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Plan d'action forestier tropical pour l'Amérique Latine

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1988

En ouvrant la 8e session du Comit FAO de la mise en valeur des forts dans les tropiques, qui a sig Rome au milieu de septembre 1987 (voir Le monde forestier), M. D.J. Walton, Directeur gnral adjoint de la FAO, a tabli un parallle entre la situation de la foresterie aujourd'hui et celle de l'agriculture pendant les annes 70. C'est seulement lorsque les responsables extrieurs au secteur agricole se sont rendu compte du cot social et conomique de l'abandon de ce secteur que les choses ont commenc changer.

Land policies and farm productivity in Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
June, 1988

This study assesses the economic implications of land ownership security in rural Thailand. It uses data from this country to rigorously analyze several aspects of land ownership security. It provides both qualitative and quantiative information on the effects of ownership security. The study presents a conceptual model and literature review and is followed by separate discussions on the evolution of land rights in Thailand; the study methodology and the nature of the data; and the credit market.

Reduction of food losses through insect pest management and use of small scale and low cost farm equipment : progress report for the period from 1st January to 30th june 1987

Reports & Research
June, 1987

The document focuses on the growing demand for regional facilities for demographic research and training in Africa, the United Nations Economic commission for Africa approved, at its Ninth Session in 1968, the establishment of two new institutes, which would provide training and conduct research in the region. One of these was to serve the English-speaking Countries of Africa, taking into consideration the coverage of the Cairo Demographic Centre, and the need to avoid the duplication or facilities, while the other was to serve the French-speaking countries or Africa, south of Sahara.

Drought and the farming sector: Loss of farm animals and post-drought rehabilitation

Reports & Research
December, 1986

Outlines the main effects of drought on crop producers and examines the effects of drought on crop producers and examines the effects of drought induced livestock losses on crop production and considers a range of policy measures aimed at rehabilitation of the farm sector in the post-drought period; compares alternative policy measures.

Forestry in FAO

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1985

This issue of Unasylva focuses on the fortieth anniversary of FAO - -and, in particular, on 40 years of work by FAO's Forestry Department. Here, and in the two issues that follow, we will, in addition to publishing articles on important forestry topics, be reprinting selected excerpts from early issues of Unasylva. This issue, for example, includes the major portion of an article from the very first Unasylva: "The disappearance of the tropical forests of Africa,'' by Andr Marie A.

La foresterie à la FAO

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1985

Le prsent numro d'Unasylva est consacr au quarantime anniversaire de la FAO, et en particulier aux 40 annes d'activits du Dpartement des forts de l'Organisation. Dans ce numro et dans les deux prochains, nous publierons, ct des articles d'actualit, des extraits des livraisons passes d'Unasylva. Par exemple, ce numro contient l'essentiel d'un article d'Andr Marie Aubrville sur la mort des forts de l'Afrique tropicale, tir du N 1 d'Unasylva. Trente-huit ans plus tard, cet article semble particulirement prophtique au moment o la FAO redouble d'efforts pour rsoudre la crise africaine.

Address to the Board of Governors Meeting in Seoul, Korea

Reports & Research
Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1985

In his speech, President A. W. Clausen reviews the economic and debt crisis of the last five years and shares his expectations for the next five years. The World Bank will play a vital role in a successful transition from recession to sustained economic growth. The Bank’s operational strategy rests on twin pillars: assisting borrowers in formulating adjustment programs, and helping mobilize external resources to sustain these programs. Heavily indebted middle-income countries need help to grow out of their debts.

Propositions pour le développement du secteur alimentaire et agricole 1986-1990

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 1985

L’adoption du Plan de Lagos en 1980 est la décision politique, économique et sociale la plus importante prise par l’Afrique depuis l’établissement de la charte de l’OAU en 1963. Dans la période 1980-83, la production par habitant a baissé de 2,7 pour cent par an pour l’agriculture et de 2,9 pour cent par an pour le seul sous-secteur alimentaire.