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Perspectives on studies on soil carbon stocks and the carbon sequestration potential of China

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Soil carbon stocks and sequestration have been given a lot of attention recently in the study of terrestrial ecosystems and global climate change. This review focuses on the progress made on the estimation of the soil carbon stocks of China, and the characterization of carbon dynamics of croplands with regard to climate change, and addresses issues on the mineralization of soil organic carbon in relation to greenhouse gas emissions.

Organic Agriculture Supports Biodiversity and Sustainable Food Production

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Biodiversity is vital to several important ecosystem services that ensure sustainability of food production. In organic agriculture, land management practices that promote biodiversity and soil quality are emphasized and the goal is to maintain a sustainable agricultural system. Soil quality or soil health is the foundation for all agriculture and natural plant communities and a primary indicator of sustainable land management. Soil quality is affected by farm management and land use decisions.

Mapping sand dunes risk related to their terrain characteristics using SRTM data and cartographic modeling

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Sand dunes encroachment is a challenge that faces land development in North African countries. Movement of these dunes threatens cultivated lands, roads, and urban settlements. Geographic information system (GIS) provides a tool for cartographic modeling of risk of sand dunes encroachment. This study modeled the potential risk of sand dunes encroachment related to their terrain characteristics in the Western Desert of Egypt. The Food and Agricultural Organization's land cover map of Egypt derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper was used to locate the sand dunes bodies.

Livelihood strategies and land use changes in response to conservation: Pitfalls of community-based forest management in Madagascar

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Faced with the low success rates of protected areas in conserving natural forests and supporting rural development, the Malagasy government recently chose to transfer forest resource management to local communities. Feedback about the implementation of this new policy suggests that agriculture continues to drive deforestation. This article explores farmers' household livelihood strategies and land use changes in response to changing forest access rules arising from community-based land management.

General distribution potential agricultural areas of Samsun province and importance of soil survey and mapping

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2011

Recently, studies on land consolidation and valuation in farm lands have became more important due to a new soil conservation law (2005, 5403 numbered) and European Union Integration processes in our country. However, each soil group determined by morphometric system in agricultural lands have its own land use and management practices. Description and determination of soil properties are not sufficiently made by considering old soil classification system. Nowadays, Soil Taxonomy preferred by many countries in the world has been used for soil classification.

Farm and Forest in Central Africa: Toward an Integrated Rural Development Strategy

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011
Middle Africa

The authors explore three problems confronting scientists working in the central African humid forest zone and show their interconnectedness in the context of the sociopolitical history of the area. These problems emerge from different domains at different spatial scales: agricultural development, natural resource management, and landscape scale conservation. Land and livelihoods are severely constrained in central Africa. Agriculture is rarely remunerative: prices are low, technology limited, land rights contested, and labor scarce.

Land use planning of Kucukelmalı Pond Basın according to soil conservation measures

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2011

In this study, main aim is to investigate the sustainable management according to the water and sediment yield of Kucukelmalı pond basin. Potential soil loss was calculated by using the USLE equation for the basin.

Bu çalışmada, Küçükelmalı Gölet Havzasının arazi kullanım planı toprak koruma önlemlerine göre hazırlanmıştır. Havzadaki potansiyel toprak kayıpları USLE eşitliği kullanılarak belirlenmiştir.

Grazing intensity is a poor indicator of waterborne Escherichia coli O157 activity

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Contamination of watercourses with fecal matter represents a significant risk to public health due to the associated risk from human pathogens (e.g. Escherichia coli O157, norovirus). In addition, water contamination may also perpetuate the re-infection cycle of human pathogens within domesticated and wild animal populations. While diffuse pollution from agricultural fields has been identified as a major source of these pathogens, the relationship between livestock grazing intensity and subsequent pathogen persistence in water is not well established.

Greenway Planning Context in Istanbul-Haliç: A Compulsory Intervention into the Historical Green Corridors of Golden Horn

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

In the last two decades, planners and landscape architects have been concerned with the open space planning concept called ‘greenway planning’. This approach aims at nature protection that balances both conservation and growth, creating livable environments and maintaining open spaces. In Istanbul, the functional and spatial connectivity of greenways can protect the local landscape against urbanization and population growth problems. This study aimed to emphasize the natural and cultural heritage in an ecologically based planning approach.

Modeling urban land use change by the integration of cellular automaton and Markov model

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Spatially land use models are indispensable for sustainable land use planning. This study demonstrates a combined Markov–Cellular Automata model to analyze temporal change and spatial distribution of land use stressed by natural and socioeconomic factors in Saga, Japan. Firstly, area change and spatial distribution of land use are calculated using GIS technology, and then the transition among different land use types is analyzed to obtain the transformation matrices during a period of 1976–2006.

Indicators for sustainable land use management in Santiago de Chile

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Indicators are helpful tools for land use management; especially in the context of sustainable urban development, they are indispensable information bases for decision making, communication, and awareness rising. For Santiago de Chile, like many other large and dynamic cities, a high complexity of geographical conditions, social and land use pattern, diverging interests, and a high velocity of development are characteristic.

Recent developments of biofuels/bioenergy sustainability certification: A global overview

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011
United States of America

The objective of this paper is to provide a review on the latest developments on the main initiatives and approaches for the sustainability certification for biofuels and/or bioenergy. A large number of national and international initiatives lately experienced rapid development in the view of the biofuels and bioenergy targets announced in the European Union, United States and other countries worldwide.