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Coast Management Act.

March, 2009
Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Act is to prescribe necessary matters concerning the efficient preservation, use, and development of coasts, thereby contributing to enhancing the preservation of the coastal environment, facilitating the sustainable development of coasts, and creating pleasant and affluent coasts as the basis for people's lives. In particular, the State and local governments shall formulate policies necessary to preserve, use and develop coasts in a sustainable manner.

Decree No. 25/2009/ND-CP on integrated management of natural resources and environmental protection of the sea and islands.

March, 2009

This Decree provides for the integrated management of natural resources and environmental protection in coastal areas, sea areas and islands of Viet Nam.The Decree aims at: ensuring unified, interdisciplinary and interregional management in the exploitation and use of natural resources; combining socio-economic development with environmental protection, ensuring safety at sea; preventing, stopping and mitigating pollution and remedying degradation of the environment of the sea and islands; protecting and developing ecosystems of the sea and islands for sustainable development; observing mar

The research on the assessment of land use changing in the case of Çeşme (İzmir) coasts

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2008

The land use changes of İzmir Çeşme Coasts are determined by using remote sensing techniques in the period of 38 years. Temporal and spatial changes of land use are analyzed based on 3 land use maps which show 8 land use categories using the topographical maps and aerial photos in 1957-1976-1995. The dominancy of land use categories are calculated depending on grid map (1km x 1km). Each period of grid maps and land use maps are analyzed by spatial intersection method in GIS.

Cambodia Environment Monitor 2008

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
December, 2008
Eastern Asia

The Cambodia environment monitor 2008 is one of a series of environmental reports prepared for East Asian countries under an initiative sponsored by the World Bank. The objective of this series is to present a snapshot of environmental trends across a range of issues. The purpose of the monitor is to engage and inform interested stakeholders about key environmental changes in an easy to understand format accessible to a wide audience. This report identifies seven strategic priorities for the Royal government of Cambodia and its conservation partners.

Plan National Climat de la Belgique 2009 – 2012.

National Policies
December, 2008

Le Chapitre 1.2 établit les objectifs du Plan National Climat. Le premier objectif du Plan National Climat consiste à formaliser les grands axes stratégiques prioritaires que la Belgique met en œuvre pour relever le défi du Protocole de Kyoto. Il s’agit d’optimiser l’impact des politiques et mesures mises en place par les différentes autorités compétentes, par le développement de synergies et d’approches complémentaires, compte tenu des compétences respectives de ces entités. A cet effet, 11 axes stratégiques ont été identifiés: Six axes stratégiques sectoriels sont dressés: 1.

Decreto Nº 1391 - Modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de Pesca y Desarrollo Pesquero.

October, 2008

El presente Decreto, considerando que existen personas naturales y jurídicas que habiendo obtenido la concesión para ocupar zonas de playas han ocupado sin autorización áreas de mayor extensión a las concedidas y que además existen personas que nunca obtuvieron la concesión para ocupar zonas de playa y bahía, y que estas áreas son explotadas desde el año 1990, modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de pesca y desarrollo pesquero, disponiendo que los concesionarios de zonas de playa y bahía que hubieren ocupado un área mayor a la concedida y que las personas naturales o jurídicas que ocupar

National Plan of Action For the Control of Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution in Belize.

National Policies
July, 2008

This National Plan of Action, based on the Global Program of Action to protect the marine environment from land-based activities, is developed through a collaborative and participatory approach between government agencies, local institutions and private sector in partnership with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-GPA Program Office. It sets out in detail the hydrological conditions of Belize, institutional and legal framework, biodiversity and other elements of importance to implementation of the NPA.

Klimaatverandering, een nieuwe crisis voor onze landschappen

Reports & Research
December, 2007

De landschappen in ons land zijn ‘man made’ en tot enkele decennia geleden nog met een geheel eigen ‘gezicht’. De afgelopen halve eeuw zijn er telkens schoksgewijs grote landschappelijke veranderingen aan de orde geweest door veranderingen in het landgebruik, en de effecten van klimaatverandering komen daar nog bovenop. Dit rapport gaat in op de effecten die optreden door de ‘mediterranisatie’ en zeespiegelrijzing en hoe dat doorwerkt in de identiteit van het landschap. Landschappelijke verandering mondt uit in het verloren gaan van kenmerken, maar er ontstaan ook weer nieuwe.

National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia for 2007-2013

National Policies
February, 2007

The National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia is a national cross-sectoral action plan of Estonia for the period 2007-2013. Its main objective is to present a consensual list of nationally prioritised activities aimed at achieving the primary goals of the environmental policy specified in the national Environmental Strategy, indicating the financing needs and discussing the most optimal use of non-budgetary funding sources.The Action Plan aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030

National Policies
February, 2007

The Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030 is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Estonia for the period 2007-2030. Its main objective is to ensure the preservation and improvement of the Estonian living and natural environment in the areas of reduction of waste, disused hazardous sites and the pollution load; sustainable use of water and mineral resources; energy; transport; forestry; fisheries; hunting; and preservation of the diversity of nature and landscapes.The Strategy aims to ensure food and potable water safety.