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Legislação sobre os Recursos Naturais em Moçambique: Convergências e Conflitos na Relação com a Terra

Reports & Research
April, 2017

Moçambique é hoje um excelente exemplo para ilustrar a relação de reciprocidade entre desenvolvimento económico e o Direito. De facto, as dinâmicas económicas que se têm verificado no país, caracterizadas por sucessivas descobertas de recursos naturais, e que colocam o país numa posição de destaque sob ponto de vista económico, têm estado a contribuir para uma intensa actividade legislativa e normativa para responder aos desafios económicos que o presente e o futuro apresentam para o país.

Drivers of Sustainable Land Management in Eastern Africa

Reports & Research
April, 2017
Eastern Africa

Land degradation is a serious impediment to improving rural livelihoods in Eastern Africa. This paper identifies major land degradation patterns and causes, and analyzes the determinants of sustainable land management (SLM) in three countries (Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania). The results show that land degradation hotspots cover about 51%, 41%, 23% and 23% of the terrestrial areas in Tanzania, Malawi and Ethiopia respectively.

Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2017 (S.S.I. No. 139 of 2017).

April, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations amend the Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Regulations 2015 to expand the definitions of “bankrupt” and “incapacitated” for the purposes of regulation 8 of the 2015 Regulations (bankruptcy or incapacity of registrable persons). Other amendments made to the 2015 Regulations are of a minor, technical nature.

Amends: Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Regulations 2015 (S.S.I. No. 3 of 2015). (2015-01-08)

Order No. 185 of the Ministry of Agriculture validating the Methodology of performance of measures to combat degradation and desertification of pastures, including arid ones.

April, 2017

This Order establishes the following Methodology for restoration of degraded and desertified pastures depending upon land areas and the state of vegetation and soil: (a) natural restoration of degraded and desertified pastures by granting rest to land; and (b) restoration of pastures through pasture rotation. Measures for combating degradation and desertification of pastures shall be performed through radical improvement of pastures following recommendations of scientific research institutions and by application of agrotechnical arrangements.

Arrêté n° 3311 du 26 avril 2017 portant création, attributions et organisation du laboratoire de science du sol.

April, 2017

Le présent arrêté crée au sein de l’institut national de recherche agronomique, en application de l’article 41 du décret n° 2016-59 du 26 février portant approbation des statuts de l’institut national de recherche agronomique, un laboratoire dénommé : « laboratoire de science du sol », placé sous l’autorité de la direction générale de l’institut national de recherche agronomique.Le laboratoire de science du sol est dirigé et animé par un chef de laboratoire qui chargé notamment, de : contribuer à la caractérisation morphologique et physico-chimique des différents sols ; identifier les princ

Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 571 of 2017).

April, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations consolidate with amendments the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 and subsequent amending instruments and implement amendments to Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (“the Directive”) which were made by Directive 2014/52/EU.

Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 572 of 2017).

April, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations implement the requirements of the Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU for environmental impact assessment procedures in the context of the nationally significant infrastructure regime which extends to England and Wales and for limited purposes to Scotland. To the extent that these Regulations implement the Directive in relation to this regime, they extend to Wales and Scotland.

La formalisation des droits sur la terre : bilan des expériences et des réflexions

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2017

Date: Avril 2017

Source: Foncier & Développement

Les différentes contributions figurant dans ce numéro ont été rédigées dans le cadre de journées d’étude organisées par le Gret les 16 et 17 décembre 2013 à Nogent-sur-Marne pour le chantier « Formalisation des droits sur la terre » du Comité technique Foncier et développement.

Género e relações de poder na região sul de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2017

Nos últimos anos os estudos sobre relações de género têm gerado muitos debates, principalmente quando o tema está associado ao meio rural, onde os processos de mudança e de aceitação de transformações de atitudes e comportamentos estão relacionados com a iliteracia, os costumes, tabus, bem como com a divisão social do trabalho configurados por relações de poder marcadas por desigualdades.