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سلسلة دراسات حيازة الأراضي

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2005

أعد هذا الدليل لمساعدة المتخصصين في حيازة الأراضي وفي الإدارة العقارية لمن يشتركون في إعادة بناء نظم الحيازة والإدارة العقارية في بلدان خرجت من صراع عنيف. وفي هذه الظروف يكون توفير أمن الحصول على الأراضي أمرا شديد التعقيد. والمعتاد أن تؤدي الصراعات العنيفة إلى نزوح كثير من الناس. وفي نهاية الصراع قد يجد العائدون إلى ديارهم أن أرضهم في أيدي آخرين. وقد تكون هناك عدة مطالبات مشروعة تتنافس على نفس الأرض وذلك بسبب تتابع موجات النزوح - وقد لا يستطيع كثيرون استرداد أراضيهم ويضطرون إلى الاستيطان في مكان آخر.

Accès à l’espace rural et administration des terres après des conflits violents

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2005
Sierra Leone

Le présent guide intitulé « Accès à l’espace rural et administration des terres après des conflits violents » a été élaboré pour aider les spécialistes concernés à remettre sur pied les régimes fonciers et l’administration foncière dans les pays émergeant de conflits violents. Il est particulièrement difficile, dans de telles situations, d’assurer un accès sans danger à la terre. Les conflits violents entraînent généralement le déplacement d’une grande partie de la population. À l’issue du conflit, certains de ceux qui regagnent leur foyer trouvent leur bien occupé par d’autres.

Contract between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Sal Sopheak Nika Investment Agro-Industrial Plants Co., Ltd

Agreements & Contracts
August, 2005

Concession investment contract with 70 years term over 10,000 hectares of land in Sesan district of Stung Treng between Ministry of Agriculture and Sopheak Nika Investment Agro-Industrial Plants Co., Ltd.

Decree No. 192/PM on the Compensation and Resettlement of the Development Project.

July, 2005

This Decree, consisting of 19 articles divided into six Parts, defines principles, rules, and measures to mitigate adverse social impacts and to compensate damages that result from involuntary acquisition or repossession of land and fixed or movable assets, including change in land use, restriction of access to community or natural resources affecting community livelihood and income sources.

"Best Practice" Options for the Legal Recognition of Customary Tenure

Reports & Research
April, 2005
South-Eastern Asia

"Is there a ‘best practice’ model for the legal recognition of customary tenure?
If not, is it possible to identify the circumstances in which a particular model
would be most appropriate? This article considers these questions in the light
of economic theories of property rights, particularly as illustrated by the
World Bank’s 2003 land policy report. While these theories have their flaws,
the underlying concept of tenure security allows a typological framework for

Critical Pastoral Issues and Policy Statements for the National Land Policy in Uganda

Reports & Research
March, 2005

Includes the pastoral land question – recognition in law and policy, establishment of protected areas, access and ownership of land, land use and sustainability. Pastoral rights in policy – international research and regional developments, conceptual framework for the Policy, Policy goal, principles and objectives – land and sustainable livelihoods, land tenure, land markets, land administration, land use and management, natural resources and environment.

The right to land and a livelihood: the dynamics of land tenure systems in Conda, Amboim and Sumbe municipalities

December, 2004
Sub-Saharan Africa

What are the dynamics of land tenure in the CAS (Conda, Ambuim, and Sumbe) area in Angola? What are its opportunities and risks? This paper reveals a denial of land access rights to communal farmers, whose livelihoods are centred on land.

Gestión colaborativa de los bosques

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2004

En el mundo entero, los gobiernos buscan cada vez más gestionar sus bosques con la colaboración de la gente que vive cerca de ellos. Por lo general, los ministerios forestales o sus equivalentes lo hacen ofreciendo a la población local acceso a productos forestales seleccionados o a tierras de bosques, ingresos provenientes de los recursos forestales u oportunidades de comunicarse con las autoridades forestales gubernamentales.