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Silage maize as a potent candidate for sustainable animal husbandry development—perspectives and strategies for genetic enhancement

December, 2022

Maize is recognized as the queen of cereals, with an ability to adapt to diverse agroecologies (from 58oN to 55oS latitude) and the highest genetic yield potential among cereals. Under contemporary conditions of global climate change, C4 maize crops offer resilience and sustainability to ensure food, nutritional security, and farmer livelihood. In the northwestern plains of India, maize is an important alternative to paddy for crop diversification in the wake of depleting water resources, reduced farm diversity, nutrient mining, and environmental pollution due to paddy straw burning.

Amplified characterization of the Innovahubs: Context-specific analysis and mapping of the Innovahub influence areas in Guatemala and Honduras

December, 2022

The year 2023 marked another significant milestone in the ongoing effort of the Resilient AgriLAC initiative to establish and strengthen the Innovahubs in Central America. Following the exercises held in 2022 to map and understand the geomorphology and viability of crops in the areas of intervention in Guatemala and Honduras, this year the work intensified with a more thematic characterization of the Innovahubs' zones of influence.

German government invests EUR15 million in major new program to pay small-scale farmers to produce ecosystem services, including climate change adaptation and mitigation

December, 2022

The International Group of Seven (G7) Presidency (Germany) used an analysis of payments for ecosystem services and innovative finance to develop the CompensAction Initiative to incentivize small-scale farmers to produce ecosystem services. As a first action, in 2022 the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) invested EUR 15 million in three projects of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). BMZ will continue to invest at least $1-2 million/year in CompensAction projects.

Influence of farmyard manure application on potential zinc solubilizing microbial species abundance in a ferralsol of Western Kenya

December, 2022

Zinc is an important nutrient for plant growth and development. Its availability is influenced by zinc solubilizing microbes (ZSMs). The effects of commonly promoted agronomic practices on the abundance of ZSMs are so far not well understood. In this study, conducted in 2019, we assessed the effects of farmyard manure (FYM) application, either sole or in combination with residue and/or inorganic fertilizer inputs, on ZSM community structure using 11 treatments in a long-term (17 years) integrated soil fertility management experiment located in Western Kenya.

Gender and social inclusion impact of climate change, COVID shocks and stresses on agriculture and food systems in Tanzania: The case of Maasai women in Chalinze district

December, 2022

Consideration to gender matters is important for the equity of climate change adaptation programs and effective food security. The overlaying global socioecological emergencies of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic have simultaneously impacted food security. The study assessed the impacts of climate change and COVID-19 outbreak on food security among Maasai using gender lenses. The paper is a result of mixed-methods research design that mainly relied on interviews, focus group discussion, and questionnaire.

Cameroun - Rapport National sur le Climat et le Développement

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2022

Le climat de la planète Terre change et le Cameroun, comme d’autres nations africaines, en subit les conséquences. Les risques physiques liés au changement climatique et les impacts déjà élevés des dangers aigus et chroniques exposent le Cameroun à de graves pertes économiques et de bien-être et menacent sa trajectoire de développement.

Healthy soil, Healthy planet, Healthy people

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2022

We cannot live without healthy soil and land. It is on these resources that we produce most of our food and build our homes. We need them to provide clean water and precious plant nutrients, to conserve biological diversity and to cope with climate change. And they form the basis for the livelihoods of millions of people. But despite such known facts, these valuable resources are in a dire state. A third of all soils world-wide are already degraded, and each year, further huge expanses of fertile land go lost.

Stratégie de développement du secteur des cultures pour l’Afrique de l’Est 2021-2026

Reports & Research
June, 2022
Afrique orientale

La Stratégie de développement du secteur des cultures pour l'Afrique de l'Est 2021-2026 établit une série d'objectifs et d'interventions convenus par les représentants des ministères de l'Agriculture des pays relevant de la juridiction du Bureau sous-régional de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) pour l'Afrique orientale ainsi que des contributions des représentants de la FAO dans les pays membres, du Secrétariat de la Communauté de l'Afrique de l'Est, du Secrétariat de l'Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement, de l'Organisation de lutte

Azerbaijan: Systematic Country Diagnostic Update

Reports & Research
May, 2022

The Azerbaijan Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) Update 2022 identifies the most critical challenges facing the government in the effort to achieve the country’s national goals and the twin goals of eradicating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. It also identifies policy priorities to address these challenges within a changing economic and geopolitical environment. The SCD is a comprehensive evidence-based analysis founded on the latest data and analyses available.