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Commission on Restitution of Land Rights on its 2014/15 Annual Report

Legislation & Policies
August, 2015
South Africa

The Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform was briefed by the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (CRLR) on its 2014/15 annual report. The Commission had exceeded its targets by settling 428 new claims against a target of 379; finalising 372 claims against a target of 239; approving 119 projects against a target of 53; researching 1 525 claims against a target of 1 445; establishing 14 operational claims lodgement offices; and acquiring four mobile lodgement offices.

Land reform in Ukraine and emergence of new private farms

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2015

Ukraine is one of the most dynamically changing agricultural countries in the world. The main factor behind the drastic changes in agricultural production is of course the Land Reform that started in 1991. Transfer of land ownership and restructuring of traditional farms created opportunities for the appearance of new farming units. Based on the survey data in Zhytomyr oblast, this paper investigates how private farms changed their farming sizes in the process of the Land Reform. This paper also discusses factors for the change and characteristics of expanding private farms.

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: public hearings with Deputy Minister in attendance Day 2

Legislation & Policies
July, 2015
South Africa

Agri SA supported orderly land reform – equitable land distribution is a prerequisite for rural stability and inclusive rural development. Agri-SA believed that expropriation should only be used as a last resort where negotiations fail. There needed to be a clear purpose for expropriation. Compensation should never be dependent on the state’s ability to pay. The land owner should always be afforded recourse to the courts to contest both the merits of the expropriation and the compensation amount.

Linking food security projects (Fetsa Tlala) with Agri-parks: briefing by Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries

Legislation & Policies
July, 2015
South Africa

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries is currently developing a project in conjunction with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) to create Agri-parks in locations throughout South Africa. These Agri-parks aim to involve smallholders and local producers in the entire process of agriculture to address both food security and poverty. The Department hopes to fight issues such as the 14 million hungry South Africans, unused potential farmland, and the inequality between private agricultural business and the people.

Tierras para Miel y Bosques

Reports & Research
July, 2015

En este caso se muestra la experiencia de la Asociación de Apicultores de San Pedro de Vilcabamba, que nació en 1994 con un grupo de 16 jóvenes campesinos que con limitadas posibilidades económicas y poca tierra accedieron a más tierra mediante la gestión de la apicultura, logrando establecer durante estos últimos 20 años una propuesta de cambio al buen uso de tierras y bosques.

Legislación sobre acceso a la tierra en el Uruguay - Pablo Diaz. (julio 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2015

Se trata de un aporte técnico para entender el contexto político, reivindicativo, pero principalmente legislativo del acceso a la tierra de sectores populares en el medio rural del Uruguay actual. El estudio parte de la intervención del Estado sobre el acceso a la tierra a través de las leyes e instrumentos complementarios a las mismas y la trama de sus aplicaciones concretas. Por lo tanto es un documento…

Políticas de Tierras vigentes en el Perú - Laureano del Castillo. CEPES (octubre 2014)

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2015

El presente documento contiene una breve sistematización de las políticas vigentes en el Perú en torno al acceso y control de la tierra por parte de pequeños agricultores y comunidades. Su lectura debe complementar la del documento sobre legislación, preparado igualmente para el Movimiento por la Tierra en Sudamérica.

Estado, agroindustria y campesinos en el Ecuador - Esteban Daza. IEE/OCARU. (abril 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2015

Desde una dialéctica analítica, el documento pone en clara la directa relación entre la concentración de la tierra en pocas manos y la demanda por la tierra desde un diverso campesinado que genera peculiares estrategias organizativas y políticas. La estrategia del IEE es recurrir a una mirada crítica a la desigual estructura de la tenencia de la tierra y a la vocación de los usos del suelo productivo,…

An Ecological and Historical Perspective on Agricultural Development in Southeast Asia

July, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

According to Myint's "vent-for-surplus"
theory, development of the economies of Indonesia, the
Philippines, and Thailand from the nineteenth century on
depended on the natural advantage of large tracts of unused
"empty land" with low population density and abundant natural
resources of the type typically found in Southeast Asia and
Africa at the outset of Western colonization. When these
economies were integrated into international trade, hitherto

Integrating the layers: an analysis of urban land governance in contemporary Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2015

Land is a cross-cutting theme in most contemporary development challenges. Contemporary literature shows that land governance benefits the broader administration and governance of society. Tools enabling evaluation of land governance, however, are often focuses on national or supranational levels. Ethiopia provides a case in point: rapid urbanization and urban poverty are an issue; however, limited studies assess urban land governance from a multi-stakeholder perspective. Citizens and government representatives at different levels are the sources of information.

“Bring Back the Land”—A Call to Refocus on the Spatial Dimension of Zimbabwe’s Land Reform

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2015

In this article, we argue that research on land reform in the nation of Zimbabwe has overlooked possibilities of integrating geospatial methods into analyses and, at the same time, geographers have not adequately developed techniques for this application. Scholars have generally been captured within the debate focused on the success or failure of the Zimbabwean land reform program, and have neglected to analyze what has occurred where during the process of “fast-track land reform”.