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Analysis of the productive systems in the Bagré irrigation scheme (Burkina Faso)

Reports & Research
August, 2017
Burkina Faso

The development of irrigation is one of the priority strategies in the Sahel countries to tackle poverty and food insecurity. At a time when governments are once again committing to increase irrigable areas, it seemed relevant to analyze, in line with the ECOWAS guidelines, the results achieved in large irrigated schemes developed in the 1980s and 1990s to draw lessons for future developments.

Safeguarding land tenure rights in the context of agricultural investments

Training Resources & Tools
August, 2017

This course has been developed in response to the concerns about increasing large-scale land acquisitions and the need to increase investment in agriculture. The objective is to provide guidance to government authorities engaged in investment promotion, approval, and monitoring activities at all stages of the investment cycle.

Social and Environmental Code of Practice (SECoP) for Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia

Manuals & Guidelines
August, 2017

The Social and Environmental Code of Practice (SECoP) for Responsible Commercial Agriculture is designed to help investors in ensuring that their investments are inclusive, sustainable, transparent, and respect human rights. While it focuses on Ethiopia, it will be a useful resource for investors and companies operating in other countries.

Resolución Nº 201-2017-ANA ─ Modifica el Reglamento para la delimitación y mantenimiento de fajas marginales de los cauces de agua naturales o artificiales.

August, 2017

La presente Resolución modifica el Reglamento para la delimitación y mantenimiento de fajas marginales de los cauces de agua naturales o artificiales, en relación a la realización de cultivos en la fajas marginales y en las riberas de los ríos amazónicos, disponiendo que la Autoridad Administrativa del Agua (AAA) autoriza el uso temporal de las fajas marginales y de las riberas de los ríos amazónicos para la siembra de cultivos, siempre que no se afecten los usos públicos, el curso de las aguas y no impida el mantenimiento y limpieza de los cauces.

Policy brief for Privately Protected Areas Futures 2017: Supporting the long-term stewardship of privately protected areas

Reports & Research
August, 2017

Globally, privately protected areas (PPAs) are an increasingly popular approach to long-term protection of biodiversity on privately owned lands. PPAs provide multiple ecological, social and economic benefits to diverse range of stakeholders in across a range of contexts. These include supporting the desire of landowners to protect conservation values on their land, contributing to national conservation targets, and reducing financial costs of land management to governments.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 8

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2017

This LEGEND bulletin explores the relationship between agribusiness and land rights. It features articles on the power of local engagement for financial investment, using technology for mapping rights, and catalysing private sector respect for community land rights.

Promoting financial inclusion

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2017

With Second Level Land Certification (SLLC), farmers gain increased security of tenure: this incentivises them to invest more in their land.

To allow for this productive investment to take place, the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) programme is working with micro finance institutions (MFIs) to roll out an innovative financial product: the SLLC-linked individual loan.

Accessing longer terms and larger size loans allows farmers to increase the productivity of their land, graduate from subsistence farming, and become more commercially oriented.

Enabling access to clean agricultural inputs and technologies: Improving farmer yields and businesses turnover

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2017

Supporting the agriculture sector

The GoE with technical support from the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) programme is issuing Second Level Land Certificates (SLLC) to increase the land tenure security of farmers. As a result, farmers are more willing to invest in their land in a productive and sustainable way. However, to allow for increased productive investment, farmers must have access to improved agri-inputs and technologies that are climate smart: this is currently a challenge in most rural areas.

Country Fact Sheet on Food and Agriculture Policy Trends

Reports & Research
July, 2017

Argentina is a major producer of agricultural goods, agriculture being a key sector both for its production scale and for its exports and GDP. The country is a leading food producer, with large-scale agricultural and livestock industries that have greatly benefitted from the commodity price boom of the past decade. From 2003 to 2015, the Government of Argentina pursued a growth-with-social-inclusion development strategy, introducing several measures in support of consumers through social protection, price controls and protectionist/restrictive trade policies.

Historical Analysis of Riparian Vegetation Change in Response to Shifting Management Objectives on the Middle Rio Grande

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2017

Riparian ecosystems are valuable to the ecological and human communities that depend on them. Over the past century, they have been subject to shifting management practices to maximize human use and ecosystem services, creating a complex relationship between water policy, management, and the natural ecosystem. This has necessitated research on the spatial and temporal dynamics of riparian vegetation change. The San Acacia Reach of the Middle Rio Grande has experienced multiple management and river flow fluctuations, resulting in threats to its riparian and aquatic ecosystems.

Radiografía de la desigualdad

Reports & Research
June, 2017

Luego de 45 años, en Colombia se realizó un nuevo Censo Agropecuario en 2014, cuyos resultados fueron publicados en varias entregas parciales. A finales de 2016, el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) entregó los microdatos completos del censo.

FAO and the SDGs

Reports & Research
June, 2017

On 25 September 2015, the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets – committing the international community to end poverty and hunger and achieve sustainable development between 2016 and 2030. Six months later, a global indicator framework for the SDGs – comprising 230 indicators - was identified to monitor the 169 targets and track progress, becoming the foundation of the SDGs’ accountability structure.