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Land Tenure Reform and Local Government Revenues in Rwanda

Reports & Research
December, 2014

This policy research brief on land tenure reform and government revenue aims primarily to examine the effects of land tenure reforms on land-based revenue and to provide policy recommendations that would build on existing efforts developed to ease the process of paying and collecting various land revenue. The research topic was suggested by land sector stakeholders among other topics during the LAND Project’s Year 3 Work Planning Meeting, and was endorsed by the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority and LAND Project as an important research area.

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Proposed National Land Use and Management Act (NLUA)

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2014

This issue brief is an abridged version of the VGGT discussion paper, “The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Proposed National Land Use and Management Act (NLUA)” that analyzes to what extent the salient principles and recommendations of the VGGT are substantially reflected in the National Land Use Act/NLUA (House Bill 108). 

Respeto del consentimiento libre, previo e informado

Reports & Research
November, 2014

En esta guía técnica sobre el Respeto del consentimiento libre, previo e informado (CLPI) se establecen medidas prácticas para que los organismos gubernamentales respeten y protejan el CLPI y para que las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, los usuarios de la tierra y los inversores privados a nivel mundial cumplan con sus responsabilidades en relación con el CLPI.

Respecter le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause

Reports & Research
November, 2014

L'acquisition de terres mal réglementée est devenue un problème majeur, notamment en Afrique subsaharienne et en Asie du Sud- Est, où cette question menace la sécurité alimentaire, les moyens d’existence locaux et la gestion durable des ressources naturelles, provoque des conflits fonciers et porte atteinte aux droits de l’homme. Les groupes sociaux marginalisés sont particulièrement menacés, notamment les peuples autochtones, d’autres propriétaires fonciers coutumiers, les femmes, les populations de caste inférieure et les minorité ethniques.

Strengthening Forest Tenure Systems and Governance

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

This publication is a result of a close collaboration between FAO and RECOFTC - the Centre for People and Forests. Many colleagues from both the FAO and RECOFTC as well as other training and tenure experts have provided useful comments and suggestions over the course of developing the materials. This module is designed for training involving a mix of participants interested in contributing to more effective forest tenure policy and programmes.

Effects of land tenure systems on resource-use productivity and efficiency in Ghana’s rice industry

Reports & Research
November, 2014

This study examines the effects of land tenure systems on resource-use productivity and efficiency in the Upper East region of Ghana with data drawn from the Ghana Agricultural Production Survey. A stochastic frontier model is employed to analyse resource-use productivity and efficiency of the rice farms. The study establishes that rice farms under the various land tenure systems are technically inefficient. Technical efficiency for the pooled sample was 61.80%.

“We are not afraid” Land rights defenders: attacked for confronting unbridled development

Reports & Research
November, 2014

The scale of attacks against land rights defenders is particularly preoccupying and should attract our utmost reaction and urgent mobilisation.
The toll they pay, together with their families and communities, is dramatic,
be it killings, forced disappearances, harassment or criminalisation. Caught
in the crossfire between poor land users fighting for the respect of their basic
human rights and powerful economic actors fighting for juicy profits, they
account as one of the most vulnerable categories of human rights defenders.

This land isn’t your land

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2014

The people of Myanmar do not hold absolute property rights – a fact which has remained true, though meant different things, through the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial eras.

Lineage and land reforms in Malawi: Do matrilineal and patrilineal landholding systems represent a problem for land reforms in Malawi?

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2014
United States of America

Based on government statistics and interviews with villagers across Malawi this article argues that customary matrilineal and patrilineal land tenure systems serve to weaken security of land tenure for some family members as well as obstructing the creation of gender-neutral inheritance of lands. Data from the National Census of Agriculture and Livestock 2007and the 2008 Population and Housing Census are used to characterize marriage systems and landholding patterns of local communities. Marriage systems correspond to customary land-tenure patterns of matrilineal or patrilineal cultures.

Land (Restrictions on Alienation) Act No. 38 of 2014.

October, 2014
Sri Lanka

The Act, consisting of 25 sections, makes provisions to stipulate restrictions on the alienation of lands in Sri Lanka to foreigners, foreign companies and certain institutions with foreign shareholding; to specify the circumstances where the exemptions are granted; to impose a Land Lease Tax for leasing lands to foreigners, foreign companies and certain institutions with foreign shareholding; for the granting of concessions to certain Development Projects.