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Better Livelihoods for Poor People: the Role of Land Policy

Reports & Research
October, 2002

Consultation draft of a DFID Issues Paper on Land Policy by Julian Quan, with the author looking for comments and feedback by the end of November 2002. It revises an earlier version of April 2002, ’following a series of regional workshops on land policy sponsored by the World Bank, and takes account of comments received through that process.’ Includes the significance of land rights for poverty elimination; opportunities and challenges for pro-poor land policy; integrating land into poverty strategies; implications for DFID and the international community; conclusion.

Promoting Land Rights in Africa: How do NGOs Make a Difference?

Reports & Research
October, 2002

Investigates the effectiveness of NGOs’ strategies and methods to influence land policy reform. Report based on a study of 7 NGOs promoting land reform and land rights in Mozambique and Kenya. Covers country contexts – NGO sectors and land policy reform; NGOs in the policy process – roles and relationships; assessing the impact of NGOs on land policy processes; key findings and lessons. Studies show that legislation and regulations can be modified, reinterpreted or ignored during implementation, when local level power relations become critical.

Scoping report on Communal property Institutions in Land Reform

Reports & Research
September, 2002
South Africa

This report was prepared for the Department of Land Affairs (DLA) in South Africa. In 2001 DLA set up the Communal Property Institutions (CPI) Task Team to review land reform legal entities. The purpose of the review and this report is to improve the situation and functioning of CPIs in order to move towards, rather than away from, achieving the objectives of land reform. To do this, the report covers:

• Methods of assessing and analysing cpi performance

• CPI assessment and analysis

• Offering explanations for causes of CPI problems

Scoping report on Communal Property Institutions in Land Reform

Reports & Research
September, 2002
South Africa

This report was prepared for the Department of Land Affairs (DLA) in South Africa. In 2001 DLA set up the Communal Property Institutions (CPI) Task Team to review land reform legal entities. The purpose of the review and this report is to improve the situation and functioning of CPIs in order to move towards, rather than away from, achieving the objectives of land reform. To do this, the report covers:

• Methods of assessing and analysing cpi performance

• CPI assessment and analysis

• Offering explanations for causes of CPI problems

CEDAW Combined Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports of States Parties: Ethiopia

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2002
Southern Africa
Eastern Africa

Ethiopia has combined its fourth and fifth reports to the United Nations Committee that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). This report outlines the status of women in Ethiopia and initiatives on the part of all government and non-governmental actors to address the goals set out by CEDAW. Institutional commitments to address gender issues are in place. However, the socioeconomic status of women, particularly in rural areas, remains lower in Ethiopia's male-biased social structures.

Women's Informal Employment in Transition Economies

Reports & Research
September, 2002
Czech Republic
Eastern Europe

Women's employment in transition countries, notably Central and Eastern Europe has become increasingly informal and flexible. The first growing trend is that women are more involved in cross-border trade, known as 'suitcase' trade, often keeping women away from home for days or months. They buy mainly consumer and household goods usually unavailable in their home countries, to sell to street vendors on their return home. The second growing trend is women's involvement in sub-contracting, particularly work such as hand sewing for the textile and shoe industries.

Reforming Communal Land Tenure in South Africa: why Land Titling is not the Answer. Critical Comments on the Communal Land Rights Bill, 2002

Reports & Research
September, 2002
South Africa

Includes the need for tenure reform; the draft CLRB does not provide appropriate solutions; learning from the African and the South African experiences; why titling is generally inappropriate and ineffective; the unintended consequences of titling programmes; why the draft Bill will not be able to be effectively implemented; the alternative to land titling – learning from new land tenure laws in Mozambique and Tanzania.

Unscrambling the Apartheid Map

Reports & Research
September, 2002

An examination of land tenure arrangements in the former homelands of South Africa and of post-apartheid attempts to deal with them. Includes a critique of the new Communal Land Rights Bill. Argues that the very limited capacity of government’s over-centralised land administration has been the bugbear of land reform in South Africa and that over-optimistic predictions of the speed and scope of reforms have haunted officials and politicians who made them. Fears the new Bill will undermine the opportunity to strengthen the land rights of the poor.

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Land: Case Studies from Kenya, Lesotho and South Africa

Reports & Research
September, 2002
South Africa

Paper prepared for the FAO’s Southern and Eastern Africa Office. Contains introduction to the impact of HIV/AIDS on land issues – land use, land rights, land administration; country studies; the impact of HIV/AIDS in Lesotho, in Kenya, in South Africa, and general findings and recommendations. Latter include land use strategies, land rights and land administration, and developing solutions.

Botswana National Land Policy, Issues Report

Reports & Research
September, 2002

A review of all Botswana land-related policies in preparation for a comprehensive new National Land Policy. Covers land rights, land markets and taxation, urban and rural land management, land use planning, legal, institutional and financial issues. Dominant theme is the need to adjust land policy, laws, management and administration to the changes being brought about by economic development and urbanisation, manifested in a rapidly emerging land market. Government concerned over rise of landlessness and hoarding by speculators.

Rights and Reality, Are Women's Equal Rights to Land, Housing and Property Implemented in East Africa?

Reports & Research
August, 2002
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa

Are women's equal rights to land, housing and property implemented in East Africa? How are land rights translated into national legislation in the Region? This books explores land, housing and property rights in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, and looks at how relevant international treaties are transformed into national legislation and policies in these three countries. A detailed analysis of constitutions and laws on land, housing, inheritance, marriage and divorce laws is also offered.