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Land, Environment and Natural Resources: Submission to the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission from the Kenya Land Alliance

Reports & Research
July, 2002

KLA’s submission to the Constitutional Review Commission based on a National Civil Society Conference on Land Reform and the Land Question at Mbagathi 21-23 May 2002. Covers the Commission’s mandate, situation analysis and conclusions. Topics include land relations, land tenure, public land, expropriation, land rights of women, pastoralists, farm dwellers and the urban poor, redress of historical grievances, land administration and management, land market, environmental management, and the land policy process.

Land Resumption Ordinance

Legislation & Policies
November, 2001
Hong Kong

"Whenever the Chief Executive in Council decides that the resumption of any land is required for a public purpose, the Chief Executive may order the resumption thereof under this Ordinance"

People's Republic of China - Urban Housing Demolition and Relocation Management Regulations

Legislation & Policies
National Policies
October, 2001

Article 1

"These regulations are formulated in order to strengthen the management of urban housing demolition and relocation, safeguard the legal rights and interests of demolition and relocation parties, and preserve the smooth progress of construction projects."

Decree Regarding Resettlement of Displaced People

Legislation & Policies
December, 2000

From the preamble: "Considering that the UN document titled “Guiding Principles on Internally Displaced Persons” establishes the general principles governing the treatment of internally displaced persons; Given that Angola is a country with high numbers of internally displaced persons resettling and returning to their areas of origin; Having found it necessary to establish the rules governing the resettlement process under the terms of the provisions of paragraph (f) of Article 112 and Article 113, both of the Constitutional Law, the Government decrees the following"

Los indígenas y la tierra en una región dedicada a la agricultura comercial en México : Apuntes sobre el caso de Córdoba, Veracruz (entre el siglo XVII y fines del siglo XIX)

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2000

El estudio de la propiedad y la tenencia de la tierra en México, es uno de los temas que mayor interés ha despertado entre los historiadores de distintas generaciones. La desigualdad en el acceso a la tierra y el despojo del que fueron víctimas los más débiles, ha sido punto de partida de varios trabajos fundacionales en la historiografía mexicana. Un tema íntimamente relacionado con los problemas agrarios y la propiedad es la desamortización. Esta es considerada como uno de los detonantes principales de los conflictos del campo porfiriano que desembocaron en la revolución de 1910.

Robert Mugabe and the Rules of the Game

Reports & Research
July, 2000

Examines the impact of the recent farm invasions in Zimbabwe. The independence compromises forced on Zimbabwe (and Namibia and South Africa) implied the legitimation of a century and more of past white land grabbing which could only be changed with the consent of the beneficiaries of this past expropriation. But Mugabe has now torn up the old rules of the game and let the genie of redistribution out of the bottle, earning himself much popular support elsewhere in Africa and causing alarm to many governments and a hasty revision of existing plans for land reform.

Emergency and Development: the Case of Imidugudu, Villagisation in Rwanda

January, 2000

To accommodate the needs of hundreds of thousands of returnees after war and fgenocide in 1994, the new Rwandan Government launched a settlement programme, Imidugudu. Since early 1997, this programme has targeted the entire rural population: all scattered households in the country had to be regrouped in villages. What started as a response to an emergency turned into an ambitious but controversial development programme. The programme has been implemented with support from international organizations, including UNHCR and numerous NGOs.