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The Implementation of Industrial Parks : Some Lessons Learned in India

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2014
Southern Asia

Industrial parks are as popular as they are controversial, in India and globally. At their best they align infrastructure provision and agglomeration economies to jolt industrial growth. More often, they generate negative spill-overs, provide handouts, sit empty, or simply do not get built. This paper disaggregates how parks are built and how they fail. It contextualizes parks in India, followed by a thick case study of an innovative scheme that appears to buck the trend. This performance is then explained by the way in which the scheme's design and action fit India's political economy.

Population Pressures, Migration, and the Returns to Human Capital and Land : Insights from Indonesia

March, 2014

Rapid population growth in many
developing countries has raised concerns regarding food
security and household welfare. To understand the
consequences of population growth in a general equilibrium
setting, this paper examines the dynamics of population
density and its impacts on household outcomes. The analysis
uses panel data from Indonesia combined with district-level
demographic data. Historically, Indonesia has adapted to

Credit Constraints, Agricultural Productivity, and Rural Nonfarm Participation : Evidence from Rwanda

March, 2014

Although the potentially negative
impacts of credit constraints on economic development have
long been discussed conceptually, empirical evidence for
Africa remains limited. This study uses a direct elicitation
approach for a national sample of Rwandan rural households
to assess empirically the extent and nature of credit
rationing in the semi-formal sector and its impact using an
endogenous sample separation between credit-constrained and

Is There a Farm-Size Productivity Relationship in African Agriculture? Evidence from Rwanda

March, 2014

Whether the negative relationship
between farm size and productivity that is confirmed in a
large global literature holds in Africa is of considerable
policy relevance. This paper revisits this issue and
examines potential causes of the inverse productivity
relationship in Rwanda, where policy makers consider land
fragmentation and small farm sizes to be key bottlenecks for
the growth of the agricultural sector. Nationwide plot-level

The Nexus between Gender, Collective Action for Public Goods, and Agriculture : Evidence from Malawi

March, 2014

Across the developing world, public
goods exert significant impacts on the local rural economy
in general and agricultural productivity and welfare
outcomes in particular. Economic and social-cultural
heterogeneity have, however, long been documented as
detrimental to collective capacity to provide public goods.
In particular, women are often under-represented in local
leadership and decision-making processes, as are young

Central-Local Government Relations in Thailand : Improving Service Delivery

March, 2014

Addressing regional disparities in
access to public services is an emerging development
challenge for Thailand. A well-functioning system of
Central-Local Government Relations and proactive expenditure
policy can help achieve this goal. Providing responsive and
accountable public services are necessary for maintaining
trust of the citizens in government and fostering cohesion
within a unitary state like Thailand. Without a reversal of

Planning for a Low Carbon Future

March, 2014

Developing countries are faced with the
dual challenge of reducing poverty while improving
management of natural capital and mitigating the emission of
greenhouse gases (GHGs) and local pollutants. The challenge
is particularly acute for large, rapidly growing economies,
such as India, China, and Brazil. In response to this
challenge, Energy Sector Management assistance Program
(ESMAP) and the World Bank began in 2007 to provide support

Tunisia Agricultural Finance Study : Main Summary Report

March, 2014

The Tunisia agricultural finance study
was carried out in response to a request made in December
2009 by the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) for
support for a study on the key constraints in agricultural
finance. Technical and financial support was specifically
requested for: (i) a comprehensive diagnostic analysis of
the current mechanisms and problems of financing of the
agricultural sector in Tunisia, including those by financial

Cities and Climate Change : An Urgent Agenda

March, 2014

The report discusses the link between
climate change and cities, why cities should be concerned
about climate change and adopt early preventative policies,
and how the World Bank and other organizations can provide
further support to cities on climate change issues. The
report is one in a series of activities that explore the
nexus of cities and climate change. This report, cities and
climate change: an urgent agenda focuses on three broad

Watershed Management Approaches, Policies, and Operations : Lessons for Scaling Up

March, 2014

The report begins with definitions of
watersheds and watershed management, a characterization of
the problem of watershed degradation, and a short history of
watershed management operations and policies (Chapter 1).
The following four chapters discuss the findings from
experience with implementing watershed management programs
over the last 20 years based both on the project review and
on the literature. The second chapter discusses the findings

Launching Public Private Partnerships for Highways in Transition Economies

March, 2014

In many countries the private sector has
been involved in financing infrastructure through
concessions under a public-private partnership (PPP)
program. PPP schemes, however, are somewhat underutilized in
transition economies, where the potential financing gaps are
significant and growing, and there seems to be an enormous
potential for more private sector involvement in the
financing and operation of highway assets in these

Development of a Transport Module for Multi-topic Household Surveys

March, 2014

This paper is aimed at providing
guidance on transport issues for those involved in designing
multi-topic household surveys such as the Living Standards
Measurement Studies (LSMS) surveys. The inclusion of a few
key questions can provide critical information for better
designing transport programs and policies aimed at improving
access, affordability and quality services. Questions on
transport access, quality, mode, distance, time, and cost