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Sub-decree on Phnom Penh Land Use Master Plan for 2035

December, 2015

The objective and strategy-oriented development goal of Phnom Penh urbanization aim to:

- Orient land usage and ensure the existing potential value of the Phnom Penh capital city in sustainable, efficient and equitable ways, in order to support the socio-economic development, ensure food security, pulchritude and environmental quality.

- Orient the development with equality, equity and correspondence between Phnom Penh capital city, city, provinces of the country and other states’ cities.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2015
Central Asia

In Romania, as well as in many other East European countries, transport sector Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are increasing fast and their growth is expected to continue into the future, accompanying the on-going economic convergence with the European Union (EU). The objective of the analysis was to assess the impact of green policies and investments on transport emissions. For this purpose, the Romania Transport Strategic Emission Prediction Tool (TRANSEPT) was developed.

Households or Locations?

December, 2015

Policy makers in developing countries,
including India, are increasingly sensitive to the links
between spatial transformation and economic development.
However, the empirical knowledge available on those links is
most often insufficient to guide policy decisions. There is
no shortage of case studies on urban agglomerations of
different sorts, or of benchmarking exercises for states and
districts, but more systematic evidence is scarce. To help

Nighttime Lights Revisited

December, 2015

The growing availability of free or
inexpensive satellite imagery has inspired many researchers
to investigate the use of earth observation data for
monitoring economic activity around the world. One of the
most popular earth observation data sets is the so-called
nighttime lights from the Defense Meteorological Satellite
Program. Researchers have found positive correlations
between nighttime lights and several economic variables.

Climate Change Impacts on Rural Poverty in Low-Elevation Coastal Zones

December, 2015

This paper identifies the low-elevation
coastal zone populations and developing regions most
vulnerable to sea-level rise and other coastal hazards, such
as storm surges, coastal erosion, and salt-water intrusion.
The focus is on the rural poor in the low-elevation coastal
zone, as their economic livelihoods are especially
endangered directly by coastal hazards and indirectly
through the impacts of climate change on key coastal and

The Exposure, Vulnerability, and Ability to Respond of Poor Households to Recurrent Floods in Mumbai

December, 2015

This paper examines poor households in
the city of Mumbai and their exposure, vulnerability, and
ability to respond to recurrent floods. The paper discusses
policy implications for future adaptive capacity,
resilience, and poverty alleviation. The study focuses
particularly on the poor households, which tend to have
greater exposure and vulnerability to floods and limited
ability to respond given the constraints on physical and

Loi n° 2015-052 du 16 décembre 2015 relative à l’urbanisme et à l’habitat.

December, 2015

La présente loi qui fixe les règles applicables en matière d’urbanisme et d’habitat, comporte 240 articles répartis en six livres. Elle détermine les règles générales relatives à la gestion de l’espace, l’aménagement urbain et l’utilisation du sol et définit les dispositions s’appliquant à la gestion des actes d’urbanisme et de construction dans le cadre de la politique de développement économique, social et d’aménagement du territoire ainsi que de la protection de l’environnement et du paysage.


December, 2015

Urbanization is occurring rapidly in
Melanesia at 3-4 percent per annum. Due to unaffordable land
and housing in formal urban areas, new migrants settle on
marginal land without formal legal titles (‘informal
settlements’). These settlements are growing and new
settlements are emerging within and on the outskirts of
towns and cities across Melanesia, at a rate that outpaces
efforts to serve them. Settlements in the Melanesian

Ocupación Amarildo de Souza: Por tierra, trabajo y techo

Reports & Research
December, 2015

La ocupación Amarildo de Souza es un caso particular de acceso a la tierra y territorio en Brasil, que comienza en la madrugada del 16 de diciembre de 2013 en Florianópolis. El caso empieza con 60 familias, muchas de las cuales ya habían participado de otra ocupación urbana para obtener una vivienda; además militantes del MST y moradores de la calle que reivindicaban no solo tierra sino trabajo.

Competitive Cities for Jobs and Growth

December, 2015

A competitive city is a city that
successfully facilitates its firms and industries to create
jobs, raise productivity, and increase the incomes of
citizens over time. Worldwide, improving the competitiveness
of cities is a pathway to eliminating extreme poverty and to
promoting shared prosperity. The primary source of job
creation has been the growth of private sector firms, which
have typically accounted for around 75 percent of job

Regional Law No. 141-oz “On investment of local government with some plenary powers in the sphere of land relations”.

November, 2015
Eastern Europe

This Regional Law transfers to local government some plenary powers related to governance of plots of urban public land with undelimited ownership in case of availability of validated land-use planning scheme, except for cases envisaged by federal legislation on roads and road-related activities.

Country Partnership Framework for the Repbulic of El Salvador for the Period FY2016-FY2019

November, 2015

El Salvador is the smallest country in
Central America, and one of the most densely populated in
the world. El Salvador is among the countries most affected
by weather-related events and other hazards, incurring
annual losses of around 2.5 percent of GDP. Worldwide, it
ranks second highest for risk exposure to two or more
hazards and highest for the total population at a relatively
high risk of mortality. Furthermore, climate change is