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Scaling up pro-poor agrobiodiversity interventions as a development option

December, 2022

Pro-poor interventions that use agrobiodiversity for development actions are widely considered relevant only at small scales. Agrobiodiversity interventions are often left out of national-level/large-scale development planning. Scaling-up modalities include adaptation, diffusion, replication, value addition, and temporal scaling up. We undertook a review of 119 interventions that use agrobiodiversity for both the crop and the livestock sector.

Development of an Anticipatory Action Plan for flood and landslide hazard in Sri Lanka

December, 2022
Sri Lanka

Climate-related disasters, especially in vulnerable regions like Sri Lanka, necessitate proactive and anticipatory measures. In response, a detailed community risk assessment was conducted in Nuwara Eliya, Ambagamuwa Divisional Secretariat Division (DSD) to develop anticipatory action plans for floods and landslides. Focusing on vulnerable populations, including impoverished families, pregnant women, and elderly communities, the Anticipatory Action Protocols aim to empower communities and reduce potential hazards' impact.

Assessment of farmers’ willingness to pay for bundled climate insurance solutions in Sri Lanka

December, 2022
Sri Lanka

With the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related disasters, several social protection and livelihood resilience tools have been tested to reduce agricultural risks. The findings of this study are based on the initial bundled climate insurance solutions pilot conducted in five districts in Sri Lanka (Anuradhapura, Vavuniya, Monaragala, Kurunegala and Ampara) in 2021 with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Spatial estimation of flood residual water cultivation (FRWC) potential for food security in Sédhiou and Tambacounda regions of Sénégal

December, 2022

Nearly 90% of farming households in Senegal rely on rainfed agriculture; in recent years, climate change-induced disruptions to rainfall patterns and the ensuing depletion of water resources have had adverse effects on agricultural production, livelihoods, and food security. Recent studies recommend further assessment of the viability of and potential for Flood Residual Water Cultivation (FRWC) as an alternative growing strategy (i.e., to supplement or extend natural growing seasons).

Economic-environmental assessment of silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia: An ecosystem service perspective

December, 2022

Cattle production in Colombia has an important social and economic role but causes considerable environmental impacts, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions by ruminants, particularly methane. Thus, technological innovations aimed at reducing these impacts must focus on both economic and environmental sustainability. Silvo-pastoral systems (SPS) offer productivity increases while generating environmental benefits and ecosystem services and are therefore at the center of debate around sustainable production alternatives.

Vision to Action for agroecological transitions in the living landscapes: A cross-country progress report on methodological approaches, 2023 results, and way forward

December, 2022

The Agroecology Initiative (AEI) aims to contribute to achieving Agroecological Transitions (AET) through developing and scaling a range of innovations (technical, social, economic, and political) in 8 countries across three continents. It proposes to do so by using a participatory action-research approach involving the key stakeholders of the Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs), multi-stakeholder territorial spaces in each country on which the Initiative targets its transformation and innovation efforts.

Farmers’ variety naming and crop varietal diversity of two cereal and three legume species in the Moroccan High Atlas, using DATAR

December, 2022

Local agrobiodiversity in remote areas such as the Moroccan High Atlas is poorly studied, despite being of great importance for the sustainability and resilience of mountainous populations. This includes important species such as wheat (Triticum spp.), barley (Hordeum vulgare), fava beans (Vicia faba), peas (Pisum sativum), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa). This study aimed to better understand varietal naming by farmers and the traits they use for assessing the current diversity of the five species, in 22 locations, distributed across three hubs of the High Atlas.

Initiatives on indigenous fruits in the Philippines: A scoping study

December, 2022

Despite their potential to diversify diets and improve nutrition, little is known about the consumption and utilization of indigenous fruits (IFs) in the Philippines. This desk review compiles and analyses different initiatives targeting the conservation and promotion of these lesser-known fruits, based on secondary data that were gathered from published and unpublished literature between 2012 to 2022. Most of the literature gathered focused on the evaluation of the functional properties of IFs and product development.

Multivariate analysis in the dissection of phenotypic variation of Ethiopian cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp Vulgare L.) genotypes

December, 2022

Efficient conservation and subsequent utilization of genetic resources are primarily dependent on the strength in the assessment of variation among geno-types. An experiment was carried out aiming at determining the extent of pheno-typic variability present in a panel of 320 barley genotypes and identifying candidate lines for further evaluation in improvement programs and successive utilization. It was conducted at two locations in Ethiopia, Aris Negelle and Holetta in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 cropping seasons.

Assessment of effectiveness of maize seed treated with cyantraniliprole and thiamethoxam for management of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith)

December, 2022

The effectiveness of maize seed treatments for management of fall armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda) was evaluated under natural infestation conditions in Zambia in 2019, 2020 and 2022. Two seed treatments were tested: cyantraniliprole (Fortenza® 600 FS) + thiamethoxam (Cruiser® 600 FS) (combination marketed as Fortenza® Duo) and Fortenza® 600 FS.