollo sustentable.

Revoca: Ley orgánica para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio. (2006-08-15)

Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 USC 1451-1466).

United States of America
Northern America

This Act establishes a voluntary national program within the Department of Commerce to encourage coastal States to develop and implement coastal zone management plans. Funds were authorized for cost-sharing grants to States to develop their programs. Each State's plan was required to define boundaries of the coastal zone, to identify uses of the area to be regulated by the State, the mechanism (criteria, standards or regulations) for controlling such uses, and broad guidelines for priorities of uses within the coastal zone.

Ley Nº 12/2006 - Ley de medidas en materia de medio ambiente.

Southern Europe

El presente Ley responde a la necesidad de introducir un conjunto de modificaciones puntuales en la legislación vigente en materia de medio ambiente, en relación a la protección de los animales, la gestión de espacios naturales, el acceso motorizado al medio natural, el procedimiento de evaluación de impacto ambiental de proyectos, y el proceso de adecuación de las actividades de incidencia ambiental a lo establecido en la Ley de la intervención integral de la Administración ambiental.

Standards Law No. 13/ NA.

South-Eastern Asia

This Law, consisting of twelve Chapters, establishes the Law on Standards. It specifies principles, rules, measures regarding the establishment, activities, management, and inspection of standards and technical regulations for products, goods, services, processes, and the environment. To encourage, improve and ensure the production, services, social economic and environment protection in order to have the quality, efficiency, justice and rights, and the legitimate interests and safety of consumers in manufacturing, and will be a factor in managing the nation's economy and development.

State Ordinance on Phyiscal Planning and Development.


This Ordinance establishes the Council for Physical Development and provides rules for town and country planning and development in general in Aruba. The Minister shall prepare a Physical Development Plan, which contains general indications of proposed development. The Plan shall be adopted by State Decree. Directives based on the Plan may determine which development activities may be carried out only with an authorization of the Minister. Such activities may include the mining, the felling of trees, afforestation and cultivation of land and the establishment of waste reception facilities.

Decree-Law No. 85/2005 ruling on waste incineration.

Southern Europe

This Decree-Law, composed of 49 articles and five Annexes, introduces in the national legal system EC Council and Parliament Directive No. 2000/76/CE. This Decree-Law rules on waste incineration with the aim of preventing or reducing its negative effects over environment, especially the pollution caused by air, soil and water emissions as well as for reducing risks for human health. Such regime applies to all legislation in force regarding waste management, environment, air quality, water quality, health and safety at workplace.

Environment Protection Act (No. 86 of 2000).

Northern Europe

An Act for the prevention of pollution, the conservation of a varied ecological system, for the promotion of involvement of the public in environmental protection and to provide for ecologically sustainable use of resources and the assessment of effects of economic activities on the environment.The text consists of 118 sections divided into 16 Chapters: General provisions (I); Decrees and regulations (II); Public offices and their tasks (III); Conditions for environment permits (IV); Competence of offices in relation with granting of permits (V); Procedures of granting of permits (VI); Asse

Oromia Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation (No. 130 /2007).

Eastern Africa

The aim of this Proclamation is to improve management and utilization of land and land resources for agricultural purposes. It applies to all land that lies outside of municipal borders. The Proclamation defines the right to acquire, free of charge, rural land by adult residents of the region, whose livelihood depends on agriculture, and other subjects. It also defines land use rights of peasants, pastoralists and semi-pastoralists and provides for the protection of such rights.

Property Tax and Valuation Act.

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act concerns: (a) the imposition of taxes on land including improvements and all estates, interests, easements and rights pertaining to land; and (b) the valuation of real property for purposes of taxation.The Act assigns the function of administration of provisions of this Act to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and provides for the appointment of a Chief Valuation Officer and Valuation Officers. For purposes of this Act, property shall be classified as: "agricultural”, ”residential” or “other property”.

Environment Act 1999 (Act No. 9 of 1999).


The objects of this Act shall be, among other hings: (a) to provide for and establish integrated systems of development control, environmental impact assessment and pollution control; (b) to prevent, control and monitor pollution; to (c) protect and conserve the natural resources threatened by human activities, particularly those resources of national and ecological significance as may be classified under the categories of terrestrial vegetation, coral, fish and marine life; (d)to control, manage and regulate hazardous substances; and (f) to promote the conservation and sustainable use of b