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New Land Laws and Old Donors in Africa

Reports & Research
April, 2000

Series of slides presented at a talk to the Royal African Society covering land tenure in Africa: common features; book outline; West Africa; land commissions, national land policies and land laws; implementation problems; Uganda Land Act 1998; land reform in South Africa 1994-9; tenure reform blocked in South Africa; conclusions; new approaches to land rights management; role of donors; Zimbabwe land invasions – different interpretations; Zimbabwe land chronology.

An Overview of the recognition of Native Title in the Commonwealth of Australia

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2000

..Rights to land in Burma are bound up with issues of ethnic conflict, militarisation and lack of democratic institutions.
A future democratic Burma will need to seek ways to resolve competing claims to land, taking into account such issues
as traditional ownership by particular ethnic nationalities, return of displaced persons, varying religious ties to land,
development imperatives and agricultural demands. The chosen method of resolution will need to address, as much as
possible, the needs for certainty, efficiency and a fair hearing for those concerned.

Starving Them Out: Forced Relocations, Killings and the Systematic Starvation of Villagers in Dooplaya District

Reports & Research
March, 2000

This report consists of an Introduction and Executive Summary, followed by a detailed analysis of the situation supported by quotes from interviews and excerpts from SPDC order documents sent to villages in the region. As mentioned above, an Annex to this report containing the full text of the remaining interviews can be seen by following the link from the table of contents or from KHRG upon approved request..."

Forced Relocations, Killings and the Systematic Starvation of Villagers in Dooplaya Distric

CEDAW Combined Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports of States Parties: Egypt

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2000
Western Asia
Northern Africa

This submission by the government of Egypt to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) combines the fourth and fifth periodic reports, covering the period 1994 to 1998. It highlights the important role women have played in the country's development processes. The women's movement in Egypt has received widespread support and encouragement from governmental and non-governmental actors alike.

Grave Diggers: A report on Mining in Burma

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2000

A report on mining in Burma. The problems mining is bringing to the Burmese people, and the multinational companies involved in it. Includes an analysis of the SLORC 1994 Mining Law.... 'Grave Diggers, authored by world renowned mining environmental activist Roger Moody, was the first major review of mining in Burma since the country's military regime opened the door to foreign mining investment in 1994.

BRIDGE Report 56: Gender and Development: Facts and Figures

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2000

What evidence is there of gender inequalities in life outcomes between women and men? This report provides facts and figures that expose gender inequalities, providing evidence of the need to engender development. It offers an insight into the available gender statistics in the following areas: poverty, health, access to resources, education, globalisation, governance, conflicts and emergencies, and human rights. The Beijing Platform for Action (1995) highlighted the different needs of women and men, girls and boys.

The land question and land reform in Southern Africa

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 1999
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper discusses the nature of the land problem in the region and tries to situate the general land reform process in Zimbabwe within a regional context.It examines the four key land problems facing the region the discriminatory and insecure forms of land tenure that are found among variouslandownership regimes the increasingly imbalanced landownership structures and factors underlying itthe contradictory tendencies towards irrational land-use patterns through both the over utilisation and underutilisation of land the devotion of most prime lands and resources to production for externa

Protest against the acquisition of common grazing land in Kadadara Panchayat, Gujarat

December, 1999
Southern Asia

Local governance has become increasingly significant as devolution from central and provincial levels is being attempted in India as a result of the enactment of the 73rd and 74th Amendment of the Constitution in 1993. The essence of local self governance is to enable a small community to maintain access and control over their natural and physical resources, to take collective decisions in the common public good and to provide resources in priority developmental actions. Another dimension of local self governance is to demand accountability from people in public positions.

The case of Kok Hin Khao land rights conflicts in Nam Phong district of Khon Kaen - Thailand

December, 1999
Eastern Asia

This paper is a report on anthropological fieldwork on the civil society movements in northeastern Thailand. The case of Kok Hin Khao land rights conflicts in the district of Nam Phong of Khon Kaen province was thoroughly examined to understand the current dynamics of civil society in the Northeast.It is argued that the discrepancy between the government's development rhetoric and what actually happened at the grassroots level has laid the ground for the emergence of contemporary civil society to protect its own interests.