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Annual water, sediment, nutrient and organic carbon fluxes in river basins: a global meta-analysis as a function of scale

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

Process controls on water, sediment, nutrient, and organic carbon exports from the landscape through runoff are not fully understood. This paper provides analyses from 446 sites worldwide to evaluate the impact of environmental factors (MAP and MAT: mean annual precipitation and temperature; CLAY and BD: soil clay content and bulk density; S: slope gradient; LU: land use) on annual exports (RC: runoff coefficients; SL: sediment loads; TOCL: organic carbon losses; TNL: nitrogen losses; TPL: phosphorus losses) from different spatial scales.

Water is Life: Women’s human rights in national and local water governance in Southern and Eastern Africa

Reports & Research
December, 2015

This book approaches water and sanitation as an African gender and human rights issue. Empirical case studies from Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Zimbabwe show how coexisting international, national and local regulations of water and sanitation respond to the ways in which different groups of rural and urban women gain access to water for personal, domestic and livelihood purposes. Explores how women cope in contexts where they lack secure rights, and participation in water governance institutions, formal and informal.

Land deals and investment treaties. Visualising the interface

Reports & Research
December, 2015

International investment treaties are an important part of the legal frameworks governing foreign investment. This report measures the extent to which they apply to agribusiness investments initiated as part of the recent wave of large-scale land deals in low and middle-income countries. It finds that 70% of ‘land grab’ deals worldwide are protected by at least one investment treaty. Public action to terminate, renegotiate or regulate land deals could expose states to the risk of treaty-based arbitration claims.

Protecting Community Lands & Resources in Africa: Grassroots Advocates’ Strategies & Lessons

Reports & Research
December, 2015

In 2013, 20 expert advocates from across Africa gathered for a symposium to share experiences and practical strategies for effectively supporting communities to protect their lands and natural resources. Resulting from that meeting, this book is a collection of case studies and analysis written by and for practitioners, sharing a variety of creative and practical strategies for proactively confronting the forces that undermine community land and natural resource tenure security in Africa.

Modern technology and sustainable irrigation of small scale dry-land farming in Kitui county, Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

The Purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of technology on
sustainable irrigation of small scale dry land farming in Kitui Central District,
Kitui County, Kenya. The study sought to establish the extent to which adoption
of new irrigation technology, gravity free flow irrigation and access to access
to credit has influenced sustainable irrigation of small scale dry land farming.
Descriptive survey research design was adopted. A sample of 150 participants
was randomly selected from 1540 small-scale dry land irrigation farmers in the

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions

Reports & Research
November, 2015

Includes the commodification of land, the effects of the land rush in developing countries, land rush land grab?, how much land is involved?, can land deals work for small farmers?, the actors involved in large-scale land acquisitions, legal frameworks protect the investors, international mechanism for protecting human rights, at national level little protection for the poor.

Understanding land acquisitions in Namibia’s communal land: Impacts and policy implications

Reports & Research
October, 2015

Members of rural communities in Namibia often lack a basic understanding of what their user rights and responsibilities are under the Communal Land Reform Act and are also unaware of their rights to object to a proposed land allocation or to appeal a decision once made. The large-scale acquisition of land for agriculture and conservation projects often displace local communities or reduce their access to control and ownership of key resources due to the gaps between good legislation and inadequate implementation and enforcement.

Estimating the soil erosion cover-management factor at the European scale

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2015

Land use and management influence the magnitude of soil loss. Among the different soil erosion risk factors, the cover-management factor (C-factor) is the one that policy makers and farmers can most readily influence in order to help reduce soil loss rates. The present study proposes a methodology for estimating the C-factor in the European Union (EU), using pan-European datasets (such as CORINE Land Cover), biophysical attributes derived from remote sensing, and statistical data on agricultural crops and practices.

Researching Land and Commercial Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa with a Gender Perspective: Concepts, Issues and Methods

Reports & Research
October, 2015

Critical reflections on the concepts, issues and methods that are important for integrating a gender perspective into mainstream research and policy-making on land and agricultural commercialisation in Africa. Informed by case studies in Kenya, Ghana and Zambia. Compares key gender issues that arise across plantation, contract farming and small- and medium-scale commercial farming. Discusses how concepts and research methods derived from the literature may be applied to mainstream research. Highlights the need for an integrated approach to researching gender and agrarian change in Africa.

How best to Respond to the Great Contempt shown by Africa’s Ruling Elites towards their own Small-Scale Farmers and Pastoralists?

Reports & Research
July, 2015

Impossible to have imagined 50 years ago that Africa’s ruling political elites would have come to despise their own small-scale farmers and pastoralists and to look kindly on foreign-run large plantations. Impact of decades of structural adjustment programmes forgotten. Sceptical about claims that land grabs can be stopped within 3 years. Looks at variety of responses attempting to address power inequalities at local levels. Research a not unproblematic area. Concludes with case studies of legal empowerment in Mozambique and Namati’s community land protection programme.

Land rights, international law and a shrinking planet

Reports & Research
June, 2015

Recent years have seen a new wave of large-scale acquisitions of farmland for plantation agriculture in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Less tangible changes are also taking place. In a globalised world, land governance is increasingly shaped by international law, developments in which law are shifting the balance between competing land claims and between private interests and public authority. International developments are also creating new spaces for contestation and accountability.

Large-scale land deals in Southern Africa: voices of the people

Reports & Research
June, 2015

Dramatic changes are underway in Southern Africa, with growing interest by foreign and domestic investors to access land for farming, mining and other commercial operations. This book of case studies documents situations in which commercial projects are planned or are being implemented on land held by rural communities in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It aims to provide an accessible and vivid window into the lived realities, views and responses of rural people who are affected by such deals.