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Distributional Implications of Climate Change in India

March, 2012

Global warming is expected to heavily
impact agriculture, the dominant source of livelihood for
the world's poor. Yet, little is known about the
distributional implications of climate change at the
sub-national level. Using a simple comparative statics
framework, this paper analyzes how changes in the prices of
land, labor, and food induced by modest temperature
increases over the next three decades will affect

Growth and Productivity in Agriculture
and Agribusiness : Evaluative Lessons from World Bank
Group Experience

March, 2012

The World Bank Group has a unique
opportunity to match the increases in financing for
agriculture with a sharper focus on improving agricultural
growth and productivity in agriculture-based economies,
notably in Sub-Saharan Africa. Greater effort will be needed
to connect sectoral interventions and achieve synergies from
public and private sector interventions; to build capacity
and knowledge exchange; to take stock of experience in

Tackling Poverty in Northern Ghana

March, 2012

Twenty years of rapid economic
development in Ghana has done little, if anything, to reduce
the historical North, South divide in standards of living.
While rural development and urbanization have led to
significant poverty reduction in the South, similar dynamics
have been largely absent from Northern Ghana (or
equivalently the North, defined as the sum of the
administrative regions Upper West, Upper East, and the

Thailand Environment Monitor : Integrated Water Resources Management - A Way Forward

March, 2012

Water is everyone's business.
Beside a necessity for living, water has implications on
public health and, most importantly, can cause social
conflicts. This is because water is limited, is difficult to
control, and can easily be polluted. The Integrated Water
Resource Management (IWRM) process is considered worldwide
as a means to reduce social conflicts from competing water
needs as well as to facilitate effective and sustainable

2011 Philippines Development Report : Generating Inclusive Growth to Uplift the Poor

March, 2012

The theme of the 2011 Philippines
development report is 'generating inclusive growth,
uplifting the poor and vulnerable'. This theme is
follows from the priorities set in President Aquino's
Social Contract and the emerging 2011-2016 Philippines
Development Plan (PDP). The PDP details the vision of
inclusive growth and poverty reduction that underlies the
social contract (chapter one). Accordingly, the PDP focuses

Who Is Vouching for the Input Voucher? Decentralized Targeting and Elite Capture in Tanzania

March, 2012

Input subsidy programs carry support as
instruments to increase agricultural productivity, provided
they are market-smart. This requires especially proper
targeting to contain the fiscal pressure, with decentralized
targeting of input vouchers currently the instrument of
choice. Nonetheless, despite clear advantages in
administrative costs, the fear of elite capture persists.
These fears are borne out in the experience from the 2008

Maize revolutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

March, 2012

There have been numerous episodes of
widespread adoption of improved seed and long-term
achievements in the development of the maize seed industry
in Sub-Saharan Africa. This summary takes a circumspect view
of technical change in maize production. Adoption of
improved seed has continued to rise gradually, now
representing an estimated 44 percent of maize area in
Eastern and Southern Africa (outside South Africa), and 60

A Comparative Perspective on Poverty Reduction in Brazil, China and India

March, 2012

Brazil, China and India have seen
falling poverty in their reform periods, but to varying
degrees and for different reasons. History left China with
favorable initial conditions for rapid poverty reduction
through market-led economic growth; at the outset of the
reform process there were ample distortions to remove and
relatively low inequality in access to the opportunities so
created, though inequality has risen markedly since. By

Mozambique - Analysis of Public Expenditure in Agriculture : Core Analysis

March, 2012

The objective of this Agriculture Public
Expenditure Review (AgPER) is to provide an assessment of
the present situation and to offer recommendations to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending
in agriculture in Mozambique. The report provides a
sectorwide picture of the magnitude and structure of public
spending for agriculture in Mozambique over the past six
years, and an overall assessment of the budget process in

Republic of Burundi - Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) :
The Challenge of Achieving Stable and Shared Growth

March, 2012

This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)
is the first for Burundi since the 1980s. It has been
developed in collaboration with the government of Burundi.
The CEM has been prepared in cooperation with the African
development bank and the U.K. department for international
development. Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the
world, and has suffered from many years of civil conflict
and its consequences. In the last years, peace has been

Azerbaijan - Building Assets and Promoting Self Reliance : The Livelihoods of Internally Displaced Persons

March, 2012

Government of Azerbaijan (GoA) and the
World Bank have a long history of partnership in addressing
the needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the
country. The purpose of this study was to start identifying
gaps and areas for further engagement. The report would not
have been possible without the support of GoA counterparts.
The report pursues the argument that in order to expand the
choice of IDP livelihoods it is possible to build upon and

Liberia - Employment and Pro-Poor Growth

March, 2012

Fourteen years of civil conflict
(1989-2003) have destroyed Liberia's social and
economic infrastructure and brought the economy nearly to a
halt. Workers who came of age during the conflict are
largely unskilled, and the supply of workers exceeds demand
by a substantial margin. The negative effects of
unemployment, underemployment, and low productivity on
economic growth have made employment the most urgent demand