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Fragility, Conflict, and Migration

December, 2022
United States of America

Fragility, Conflict, and Migration addresses challenges to livelihood, food, and climate security faced by some of the most vulnerable populations worldwide. The Initiative focuses on building climate resilience, promoting gender equity, and fostering social inclusion. It forms part of CGIAR’s new Research Portfolio, delivering science and innovation to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis.

Health impacts of smoke exposure in South America: increased risk for populations in the Amazonian Indigenous territories

December, 2022

Smoke particulate matter emitted by fires in the Amazon Basin poses a threat to human health. Past research on this threat has mainly focused on the health impacts on countries as a whole or has relied on hospital admission data to quantify the health response. Such analyses do not capture the impact on people living in Indigenous territories close to the fires and who often lack access to medical care and may not show up at hospitals. Here we quantify the premature mortality due to smoke exposure of people living in Indigenous territories across the Amazon Basin.

Finance for low-emission food systems: For the CGIAR Research Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems

December, 2022

The objective of this note is to map the global finance landscape that is relevant to the CGIAR Research Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (the Project). The note is part of the initial research phase of the project’s work stream on financial instruments as a tool for scaling of measures for achieving lower emissions in food systems (WP4). The objective of this research phase is to develop a typology of most adopted financial instruments for low-emission investments.

Bundling socio-technical innovations to empower women as partners and drivers of climate change solutions

December, 2022

The CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equality (HER+: Harnessing Gender and Social Equality for Resilience in Agri-food systems) aims to achieve climate resilience by strengthening gender equality and social inclusion across food systems in the Global South. Together with partners, the initiative supports women to increase their agency and to acquire and gain control over resources. The initiative facilitates women’s pathways to empowerment and helps them adapt to future climate-related shocks and stresses.

CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology

December, 2022

Agroecology is a transdisciplinary, participatory, and action-oriented approach aimed at enhancing food system resilience, equity, and sustainability. It forms part of CGIAR’s 2022-2024 Research Portfolio,
delivering science and innovation to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis.

Foresight Partnership Forum: Forum report

December, 2022

Background | The challenges facing food, land, and water systems are numerous and complex. In addressing these interlinked challenges, the choices facing governments and their development partners have also become increasingly complicated. Synergies are possible, but trade-offs are often unavoidable. Decision-makers need better evidence to help them choose actions that minimize trade-offs and advance progress towards collective goals.

Assessing investment priorities for driving inclusive agricultural transformation in Tanzania

December, 2022
United States of America

This study utilizes a recursive dynamic general equilibrium model calibrated with data for Tanzania to explore the link between agricultural and rural development spending and four development outcomes: economic growth, job creation, poverty reduction, and diet quality. Results show that no single expenditure option is the most effective in achieving all four desired development outcomes for Tanzania.

Accelerating climate adaptation in the Zambezi River Basin through digital innovations

December, 2022

The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) in southern Africa connects eight riparian countries—Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The population there mostly reside rurally, and over 80 percent of agriculture is attributed to smallholder farmers facing the brunt of the climate crisis. Digital technologies can facilitate and enhance climate adaptation and resilience, but their potential in ZRB is unassessed and the use relatively low.

Remote sensing grassland productivity attributes: a systematic review

December, 2022

A third of the land on the Earth is composed of grasslands, mainly used for forage. Much effort is being conducted to develop tools to estimate grassland productivity (GP) at different extents, concentrating on spatial and seasonal variability pertaining to climate change. GP is a reliable indicator of how well an ecosystem works because of its close connection to the ecological system equilibrium. The most commonly used proxies of GP in ecological studies are aboveground biomass (AGB), leaf area index (LAI), canopy storage capacity (CSC), and chlorophyll and nitrogen content.

Data-driven approaches can harness crop diversity to address heterogeneous needs for breeding products

December, 2022

This perspective describes the opportunities and challenges of data-driven approaches for crop diversity management (genebanks and breeding) in the context of agricultural research for sustainable development in the Global South. Data-driven approaches build on larger volumes of data and flexible analyses that link different datasets across domains and disciplines. This can lead

Estimating lime requirements for tropical soils: Model comparison and development

December, 2022

Acid tropical soils may become more productive when treated with agricultural lime, but optimal lime rates have yet to be determined in many tropical regions. In these regions, lime rates can be estimated with lime requirement models based on widely available soil data. We reviewed seven of these models and introduced a new model (LiTAS). We evaluated the models’ ability to predict the amount of lime needed to reach a target change in soil chemical properties with data from four soil incubation studies covering 31 soil types.