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Les droits fonciers au Gabon

Reports & Research
March, 2012

Ce rapport de FERN rédigé par la spécialiste en droits fonciers Liz Alden Wily documente la situation au Gabon pour informer sur, entre autre, les discussions en cours concernant FLEGT et REDD dans le pays.  Le rapport commence par un regard historique sur le Gabon.  En 1899 virtuellement la Gabon tout entier était attribué aux compagnies françaises d’exploitation forestière.  Avant cela, le Gabon endura près de deux siècles d’un régime commercial des plus développés en Afrique au sein duquel des clans locaux se mirent au service du commerce international d’esclaves et de ressources.


Reports & Research
January, 2012

This report synthesizes the findings from field research on land and natural resource tenure in 11 administrative clan units (henceforth referred to as „clans‟) in Liberia, including Ding, Dobli, Gbanshay, Little Kola, Mana, Motor Road, Saykleken, Tengia, Upper Workor, Ylan, and the community of Nitrian. The report presents an analysis of critical implications of the findings of the study and provides recommendations for addressing sources of tenure insecurity faced by rural communities in Liberia.

Handling Land: Innovative tools for land governance and secure tenure

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Everyone has a relationship to land. It is an asset that, with its associated resources, allows its owner access to loans, to build their houses and to set up small businesses in cities. In rural areas, land is essential for livelihoods, subsistence and food security. However, land is a scarce resource governed by a wide range of rights and responsibilities. And not everyone’s right to land is secure. Mounting pressure and competition mean that improving land governance - the rules, processes and organizations through which decisions are made about land - is more urgent than ever.

Aligning and Harmonizing the Livestock and Land Policies of Tanzania

Reports & Research
November, 2011

In light of persisting land use conflicts and marginal productivity on village lands, a research in the captioned topic was deemed necessary. This report makes a review of policies on land and livestock agriculture behind the backdrop of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, policies on land and agriculture, and aspirations for land reform. Violations in land rights and prevailing tenure insecurity lasting for decades have skewed mindsets of many users and the land administrators. Policy implementation and enforcement are in dire need of enhancement.

Amélioration et sécurisation de l’accès des femmes au foncier au Sénégal

Reports & Research
November, 2011

A l’instar de la plupart des pays sahéliens, l’économie sénégalaise reste encore très dépendante de l’agriculture. Celle-ci peut être décomposée en trois volets dont l’importance varie d’une zone écogéographique à une autre. Dans les zones comme la vallée du fleuve Sénégal, elle a cédé un peu le pas à l’agriculture irriguée, à la riziculture et à la culture légumière introduite par la puissance coloniale.

Rights to Resources in Crisis: Reviewing the Fate of Customary Tenure in Africa

Reports & Research
November, 2011

5 briefs analyse the roots of African land tenure systems, recent policy trends and the phenomenon of large scale land acquisitions. The briefs are: Customary Land Tenure in the Modern World; Putting 20th-Century Land Policies in Perspective; Land Reform in Africa: A Reappraisal; The Status of Customary Land Rights in Africa Today; The Global Land Rush: What this Means for Customary Land Rights.

Identification of Good Practices in Land Conflict Resolution in Acholi

Reports & Research
October, 2011

Conflict associated with land has increased substantially following the return of peace to the Acholi Region with the return of internally displaced people (IDP), population growth, and increases in the value of land. The area is heavily dependent on agriculture and conflict related to land access seriously threatens to undermine development and the social, political and economic stability of the Acholi Region. This study involved community members, key informants, and statutory and traditional leaders in three sub counties in each of the seven Acholi districts.

Investigation into the delays in issuing title deeds to beneficiaries of housing projects funded by the capital subsidy

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 2011
South Africa

The Department of Human Settlements reports that between 1994 and 2009, 2.94-million housing units and serviced sites have either been built or were under construction. By September 2010, 1.44-million of these properties were formally registered on the Deeds Registry. This means that about 50% of subsidy beneficiaries had not yet received formal title for their housing. Moreover, since 2005, the percentage of subsidy properties that have been formally registered per year has plummeted.