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Regulation No. 1190 concerning the protection of the fortress geotope on Svalbard.

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure the protection and preservation of the geological deposits located in the northwest corner of the Nordenskiöld Land in Svalbard, including sites with elevated soil temperature and karst phenomena, sites with deposits of fossil archeological imprints, and other areas with specieal scientific value. The protected area covers an area on the northwest corner of Nordenskiöld land between Grønfjorden and Lewin Odden and marine areas 300 meters from the low tide line shore.

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act: Regulations: Declared Weeds and Invader Plants (G.N.R. No. 1048 of 1984).

South Africa
Southern Africa

These Regulations, made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture under section 29 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, provide for measures to protect soil from erosion and in general conservation of the soil and combating of weeds and plant invaders. In particular attention is given to cultivation of land (especially on slopes), protection of cultivated land against erosion through the action of water or wind, and prevention of waterlogging and salination of irrigated land.

Decreto Nº 29.307/MP/J/MIVAH/S/MEIC/TUR - Reglamento para el tramite de visado planos para la construcción de edificaciones en la zona marítimo terrestre.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Reglamento establece los requisitos legales de visado de planos para la construcción de edificaciones en la Zona Marítimo Terrestre. El concesionario podrá construir tierra adentro de la línea de mojones que demarca el límite de la zona pública de la zona marítimo terrestre conforme al plan regulador.

Implementa: Ley Nº 6043 - Ley sobre la Zona Marítimo Terrestre. (1977-03-02)

Local Government Regulations.

Pitcairn Islands

These Regulations, made under the Local Government Ordinance, provide a variety of rules relative, among other things: public health and town and country planning; keeping of animals; protection of wildlife; public works; and coastal navigation.As for public health and town and country planning, some provisions concern the prevention of pollution, the construction of wells and the use of public water.Provisions on the keeping of animals concern the keeping of goats, poultry and other domestic animals and the prevention of cruelty to animals.Provisions regarding wildlife management and prote

Delegation of powers under the World Heritage Convention Act (Notice No. R. 723 of 2002).

South Africa
Southern Africa

With this Notice, the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism delegates powers vested in him other by section 43(1)(a) of the World Heritage Convention Act in Director-General of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. The powers delegated include authorization and ratification of land claims negotiations and settlement agreements entered into by the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park Authority in respect of state or private land forming part or affecting World Heritage Sites and of land acquisitions made by the Authority.

Order No. 231 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry validating the Regulation on utilization of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes sanitary and hygienic requirements for processes related to storage, transport and utilization of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility that shall be compulsory for all legal and natural persons using pesticides and fertilizers. Purchase of phytosanitary means from private persons or companies operating without licence shall be prohibited.

Ministerial Decree No. 830 validating the Regulation on soil conservation.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of soil conservation of for the purpose of prevention soil degradation, restoration of soil fertility and rehabilitation of the polluted soil. Soil conservation shall be authorized in the following cases: (a) water and soil erosion, siltation, desertification and reindeer pastures; (b) land affected by subsidence as a result of subsoil management; and (c) land affected by radioactive and oil pollution.

Order No. 01-4/78 of the Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on removal, use and conservation of the fertile soil layer in the process of carrying out activities related to soil disturbance.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes requirements for the conservation of fertile soil layer and subsequent use thereof for the improvement of low productive land, restoration of soil fertility of recultivated land and land improvement. It shall be applicable to the project documentation and work related to soil disturbance and recultivation of land and it shall be compulsory for landowners and lessees carrying out activities related to soil disturbance. Removal of the fertile soil layer shall be carried out during earthwork on land of all categories.

Decree No. 5.300 implementing Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management.

South America

This Decree, composed of 40 articles divided into seven Chapters, implements Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management (PNGC). In particular, it adopts measures related to the use and occupation of the coastal areas and defines criteria for the management of the maritime coast.

Implements: Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management. (1988-05-16)

Beach Authority (Use of Public Beach) Regulations 2004 (G.N. No. 90 of 2004).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations make provision for the control of activities on public beaches in the sense of the Beach Control Act. The holding of a public gathering on a beach shall be subject to authorization by the Beach Control Authority. Other rules concern swimming and use of boats in the sea adjacent to a public beach, disturbing or damaging of flora and fauna on beaches, pollution, erecting of structures, etc.

Regulations for implementation of the Law for Protection of Agricultural Lands.

Eastern Europe

These Regulations determine the conditions, order, responsibilities and obligations of the state, municipal bodies, physical persons, etc. in implementing the Law for protection of agricultural lands. The Regulations are divided into 9 Chapters, and transitional and concluding provisions. Chapter 1 sets out general provisions. Chapter 2 provides for rights and obligations of individuals and specialised state bodies for the protection of agricultural lands from damage. Chapter 3 provides for the restoration and improvement of the productive quality of agricultural lands.