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Identification of Gendered Trait Preferences among Rice Producers Using the G+ Breeding Tools: Implications for Rice Improvement in Ghana

December, 2022

Rice is the main staple for more than half of the world’s population. In Ghana, rice is the fastest growing food commodity, and it is consumed by almost every household. However, yields continue to be low, as the pace of adoption of new varieties is low. The low rate of adoption has been attributed to failure of modern breeding to incorporate preferred traits for end users. This study thus employed an innovative set of breeding tools, the G+ tools, in identifying gendered trait preferences to develop a robust product profile through a mixed-method approach.

Gender equity and social inclusion in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus: Online learning module.

December, 2022

This learning module shows how gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) considerations can be identified and integrated in programmes and initiatives in the Water-Energy-Food Environment (WEFE) Nexus. Intentionally focusing on gender and social inclusion in designing, implementing and monitoring Water-Energy-Food Environment initiatives is critical to ensure that these initiatives benefit and do not harm women and other marginalised groups and communities.

Closing the gendered energy technology gap in rural Ethiopia: A qualitative study

December, 2022

Much has been written about energy poverty, but there is relatively limited evidence of what determines the gender gap in energy poverty and how it can be overcome in rural areas. This study used Focus Group Discussions, in-depth interviews with farmers and Key Informant Interviews to analyze gendered information, access, adoption and use of rural energy technologies in the domestic and productive spheres. We find striking differences in how men and women adopt and use energy technologies in both spheres.

Gender dynamics and sustainable agriculture adoption for low emission food systems in Cameroon

December, 2022

Sustainable agrifood systems have the potential to significantly impact the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Cameroon. However, there is a gender disparity in the adoption of these technologies due to various sociocultural norms and gender dynamics. In 2020, 351 southern and eastern Cameroonian farming households were surveyed. Gender roles, decision-making, and sustainable agrifood systems were studied using a multistage random sample.

Climate Action Innovation Hub

December, 2022

The African Union Commission (AUC) launched the inaugural strategic Climate Action Innovation Hub (the Innovation Hub) at the Africa Climate Summit (ACS). The Innovation Hub, hosted at the African Union House between the 4th – 6th September, was a unique event to profile Africa’s young people and women engaged in climate action through innovation.

State, Civil Society, and Women’s Labour Use in the Millet Ecosystem: Gender Transformative or Exploitative?

December, 2022

India’s National Food Security Mission, guided by the National Food Security Act, initiated a submission on nutri-cereals focusing on millet crops. In the wake of contestations surrounding different frames of food security and food sovereignty, millet has emerged as a critisector pcal link between women’s labor and local food systems. In Nagaland, the North East Network is leading the revival of millet crops involving local communities, particularly women. In Odisha, a state-supported mission, the Odisha Millet Mission is creating new markets through an institutional process.

The roles of women in seed-sector development in South Sudan.

December, 2022
South Sudan

This brief addresses two dimensions of women and seed systems development ̶ what women do for seed systems development, and what seed systems interventions could do for women ̶ in the context of South Sudan. In South Sudan, women play key roles in seed systems, as custodians and managers of seeds and seed related information, but these roles are not always recognized, respected, supported and rewarded. The brief proposes a number of seed interventions to empower farmers, with special attention paid to women.

Empowering smallholder wheat farmers with NextGen Agroadvisory in Ethiopia: A tailored, season-smart, and scalable approach

December, 2022

This technical report presents a comprehensive overview of the pilot initiative for site-specific and season-smart fertilizer recommendations (SSFR) implemented during the 2022/2023 wheat farming season in Ethiopia. The initiative, led by key demand partners such as Digital Green in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), utilized the advisoryintegrated with the Ethiopian Digital Agro-Climate Advisory Platform (EDACaP), targeting smallholder farmers through various dissemination channels.

Examining the gender digital divide: A case study from rural Bangladesh

December, 2022

Women farmers in Bangladesh face several challenges when it comes to accessing technology and information, and this limits their ability to improve their agricultural productivity and enhance their livelihoods. The gendered digital divide is a significant contributor to inequities in agriculture and has important implications for women’s empowerment. Lack of access to information affects their ability to make informed decisions, access markets, and secure their rights.

Empowering landless women through collectives in the agrifood systems: A review

December, 2022

Collectives are viewed as agents for women's economic empowerment in the Agrifood System through
collective action. Globally, women constitute about 36% of employed people in AFS and almost half of
the workforce in the food processing and services sector. As such, empowering women in the agrifood
systems is a vital prerequisite for fostering a fair and peaceful world as well as enhancing women’s
income and wellbeing. This review explores how collectives can empower vulnerable and often landless

Gendered effects of migration on social organization and smallholder production in Oubritenga Province, Burkina Faso

December, 2022
Burkina Faso

Shifting and intensifying migration flows are causing profound changes in household structures, livelihood portfolios, and rural landscapes worldwide. Yet, migration trends, including who migrates within the household, whether migration is permanent or temporary, and the relationship the migrant maintains (or not) with the household, have strong geographic particularities.

Understanding intra-household food allocation rules: Evidence from a randomized social safety net intervention in Bangladesh

December, 2022

Evidence shows social protection can improve diets, but little is understood about how effects vary within a household or what factors determine how food is allocated across different household members. We use individual food intake data from two randomized control trials to estimate intrahousehold dietary impacts of cash or food transfers, with or without nutrition behavior change communication (BCC), in two regions of Bangladesh.