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Regional Act No. 12 on land protection and restoration.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act aims at the protection and restoration of land and at the same time lays down provisions on the preservation of water resources and their exploitation for irrigation. The Act provides for the subdivision of the regional territory into restoration districts, as specified in article 2. Further provisions define the functions of consortia involved in land restoration and water resources preservation.

Decision No. 114/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Thanh Hoa province up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Thanh Hoa province.The master plan aims at striving for a rapid, efficient and sustainable socio-economic development, creating a substantial progress in the growth, quality and competitiveness of the economy.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; development of husbandry in terms of size and quality of cattle herds and poultry; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of na

Decision No. 1522/QD-BKH approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Chu Lai open economic zone, Quang Nam province, up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Chu Lai open economic zone, Quang Nam province.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; control of environmental pollution; development of water supply, drainage, wastewater and solid waste treatment systems and irrigation systems; and land use and urban planning.

Lettre de Politique de l’Agriculture.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

La Lettre de Politique de l’Agriculture est un document multi-sectoriel à portée nationale qui a pour objectif global l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, des conditions de vie et les revenus des producteurs tout en assurant la croissance de l’économie rurale et tenant compte de la préservation du patrimoine naturel du pays.

Decision No. 87/2008/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province.The plan aims at developing Nam Dinh into a province with a high economic development ensuring economic growth, hunger eradication, and the rational exploitation and utilization of natural resources.The plan shall include: the development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; development of plant varieties; animal husbandry development; development of aquatic and marine resources; urban development; development of water supply infrastructures and wastewater drainage systems.

Agricultural Sector Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018.

National Policies
South-Eastern Asia

In this fifth mandate, the Royal Government of Cambodia promulgated the “Rectangular Strategy Phase-III” and “National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018” and still considers the agricultural sector as the priority sector by clearly identifying that the enhancement of agricultural productivity, diversification and commercialization, the land reforming, the sustainable management of natural resources, notably forestry and fisheries resources, are the fundamental areas to accelerate the economic growth and poverty reduction of the Cambodian population.

Law on Agricultural Land.


The Law regulates planning, protection, control, care and proper use of agricultural land and soil, supervision over correct application of this Law, development and other questions that are essential for use and share of agricultural lands as a common interest good.This Law creates the Directing Commission for Agricultural Land, as a group inside the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management, which shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Law.The Law consists of 11 Chapters, divided into 96 articles: General provisions (I); Planning of protection, ca

Tea Control Act.

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

The Tea Controller appointed under this Act shall maintain under section 2 registers of estates and a register of smallholdings for purposes of this Act. Section 6 provides for the registration of tea manufacturers. No person shall manufacture made tea except in a registered factory (sect. 9). Section 11A requires tea planters and manufacturers of made tea to observe "required standards" established by the Controller. Section 11 C lists all matters to be taken into consideration by the Controller in determining require standards.

Décret exécutif n° 09-311 modifiant et complétant le décret n° 87-15 portant création de l'institut national des sols, de l'irrigation et du drainage (I.N.S.I.D.).

Northern Africa

Le présent décret prévoit la création de stations expérimentales, de laboratoires et d'antennes régionales et/ou de wilayas, pour la réalisation des missions de l'institut national des sols, de l'irrigation et du drainage (I.N.S.I.D.), chargé de procéder à l'inventaire des ressources en terres agricoles et mettre en oeuvre un programme d'actions d'aménagement en vue de leur mise en valeur et préservation.

Modifie: Décret n° 87-15 portant création de l'institut national des sols, de l'irrigation et du drainage (I.N.S.I.D.). (1987-01-13)