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Displaying 1213 - 1224 of 2002

Republic of South Sudan : The Rapid Water Sector Needs Assessment and a Way Forward

October, 2013

The aim of the rapid assessment is to
support the transition from emergency post conflict recovery
to a development approach. The completion of the water,
sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH strategic framework in 2011
was intended to mark the beginning of this transition in the
water resources sector. Among other things, the transition
involved the adjustment of policy and strategy and possibly
a rethinking of approaches as the government shifts from

Multivariate Analysis of Rangeland Vegetation and Soil Organic Carbon Describes Degradation, Informs Restoration and Conservation

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2013

Agricultural expansion has eliminated a high proportion of native land cover and severely degraded remaining native vegetation. Managers must determine where degradation is severe enough to merit restoration action, and what action, if any, is necessary. We report on grassland degraded by multiple factors, including grazing, soil disturbance, and exotic plant species introduced in response to agriculture management. We use a multivariate method to categorize plant communities by degradation state based on floristic and biophysical degradation associated with historical land use.

Ultimate drivers of native biodiversity change in agricultural systems

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2013

The ability to address land degradation and biodiversity loss while maintaining the production of plant and animal products is a key global challenge. Biodiversity decline as a result of vegetation clearance, cultivation, grazing, pesticide and herbicide application, and plantation establishment, amongst other factors, has been widely documented in agricultural ecosystems.

Low-Carbon Development : Opportunities for Nigeria

September, 2013

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
has formulated an ambitious strategy, known as Vision 20:
2020, which aims to make Nigeria the world s 20th largest
economy by 2020. This book argues that there are many ways
that Nigeria can achieve the Vision 20: 2020 development
objectives for 2020 and beyond, but with up to 32 percent
lower carbon emissions. A lower carbon path offers not only
the global benefits of reducing contributions to climate

Toward Climate-Resilient Development in Nigeria

September, 2013

This book analyzes the risks to
Nigeria's development prospects that climate change
poses to agriculture, livestock, and water management. These
sectors were chosen because they are central to achieving
the growth, livelihood, and environmental objectives of
Vision 20: 2020; and because they are already vulnerable to
current climate variability. Since other sectors might also
be affected, the findings of this research provide

Assessing Low-Carbon Development in Nigeria : An Analysis of Four Sectors

September, 2013

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
and the World Bank have agreed to carry out a Climate Change
Assessment (CCA) within the framework of the Bank's
Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Nigeria (2010-13).
The CCA includes an analysis of options for low-carbon
development in selected sectors, including power, oil and
gas, transport, and agriculture. The goal of the low-carbon
analysis is to define likely trends in carbon emissions up

Dominican Republic - Environmental Priorities and Strategic Options : Country Environmental Analysis

September, 2013
Dominican Republic

This report discusses the affects of
rapid economic growth and increased urbanization on the
environmental quality of the Dominican Republic's
natural resource base (e.g., water resources
management--water quality, quantity and watershed management
and solid waste collection and disposal have become major
environmental concerns). It notes that the lack of
systematic data limits an accurate and detailed assessment

A stronger UNCCD for a Land-Degradation Neutral World

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2013

Land degradation is accelerating and drought is escalating worldwide. At the Rio+20 Conference, world leaders clearly acknowledged that desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) are challenges of a global dimension affecting the sustainable development of all countries, in particular developing countries. In view of this, they committed to strive to achieve a land-degradation neutral world in the context of sustainable development and to monitor land degradation globally (paragraphs 205–207 of “The future we want”).

Una CLD fortalecida para un mundo neutro frente a la degradación de la tierra

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2013

La degradación de la tierra se está acelerando, y las sequías van en aumento en todo el mundo. En la conferencia Río+20, los dirigentes mundiales reconocieron sin ambages que la desertificación, la degradación de la tierra y la sequía son problemas de dimensión mundial que afectan al desarrollo sostenible de todos los países, en particular los que están en desarrollo.

REDD+ and Desertification

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2013

Dry forests play an important role in preventing land degradation and desertification, conserving biodiversity and providing ecosystem goods and services and mitigating and adapting to climate change and the impacts of drought. To make use of the promising potential of forests and agroforestry schemes in arid areas they need to be fully included in the REDD+ mechanism with a special focus on the co-benefits.

Le mécanisme REDD+ et la désertification

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2013

Les forêts sèches jouent un rôle important pour la prévention de la dégradation des terres et de la désertification, la conservation de la biodiversité, la production de biens et de services écosystémiques ainsi que l’atténuation des changements climatiques et des incidences des sécheresses et l’adaptation à ceux-ci. Il convient de les intégrer globalement dans le mécanisme REDD+ en s’attachant en particulier aux avantages associés afin d’exploiter le potentiel prometteur des forêts et des techniques agroforestières dans les zones arides

REDD+ y la desertificación

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2013

Los bosques secos desempeñan una importante labor en la prevención de la degradación de la tierra y la desertificación, la conservación de la biodiversidad y el abastecimiento de bienes y servicios al ecosistema, así como en la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático y en los impactos de la sequía. Para aprovechar el prometedor potencial de los bosques y de los esquemas de agrosilvicultura en zonas áridas éstos deben estar totalmente integrados en el mecanismo REDD+, tomando especial atención a los co-beneficios.