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Papers of FAO/SARPN Workshop on HIV/AIDS and Land, Pretoria

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2001

Series of country papers on HIV/AIDS and land in Lesotho, Kenya, South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, with concluding paper on methodological and conceptual issues. The key questions addressed include: The impact on and changes in land tenure systems (including patterns of ownership, access, and rights) as a consequence of HIV/AIDS with a focus on vulnerable groups. The ways that HIV/AIDS affected households are coping in terms of land use, management and access, e.g. abandoning land due to fear of losing land, renting out due to inability to utilise land, distress sale of land, etc.

Land conflict resolution: case studies in the Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2001

This article summarizes the nature of land-related conflicts in the Philippines within the context of the prevailing agrarian situation throughout the country. An analysis of the agrarian institutions and different types of development that have occurred in a number of regions provide a broad representation of the current situation.

Genealogies of the Political Forest and Customary Rights in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2001

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: How have national and state governments the world over come to “own” huge expanses of territory under the rubric of “national forest,” “national parks”, or “wastelands”? The two contradictory statements in the above epigraph illustrate that not all colonial administrators agreed that forests should be taken away from local people and “protected” by the state. The assumption of state authority over forests is based on a relatively recent convergence of historical circumstances.

Land reform and the development of commercial agriculture in Vietnam: policy and issues

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2001

Over the last decade, following the doi moi reforms, the Vietnamese government has formally recognised the household as the basic unit of production and allocated land use rights to households. Under the 1993 Land Law these rights can be transferred, exchanged, leased, inherited, and mortgaged. A land market is emerging in Vietnam but is still constrained for various reasons. Additionally, lack of flexibility of land use is an issue.

Platteland natuurlijk; een schets van het verwachte en gewenste grondgebruik in het agrarisch gebied in 2020

Reports & Research
December, 2001

Dit rapport kijkt naar de lange termijn ontwikkelingen - de komende twee decennia - in het agrarisch gebied, met daarbij de ambities van de Stichting Natuur en Milieu in het achterhoofd. Het agrarisch gebied slaat op dat deel van Nederland dat niet verstedelijkt is noch natuurterrein. De volgende vragen worden beantwoord. - Wat mogen we in de diverse gebieden op langere termijn verwachten? - Wat is gezien de doelstellingen van SNM eigenlijk gewenst met betrekking tot het agrarisch gebied? - Welke middelen staan tot onze beschikking om de kloof tussen verwacht en gewenst te overbruggen?

Gammakennis voor de groene ruimte; evaluatie van onderzoeksprogramma 314 Mens en draagvlak in de groene ruimte

Reports & Research
December, 2001

Voor een evaluatie van programma 314 zijn drie onderzoeksvragen geformuleerd. 1 Welke prestaties heeft programma 314 geleverd en welke leerpunten kunnen worden opgetekend voor programma 376 (Mens, economie en groene ruimte)? 2 Wat is de doorwerking geweest van kennisproducten in de voorbereiding, besluitvorming en uitvoering van het beleid voor de groene ruimte en hoe kan deze doorwerking op middellange termijn vergroot worden? 3 Wat is de toekomstige vraag naar gammaonderzoek voor de groene ruimte en in welke richtingen moeten de investeringen in onderzoek gaan?

The state of food and agriculture, 2001 (chinese version)

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2001
New Zealand

Five years after the World Food Summit, and at the beginning of the twenty-first century, The State of Food and Agriculture reflects on some of the main challenges faced in eliminating world hunger and poverty. The task may be daunting, but so are the numbers of hungry and undernourished people whose fate is dependent on decisive and accelerated action. I am convinced that, with a renewed commitment and determined, concerted effort, the goal of the World Food Summit can be met.

Réforme agraire: Colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2000/1

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2001

Issues relating to land and land reform have been moving up the agenda of rural poverty and food security in recent years with the increasing acceptance that the prerequisites for broad-based and equitable development include the essential need for people to have access to land and other natural resources. Access needs to be on an equitable basis allowing the poor and the disadvantaged, including women, to secure the assets needed for them and their families to generate sustainable livelihoods.