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Customary Tenure Arrangements within Khmer Communities in Cambodia

Reports & Research
July, 2019
South-Eastern Asia

A common misconception about CT systems in Cambodia is that it is confined to indigenous communities in the peripheral uplands of Cambodia and does not exist in their Khmer counterparts. In response, this research compares related studies on customary tenure in Khmer communities, and describes the evolution of customary tenure within them, the different categories of potential resources governed under customary tenure, and the governance regimes of those resources. It then proposes three practical cases/communities for further field-based documentation.

Possession and Precedence: Juxtaposing Customary and Legal Events to Establish Land Authority

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2019

Land restitution carries implicit recognition of some previous claim to ownership, but when are first claims recognized? The concepts of first possession and original acquisition have long been used as entry points to Western concepts of property. For Austronesia, the concept of precedence is used in customary systems to justify and describe land claims and Indigenous authority. Conflict and political change in Timor-Leste have highlighted the co-existence of multiple understandings of land claims and their legitimacy.

A stronger voice for women in local land governance: effective approaches in Tanzania;Ghana and Senegal

July, 2019

This report;based on primary and secondary data;highlights the link between land and inequality in Uganda.  It underscores the need to review policies;laws and regulations governing institutions and practices in the realm of land ownership;access;use and management;and to allocate enough resources to secure land rights. The report looks at factors that have had an impact on poverty and vulnerability;and how policies;laws;regulations and cultural practices can be made more inclusive.

What is the impact of LIFT interventions on womens security of land tenure?

Reports & Research
July, 2019

This summary examines the challenges orphan children face in securing their land rights that affects their status during land registration. Particularly;the current practice of LIFTs implementation of procedures for registering deceased landholders parcels and its impact on single orphans. The study provides a strategy to ensure that orphans who have lost either one or both parents receive long-term access to their land use rights .This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme.

Reflections on How State–Civil Society Collaborations Play out in the Context of Land Grabbing in Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2019

We examine collaborations between the state and civil society in the context of land grabbing in Argentina. Land grabbing provokes many governance challenges, which generate new social arrangements. The incentives for, limitations to, and contradictions inherent in these collaborations are examined. We particularly explore how the collaborations between the provincial government of Santiago del Estero and non-government organizations (NGOs) played out. This province has experienced many land grabs, especially for agriculture and livestock production.

Catalyzing the Land Data Ecosystem

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2019
Eastern Africa
South Sudan

There is no doubt that the Global Data Revolution has reached the land sector. Government data portals, open access academic journals, community mapping initiatives and other citizen-generated data - there is a palpable positive drive across the world that allows processes such as data collection to be more inclusive and open. But within this data momentum, there are still many barriers and questions: Who can access the data, and how? What data is reliable? Who owns the data? What data is up to date? Can I use the data without inflicting harm?

Secure Land Tenure Rights for All: Key Condition for Sustainable Development

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean
Eastern Europe

The aim of this policy paper is to present successful approaches to secure land tenure rights in rural and urban areas. To support future programmatic decisions by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), this paper focusses especially on impacts and good practices. It discusses examples from the German technical cooperation but also includes good practices and impacts achieved by other development partners.

Sensitization of private agricultural investors on responsible land investment in Uganda

Reports & Research
June, 2019

The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) created the Special Initiative “One world, No hunger” aimed to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty. Special focus is on Action Area 6 “Promotion of responsible land use and improvement of access to land”. The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) has presently implemented the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy in 6 countries: Peru, Laos, Benin, Madagascar, Ethiopia and Uganda.

Land resource conflict mitigation diplomacy for harmonious inter communities coexistence: the Oku-mbessa legacy in the North West region of Cameroon

Reports & Research
June, 2019

Land resources in montane highlands often represent common property prerequisites for the survival and sustenance of the human in communities that are dependent thereof. The Oku and Mbessa communities on the northern fringe of the Ijim-Kilum citadel have in the course of manning their respective base resources sowed a spectre of edgy perceptions and practices of ownership entitlements that have hatched land resource conflicts.