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Land Use Policies and Natural Resource Management in Kenya: The Case of Nairobi River Basin

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2010

Nairobi River Basin is a complex of several parallel rivers that flow through the City of Nairobi and empty into a larger river and flow to the Indian Ocean. The rivers are polluted with garbage, industrial liquid effluence, agro-chemicals, petro-chemicals among others. This situation has occasioned spread of water-borne diseases, loss of sustainable livelihoods, loss of biodiversity, reduced availability and access to safe potable water, and the insidious effects of toxic substances and heavy metal poisoning which affects human productivity.

Land Administration System In Pakistan – Current Situation And Stakeholders’ Perception

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2010

The current land administration system in Pakistan aims at land revenue assessment and tax collection for the fiscal purposes. This system is organised or structured on the traditional land registers and cadastral maps in paper formats, and their maintenance is mainly dependent on the hard works of the local land administrator so called “Patwari” at the grass-root level within his jurisdiction.

Resolución Nº 472 - Reglamenta el Decreto Nº 4.911, que modifica el que reglamenta la Ley sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

February, 2010
South America

La presente Resolución reglamenta el Decreto modificatorio del que reglamenta la vivienda y el subsidio de vivienda para la población desplazada, respecto a las modalidades de adquisición de vivienda nueva o usada, construcción en sitio propio o mejoramiento de vivienda.

Época de siembra y Cumbres

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2010
South America

Epoca de siembra y cumbres
 * Oscar Bazoberry Chali
El mundo se ve distinto desde Charagua. Recibí al año 2010 en esta localidad del Chaco Boliviano, que acaba de  ganar por referéndum su reconocimiento como municipio indígena,  aunque realmente es intercultural,  debido a una presencia importante de población guaraní, criolla, mestiza, menonita, quechua y aymara. Gran parte de sus habitantes se dedica a actividades agropecuarias como principal fuente de ingresos.

Loi n°006/PR/2010 fixant les principes fondamentaux applicables en matière d’urbanisme.

January, 2010

La présente loi fixe les principes fondamentaux applicables en matière d’urbanisme en République du Tchad. L’Etat a la responsabilité de la conception de la politique, de la réglementation et des mesures en matière d’urbanisme du territoire national. Chaque collectivité territoriale décentralisée est responsable de l’application des me- sures d’urbanisation de son territoire. L’Etat transfère progressivement aux collectivités territoriales décentralisées les compétences leur permettant de gérer, dans le respect des lois et règlements de la République du Tchad

Citywide Strategic Planning: A step by step guide

Legislation & Policies
December, 2009

Citywide Strategic Planning articulates the necessary ingredients for initiating and implementing a planning process that focuses on a set of strategic issues of principal importance for sustainable urban development. The guide presents the citywide strategic planning rationale and approach. Three main questions are addressed – where are we today? - where do we want to be? -how do we get there?

Land Inventory in Botswana: Processes and Lessons

Reports & Research
December, 2009

Tribal land management constitutes the largest of the three main tenure types that prevail in Botswana (tribal, State, and freehold). The land inventory is a means to support land administration, land development, land use planning, land transactions and natural resources management in Botswana. The land inventory is currently web based and GIS-enabled through the Tribal Land Information Management Systems and the State Land Information Management System. These systems now play a key role in land-related policy and management decisions.

Strategic Citywide Spatial Planning: A situational analysis of metropolitan Port-Au-Prince,Haiti

Reports & Research
December, 2009

This situational analysis of metropolitan Port-au-Prince gives in-depth background to the city’s condition in terms of urban development and planning. The report maps a way forward for future planning of the metropolitan area. It argues that the main stakeholder for any urban development intervention should be the state, and more precisely the municipalities. The municipalities in Port-au-Prince need support in planning and delivering basic services.

Co-existing urban land use management practices

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2009
South Africa

This case study draws on research that investigated how urban land is claimed, used or divided and the various land use management (LUM) practices that exist around these various and sometimes competing land uses. This case study is based on a research study undertaken by Colin Marx and Margot Rubin with Progressus Research and Development, commissioned by Urban LandMark. An introduction to the case study is given below. You can do these activities on your own or in groups, as appropriate for your learning session.

Introductory Guidelines to Participatory Rangeland Management in Pastoral Areas

Manuals & Guidelines
December, 2009

These guidelines introduce and promote the essential elements of participatory rangeland management (PRM). Based upon the successful experiences of participatory forest management, the guidelines provide a process following three stages of investigation, negotiation and implementation. The sequential steps of this process lead to the development of a rangeland management plan and a legally binding rangeland management agreement between a local rangeland management institution and the appropriate local government office.