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Pastoral Land Regulations.


These Regulations, consisting of 31 sections divided into eight Parts, make provision with respect to procedures of the Pastoral Land Board established under section 11 of the Act, legal issues of pastoral leases, monitoring of pastoral land, access to pastoral land, licences to go onto and take certain things from pastoral land, procedures of appeal with an Appeals Tribunal and miscellaneous matters.

Implements: Pastoral Land Act. (2016-04-06)

Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement.

Northern America

The Sahtu Dene and Metis and Canada have negotiated this Agreement in order to meet the following objectives: a) to provide for certainty and clarity of rights to ownership and use of land and resources; b) to provide the specific rights and benefits in this agreement in exchange for the relinquishment by the Sahtu Dene and Metis of certain rights claimed in any part of Canada by treaty or otherwise; c) to recognize and encourage the way of life of the Sahtu Dene and Metis which is based on the cultural and economic relationship between them and the land; d) to encourage the self-sufficienc

Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24).

New Zealand

This Act, consisting of 9 sections, makes provision for the administration of Tokelau and in particular provides with respect legislative powers of the General Fono and the Governor-General, proof of existence of rules, disallowance of rules and restoration of legislation. The Act also provides for the continuation in force of existing Laws and the application of common law of England.

Ordinance by the regional government issuing an Ordinance on the implementation of the Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance implements the Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law (LGBl. Nr. 15/2003). The text – consisting of 6 articles – deals, inter alia, with the following aspects: divisions of wood and pasture, feedstuff used in pastures and condition of soil in pasture.

Implements: Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law. (2003-02-06)

Land Titles Act, 2015 (S.Y. 2015, c. 10).

Northern America

The present Act provides for a framework to protect the integrity of the land titles system in Yukon, to secure interests of property owners, and provide new economic development options. Furthermore, the Act establishes a new mechanism for registering settlement land while safeguarding aboriginal rights and title. This will create new residential and commercial development opportunities. The Land Title Office shall keep pace with the volume and complexity of modern land dealings in Yukon and provide more accessible land titles information.

Ministerial Decree No. 667 of 1996 regarding the validation of the Regulation on the formation of special stock of land destined for the concession to the Cossack societies included in the state register of the Cossack societies and the conditions of i...

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. Land survey and mapping for the purpose of the formation of special stock of land and its concession to the Cossack societies and their members that had moved over to the border-line regions, must be financed out of the Federal Budget. The Regulation establishes that special stock of land can be formed at the expense of: a) Reserve land; b) Stock of land destined for re-distribution; c) Stock of land the rights of ownership, use and lease of which ceased in accordance with the legislation currently in force.

Climate Change (Management) Act 2015 (No. 19 of 2015).

Papua New Guinea

This Act provides a framework for the development and implementation of measures in Papua New Guinea to combat climate change in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol and other international agreements and programmes. The Act establishes the Climate Change and Development Authority, the National Climate Change Board, a Screening Committee and the Climate Change and Green Growth Trust Fund. It provides with respect to climate change related project agreements, i.e.

Land Act 2010 (Act No. 8 of 2010).

Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for a wide variety of matters relating to land tenure and reform in Lesotho including the definition of rights in land, allocation of land in rural areas, grant of title in land, vesting of land in authorities, government acquisitions and acquisition and expropriation of land for public purpose, grant of long-term leases and regularization and adjudication of title in land, including resolution of disputes by specialized land courts established under this Act. All land in Lesotho is vested in the Basotho Nation and is held in trust by the King.